July 2013
Green Heat NewsAGH logo
Issue No. 47

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Price of Oil

June 25, 2013: $95.25

June 25, 2012: $78.76



In Case You Missed it

Top stories in past issues:  

The Hughes Condensing Stove 


Stack Stove Wins Design Plus Award in Germany  

Outdoor Boiler Companies to Remove Disputed Ratings

 Design Challenge Judge Profile
Dr. Philip K. Hopke is the Bayard D. Clarkson Distinguished Professor at Clarkson University. He is the Director of the Center for Air Resources Engineering and Science (CARES) and the Director of the Institute for a Sustainable Environment (ISE). Dr. Hopke was also the past Chair of EPA's Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC) and has served on the EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB). For the past 5 years, he has been actively studying solid fuel combustion systems with an emphasis on emissions and efficiency. 

People's Choice


As of June 26th, 2013, the teams leading the People's Choice voting are:   

Kimberly Stove (27%)

Helbro Stoves (23%)

Travis Industries (17%)  

Woodstock Soapstone (11%)   

Visit the Popular Mechanics polling page to cast your vote for the most innovative stove in the Challenge! (Only one vote allowed per IP address.)


Office Equipment Needed

Have a printer, scanner or computer that is still relatively up to date and in good working order that you don't need? Donate it to the Alliance for Green Heat and get a tax credit. Contact: melissa@forgreenheat.org 

Wood Stove Design Challenge Updates  


Welcome Professor Philip Hopke to Our Panel of Judges

Professor Hopke of Clarkson University will be the 10th Judge for the Wood Stove Decathlon in November. His extensive list of accomplishments will be a valued addition to our impressive panel of judges


W�hler Brings New Particulate Analyzer

Already proven in Germany for testing emissions, judges anticipate using the new technology for on-site emission testing at the Wood Stove Decathlon. 

The traditional, but cumbersome, dilution tunnel test procedure are too time-consuming and expensive.



Thank you to our sponsors!

Thank you to our in-kind sponsors!

Our Projects & Activities 


Senators Propose Including Biomass for Incentives

Adding tax credits for modern wood and pellet stoves benefits a more rural demographic that is not necessarily trying to be "green" but who want to use a more affordable fuel than fossil fuels to heat their homes.


Extended and Raised Rebates in Maryland

The Maryland Energy Administration extends the wood and pellet stove programs giving them more parity with solar and geothermal programs - and a larger rebate.



Renewables Left Out of Heating Fuel Price Reports 

Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine are leading the way in reporting wood and pellet fuel prices. As more states begin to provide this information, the EIA will be able to start reporting on pellet prices, along with oil, propane, etc. Until this year, the EIA had left firewood, American's 3rd most common heating fuel out of their annual heating fuel report.


See what's going viral on Facebook


Like us on Facebook!   

Don't wait until the end of the month. "Like" the Alliance for Green Heat page on Facebook to get breaking news and analysis from a consumer perspective.  Most liked posts this month: 

Consumer Watch   


The Better Business Bureau and Wood Stove Companies

Few consumers probably check the Better Business Bureau before buying a wood or pellet stove or boiler, but it's not a bad idea. Most of the stove manufacturers we've found received an A+ or A-. 



"EPA certified - exempt" Means What Exactly?

Misleading labels on Napoleon Fireplace confuses consumers. 


Focus on Firewood    


Firewood Collection Almost Over

Check the dates. All firewood collection areas will be closed for the season. Make sure you know the rules and regulations to avoid being fined.


Logger Turns Biomass to Firewood

Bouncing back from near bankruptcy, Randy Pew has plans for a new potentially lucrative business for turning scrap into residential heat.


Focus on Change-Outs     


Privately Financed Change-out Programs

Jotul and Fireplace Village have two separate, privately financed,wood stove change-out programs with the aim of selling more new stoves in the off-season and removing as many old, uncertified ones in the process. 


Seeley Lake Change Out Program

60 stoves have been replaced showing improvements in air quality. Air Quality Specialist Ben Schmidt hopes to continue this trend in the following years. 

From the Newsroom   

$ From Wood Waste

Canada: Sherwood Park has built a demonstration biomass district heating project using German equipment and federal funding to prove the potential of biomass heating.



ME: $300 voucher for getting rid of old and dirty stoves for a new
EPA certified version.
OR: "We're trying to make sure we are taking care of as many people as possible," says Economic Development Specialist Audrey Henry.
VT: Working Lands Enterprise Fund allows pellet companies to up production and efficiency. The expanding pellet industry finds new opportunities for growth.
AK: In a lawsuit against a polluting wood boiler owners, their attorney says Central Boiler Manufacturers and retailers should share the blame. 
Upcoming Conferences and Webinars

Summer Stove Camp

Cottage Grove, Oregon, July 22 - 26, 2013

"Great stoves" to meet the Global Alliance standards for clean, efficient, and safe cooking.  


Pellet Fuel Institute Annual Conference

Asheville, North Carolina, July 28 - 30, 2013 

PFI's annual event dedicated to the pellet industry.  


How the Bio-Industry is Reshaping American Energy

DOE, Washington, D.C., July 31 - August 1, 2013

Exchange ideas, showcase new technologies, and discuss opportunities for the future at the DOE's annual biomass event. 


2013 NEWBio Bio Energy Symposium

State College, Pennsylvania, August 16, 2013

Determined to grow the sustainable bioenergy industry, the event focuses on emerging feedstocks ie Switchgrass, Willow, Miscanthus 


International Training Seminar

Linz, Austria, September 9 - 12, 2013

Success factors for developing a regional biomass heating market using updated technology and systems.


Renewable Energy: Community Solutions for Vermont   

Burlington, Vermont, October 29 - 30, 2013

"90% renewables by 2050" goal requires significant change in the renewable energy approach. Conference proposals are accepted through May 20th. 


Next Generation Wood Stove Decathlon

Washington, DC, November 15 - 19, 2013

AGH hosts a technology competition for innovative wood stoves on the National Mall. Be there! 


World Sustainable Energy Days

Wels, Austria, February 26 - 28, 2014

This attracts thousands of participants from all over the world. Great minds discuss what's next in green energy and efficiency.   


Photo of the Month!     



Please Support Our Work

to ...

The Alliance for Green Heat is an independent non-profit organization working to promote cleaner and more efficient biomass heating. Please consider making a generous contribution. The Alliance is a tax exempt 501 (c)(3) organization.
You can make a secure donation online through PayPal here:



A special thanks to those who have contributed $2,000 or more between June 2009 and June 2013

-- Dr. William & Frances Ackerly
-- American Biomass
-- Arbolito Foundation 
-- Chimney Safety Institute of America
-- Constellation Energy
-- Family Alliance Foundation 
-- New York State Energy & Research Development Authority
-- Osprey Foundation
-- Ramsay Merriam Fund
-- Jim & Patty Rouse Foundation 
-- Takoma Foundation
-- University of Maryland Extension Service
-- Wood Education and Resource Center, Northeastern Area State and Private
    Forestry, U.S. Forest Service

Become a Green Heat Founding Member: Make your donation here  


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