August 2013
Green Heat News AGH logo
Issue No. 48

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Price of Oil

July 23, 2013: $107.13

July 23, 2012: $87.77  

In Case You Missed it

Top stories in past issues:  

Better Business Bureau Rates Wood Stove Companies


Attorney Blames Manufacturer and Retailer for Wood Boiler Pollution  

Greenville Logger Transforms Biomass into Bundles of Firewood

 New Research Fellow Profile
Trevor joined the Alliance after spending 11 months teaching as a Fulbright Graduate Fellow in rural Vietnam. He graduated from Hobart and William Smith Colleges in 2012 with a BS in mathematics. His past work experiences focused on research on both technical and social issues. He grew up in Connecticut from a long line of wood heaters and is a an avid maple syrup producer. Trevor will focus on the Wood Stove Decathlon. We gladly welcome him to the team!

Have YOU Voted?


As of July 26th, 2013, the teams leading the People's Choice voting are:   

Kimberly Stove (28%)

Helbro Stoves (22%)

Travis Industries (16%)  

Woodstock Soapstone (11%)   

Visit the Popular Mechanics polling page to cast your vote for the most innovative stove in the Challenge! (Only one vote allowed per IP address.)


Office Equipment Needed

Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact: 

Wood Stove Design Challenge Updates  


Meet the Competition: A Weekly Showcase of the Teams


Follow our weekly blog posting showcasing the Decathlon competitors. We've recently featured Kimberly Stoves! The Kimberly may be small, petite even, but don't underestimate her. She is making waves in the passive house movement.


The DC Urban Forestry Administration, part of DDOT, is responsible for maintaining healthy trees in the District. They support the Decathlon because they are interested in finding clean and efficient energy uses for urban trees that come down in storms or due to natural attrition.


Thank you to our sponsors!

Focus on Innovation


�koFEN's unique boiler is capable of outputting 14 kW (47,770 Btu/h) of thermal energy and 1 kW of electricity. Enough electricity for most or all of a home's average daily electricity needs.

The Rika Topo II XL has a huge hopper, giving users up to 92 hours of operation without refueling. We used their technical data with 70 kg pellet and arrived at 87.5 hours. But with days between required fuelings, what's five hours? 

Our Projects & Activities 


Solar Spreading, But Outperformed by Wood Heat

According to EIA statistics, wood 
heating still produces three times more energy than solar panels and 11 times more than geothermal.


360Chestnut Grows into Wood & Pellet Heating

The Alliance has recently partnered with 360Chestnut to lay out the benefits and options of switching to wood or pellet heat to meet energy needs. 360Chestnut is a one-stop information resource tool for consumers to figure out the optimum savings from an energy efficiency and rebate/incentive perspective.

See what's going viral on Facebook


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Don't wait until the end of the month. "Like" the Alliance for Green Heat page on Facebook to get breaking news and analysis from a consumer perspective.  Most liked posts this month: 

Washington Watch   


According to the OMB, "This rule is expected to require manufacturers to redesign wood heaters to be cleaner and lower emitting. In general, the design changes would also make the heaters perform better and be more efficient. The revisions are also expected to streamline the process for testing new model lines by allowing the use of International Standards Organization (ISO)-accredited laboratories and certifying bodies, which will expand the number of facilities that can be used for testing and certification of the new model lines."

Rep. Michaud Introduces Bill to Support Biomass Energy

Rep. Mike Michaud (D-ME) introduced the "Biomass Thermal Utilization (BTU) Act of 2013," which provides high efficiency biomass heat the same tax treatment as other forms of renewable energy. "While many renewable energy technologies receive tax incentives, this bill puts biomass on equal footing," said Michaud.  


NREL became the Latest Participant in the Biomass Green Heat Registered Site Program

The initiative is part of the non-profit Biomass Thermal Energy Council's (BTEC) ongoing acknowledgement of biomass heating systems. The recognition award plaque is located in NREL's lobby. 

Focus on Pellets    


Whiskey Distiller Receives �576,733 from UK Green Investment Bank 

The new wood pellet boiler at Tomatin Distillery not only replaces a high maintenance, inefficient oil fired boiler, but also will reduce the companies CO2 emissions by over 96,500 tons during the 20 year life of the investment. The switch to biomass heat will save on their energy bills and allow them to market a renewably produced product. 
Pellet Prices by Region:

The data presented here is from the Pellet Fuel Institute, PFI:


Northeast: $143-180 range. Manufacturers report being equal or ahead of this time last year, in terms of tons sold. Operating capacities range from 70-100% and most manufacturers anticipate an upward price trend. 


Midwest: $110-155 range. Plant operating capacities range from 50-100%. Manufacturers report sufficient access to raw materials and average to good year-to-date sales by volume. Manufacturers anticipate an upward price trend, and are ahead of this time last year in terms of tons sold.


Southeast: $110-175 range. Manufacturers anticipate an upward price trend. Operating capacities range from 98-100%. Manufacturers report being equal to or ahead of this time last year, in terms of tons sold.

Focus on Thermal Policy     


Mass. Renewable Thermal Coalition Supports SB 1593

Adding thermal to the Mass. renewable energy portfolio will save money for consumers and ratepayers while reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants and at the same time create jobs and spur economic development in the Commonwealth.  

From the Newsroom   

First North American City to Ban All Wood Stoves     

Canada: "Last month, Montreal city council quietly passed an important follow-up to this bylaw that will force all owners of traditional wood-burning stoves or fireplaces to condemn them or replace them with more efficient gas-burning or pellet-burning models by December of 2020." - The Montreal Gazette


ME: The half million dollar project, will save $149,000 each year.
In Maine, recent pellet conversion projects will annually displace more than 900,000 gallons of fuel oil, according to Peter Beringer of the Maine Forest Service.
ME: Maine state legislature has instated a Residential Wood Stove Replacement and Rebate Program. The only issue being that it
has not been funded by the legislature and there is currently no money available to do so. 


MI: As the U.S. moves further into a reduced fossil fuel economy, wood will need to part of the new energy fabric, especially in regions where using wood offers sustainable and competitive advantages such as Michigan. 
NH: The Berlin Housing Authority's Welch apartment complex expects to save $11,000 a year on heating fuel with the installation of pellet boilers. The complex also plans to upgrade its hot water system, insulate crawlspaces and program thermostats.
OR: In a state where natural gas is seldom available, there is a new fuel in town that is replacing heating oil: wood. And it's saving money for schools and restoring forest lands.
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars


How the Bio-Industry is Reshaping American Energy

DOE, Washington, D.C., July 31 - August 1, 2013

Exchange ideas, showcase new technologies, and discuss opportunities for the future at the DOE's annual biomass event. 


NEWBio Bioenergy Symposium: 

"The Business of Biomass" Short Course Series

State College, Pennsylvania, August 16, 2013

Determined to grow the sustainable bioenergy industry, the event focuses on emerging feedstocks ie. Switchgrass, Willow, Miscanthus


LIFE Webinar Series: Household Energy Insecurity: Measurement and Consequences

10:30-11:30 August 23, 2003

This will discuss household energy insecurity (HEI) in terms of how it is measured and in terms of its consequences for children and families, and our future prosperity. 


International Biomass Heat Training Seminar

Linz, Austria, September 9 - 12, 2013

Success factors for developing a regional biomass heating market using updated technology and systems.


Alternative Energy & Building Efficiency Exhibition

Hartford, Connecticut, September 19 - 20, 2013

The Northeast's event that brings together the Alternative Energy and the Energy Efficient Building industries. 


Profitable Firewood Processing Workshop

Princeton, West Virginia, October 2, 2013 

An educational and networking event to provide the firewood processing industry the latest knowledge on processing, kiln drying and marketing of firewood. AGH will present on stove technology.


International Smoke Symposium

Adelphi, Maryland, October 21-24, 2013

The Symposium is about wildland fire and smoke and identifies knowledge gaps within the field of smoke science for future research, innovation, and development. Our own John Ackerly will present a talk on "Reducing Smoke through Wood Energy: The Role of USDA".


Renewable Energy: Community Solutions for Vermont   

Burlington, Vermont, October 29 - 30, 2013

"90% renewables by 2050" goal requires significant change in the renewable energy approach. Conference proposals are accepted through May 20th. 


Next Generation Wood Stove Decathlon

Washington, DC, November 15 - 19, 2013

AGH hosts a technology competition for innovative wood stoves on the National Mall. Be there! 


World Sustainable Energy Days

Wels, Austria, February 26 - 28, 2014

This attracts thousands of participants from all over the world. Great minds discuss what's next in green energy and efficiency.   


Photo of the Month!     


  For More Great Prints See FineArtAmerica.Com!

Please Support Our Work

to ...

The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. The Alliance is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization.
You can make a secure donation online through PayPal here:

A special thanks to those who have contributed $2,000 or more between June 2009 and June 2013

-- Dr. William & Frances Ackerly
-- American Biomass
-- Arbolito Foundation 
-- Chimney Safety Institute of America
-- Constellation Energy
-- Family Alliance Foundation 
-- New York State Energy & Research Development Authority
-- Osprey Foundation
-- Ramsay Merriam Fund
-- Jim & Patty Rouse Foundation 
-- Takoma Foundation
-- University of Maryland Extension Service
-- Wood Education and Resource Center, Northeastern Area State and Private
    Forestry, U.S. Forest Service 
-- Maryland Energy Administration
-- DC Dept. of Transportation, Urban Forestry Administration
-- U.S. Forest Service
-- Schott Robax

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