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February 17, 2015: $53.56
February 17, 2014: $100.31
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Focus on NSPS
AGH position on the new NSPS
The NSPS includes many compromises between industry and air quality agencies. These rules are good for consumers and will not drive prices up substantially for most product categories, but will result in cleaner and more efficient appliances that will ultimately save consumers time and money.
Biomass Magazine: Overview of regulations
This balanced overview quotes Jack Goldman (HPBA), Jennifer Hedrick (PFI) and John Ackerly (AGH).
Portland Press Herald: EPA approves new standards
Bret Watson, President of Jotul USA, predicted a legal battle between his trade association and environmental and clean-air advocates. He called the more stringent 2.0 gram an hour standard a "look good, feel good" regulation that wouldn't be effective.
HVAC News: Don't overlook the trees
The NSPS takes "aim at low-efficiency/high-emission wood burners... and are likely to be patterned after strategies used for successful and widespread implementation of high-efficiency biomass heating devices in Europe."
Families for Clean Air: NSPS a sell-out to stove industry?
The EPA's new rules was applauded by health and environmental groups as a way to lower emissions. But a closer look shows that this limit may have no effect-or even the opposite effect-on emissions in the longer term.
Nat'l Geo: Corn for heat: An idea that never quite popped
Burning kernels provides clean energy, but it takes muscle and increasingly more cash. And, by exempting corn stoves in the NSPS, they won't be for sale in some states.
Voices in opposition to the NSPS
From Michigan: who has the time to season wood?
"With the new furnaces you need wood cut 6 months -1 year in advance, many people will not do that."
From Wyoming: Too much regulation is intrusive
Wyoming Senator Lummis: "The EPA has too much time, personnel and money ... and is now regulating, of all things...wood stoves"
From Missouri: so against regulation
Congressman Luetkemeyer says its "beffudling" that EPA would regulate wood stoves when "12 percent of all homes, burn wood as their primary heating fuel." [Editor's note: Primary wood heating accounts for 2.1% of US homes.] He plans to introduce more legislation to strip the NSPS of key standards.
AGH Projects and Activities
HEPA air filters show good results at reducing indoor wood smoke
AGH - Research suggests that a high-efficiency particle air (HEPA) filter can reduce indoor wood smoke by up to 60%. Even small amounts of smoke from backpuffing when you open your stove to reload it can pose a health concern.
More stove manufacturers post verified efficiencies
AGH - We've updated our list of wood and pellet stove manufacturers who post verified efficiencies for their models on the EPA list. So far, there are still only 27 stoves from 10 companies with verified numbers. In February, the Alliance did a workshop for energy auditors with the NH Residential Energy Performace Association (REPA) in Concord, NH. Here is the powerpoint presentation.
Washington Watch
New EIA densified biomass fuel survey form
The EIA is proposing a survey on pellet fuel and other densified biomass fuel production, sales, and inventory levels by U.S. pellet fuel manufacturing facilities.
BTEC and PFI thank Sen. King & Rep. Welch for introducing BTU act
The Biomass Thermal Energy Council and the Pellet Fuels Institute hanked Senator Angus King (I-ME) and Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT) for their commitment to biomass heat and their bipartisan effort to ensure that biomass for heating is represented within the U.S. Tax Code. The Alliance extends our thanks too!
Tell Congress to support heating locally with biomass!
Please support of the "Biomass Thermal Utilization Act of 2015" (BTU Act), a federal bill that would qualify modern biomass heating systems for the same investment tax credits that already exist for all other renewable energy technologies.
Focus on Utah
Utah HB 396: A hastily crafted bill that misses the mark
A bill was just introduced in the Utah House of Representatives that would mandate certain types of change out programs, set air quality levels that can be used to call no burn days and otherwise undermine the ability of the state to move toward cleaner burning and cleaner air.
Wood heating trends in Utah
The Alliance for Green Heat examines Census data to show historical trends in residential wood heat use in the state. As of 2013, 10,500, or 1.2% of Utah residences use mainly wood or pellets for their primary heating, far less than the national average of 2.1%.
HEAL director offers insight on burn ban failure
"Sometimes you can't ban and fine your way to a solution, it's a slow and steady process," HEAL director Matt Pacenza said in an interview. He drew a comparison to cigarettes.
Park City and Summit County tackle incendiary issue
Next month, the Park City Council is slated to consider establishing a permit system for residential wood-burning stoves and the Summit County Council has already approved a temporary moratorium on the installation of woodstoves in new dwellings.
Low Income Focus
Out of firewood & money: A 'Wood Bank' to the rescue
A handful of wood banks are up and running throughout New England. Maine has as many as four wood banks.
Wood banks start to catch on, but with growing pains
It's hard to keep a good idea under wraps. Maybe that's why the Waldo County Woodshed, a nonprofit started by a group of local people who want to provide firewood to low-income and fixed-income folks, is starting to catch on like wildfire.
Focus on Health
Research links biomass, air quality
The public health dangers of cold homes are significant and can aggravate conditions such as asthma. The health and quality of life trade-offs of using wood heat vs. an underheated home almost always lead homeowners to a warm house.
Asthma heats up when it gets cold
The cold Ohio winter creates special challenges for people with asthma - breathing in very cold air can trigger an attack, but when homes are more closed up in the winter, the indoor air can be unusually full of triggers.
Focus on Masonry Heaters
Video: Kachelofen master
A wonderful 8 minute video on a woman who builds German style masonry heaters in Canada and the problems she has overcome to build a successful business.
Masonry Heaters and new NSPS
The EPA is not taking final action at this time for new residential masonry heaters in order to allow additional time for the Masonry Heater Association (MHA) to develop revised test methods.
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Spain: There are many advantages of wood pellet over oil or gas; running costs are reduced by up to 60 per cent and government grants of 50 percent are available for some stoves and boilers.
New EPA Standards slash emissions
AK: T he state will have to revise its wood and pellet stove standards in 2020 to come in line with federal regulations.
AK: The Assembly passed a sweeping air-quality ordinance that supporters hope will finally begin to clean up Fairbanks's wintertime air pollution.
CA: On Jan 15, the EPA officially designated the area as "federal nonattainment" based on data monitored by the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District.
CA: Over the past seven years, a group has been building devices called gasifiers that take plant waste (like walnut shells and wood chips) and turn it into electricity with a byproduct of biochar.
ME: As other New England states (MA & NH) add incentives for heating systems that use renewable energy sources, Maine's top energy official said he's taking a wait-and-see approach.
ME: Some pellet distributors said there is no shortage this year, but big box stores have began rationing the pellets to make it through the winter.
NE: As Nebraskans strive to stave off winter's chill with wood stoves, the age of the wood you burn makes a big difference in the amount of heat you'll get from the logs.
NY: Clarkson University and State University of New York Canton are researching renewable wood heating systems that would improve energy efficiency in New York State.
OR: Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said he wants the federal government to use biomass energy when it leases or builds federal facilities in the state.
PA: Around Philadelphia, wood stove use has increased 100% and it attracts a wide variety of people for a wide variety of reasons.
UT: Utah's proposed wintertime ban on wood burning appears to be going up in smoke after officials got an earful during a string of public hearings last month. State lawmakers target wood stove rules VA: Lawmakers took aim at new EPA rules designed to improve the efficiency of stoves and reduce pollution. Republicans said the rules are an example of federal overreach. Adapting the Upper Austrian model to the US market VT: In late November of 2014 BERC organized and led a small delegation of representatives from Vermont's energy, environmental, and economic sectors to Upper Austria. WA: Kittitas County's poor air quality, particularly during the midwinter, has long been a problem - but now it's a problem poised to go critical.
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars
February 23-May 1, 2015
This online course teaches advanced techniques and strategies for designing and installing biomass heating systems.
Nashville, TN, March 5-7, 2015
The annual trade show for North American stove, barbecue and patio manufacturers, distributors and retailers.Little Switzerland, NC, April 13-19, 2015
This multi-day event includes hands-on masonry stove workshops and seminars.
Portland, ME, April 16-18, 2015
The event unites a diverse audience from the biomass sectors to break barriers and ground for biomass thermal and CHP systems.Minneapolis, MN, April 20, 2015
Heating the Midwest is a network of thermal biomass advocates working to increase awareness and usage of renewable biomass for heat. Washington, DC, June 15-16, 2015
The EIA Energy Conference has become a premier forum for addressing energy issues in the United States and worldwide.
Advertisement of the Month
The #1 seller of wood stoves on a popular site selling stoves is the EPA exempt Mountaineer, made by Vogelzang. The EPA estimated that about 40,000 exempt wood stoves were sold in each year. This means that nearly a third of all new stoves sold in America are exempt each year. Exempt stoves cannot be sold after Dec. 31, 2015 in the US, but Vogelzang and US Stove may still have a vibrant market overseas.