July 28, 2016
School Beat
The newsletter for


and communities

 Seattle Public School  Launches Student Supports  Division
Photo of Wyeth Jessee.
Wyeth Jessee.
Seattle Public Schools appointed Wyeth Jessee to Chief of Student Supports. Effective July 1, Jessee will provide leadership to the new Student Supports division with a focus on the implementation of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) model.

MTSS is a framework designed to accelerate academic and social/emotional learning behaviors for all students through high quality instruction and intervention. Jessee will continue to report to Associate Superintendent of Teaching and Learning Michael Tolley.

 SPS Celebrates Retiring Staff
Dr. Larry Nyland presents certificate of appreciation to Richard Brooks.
Dr. Larry Nyland presents certificate of appreciation to Richard Brooks.
Seattle Public Schools honored the 2016 class of staff retirees during a special reception at the John Stanford Center June 28. Combined, the 120 retirees dedicated hundreds of years to teaching and supporting students. Superintendent Dr. Larry Nyland presented all of them with certificates of appreciation. Enjoy the handful of photos that represent a snapshot of the ceremony.

Retirees listen to speakers during the ceremony.
Retirees listen to speakers during the ceremony.

Retirees chat before ceremony.
Retirees chat before ceremony.

Retiree Roxanne Trees chats during ceremony.
Retiree Roxanne Trees chats during ceremony.

Retirees enjoying themselves during ceremony.
Retirees enjoying themselves during ceremony.

The Seattle School Board will meet on July 6. Look for the board agenda here
Back_ Stephan Blanford_ Rick Burke_ Jill Geary_ Scott Pinkham Front_ Betty Patu_ Leslie Harris_ Sue Peters
Back: Stephan Blanford, Rick Burke, Jill Geary, Scott Pinkham Front: Betty Patu, Leslie Harris, Sue Peters


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We are always looking for photos of school events and happenings to share on School Beat and social media.

Forward them to goodnews@seattleschool.org.

Please note that any students pictured must have the proper clearances to appear online.


 Superintendent Response to OSPI 

In the McCleary versus Washington state ruling, the state Supreme Court directed the state Legislature to provide ample, equitable and dependable basic education funding.

Because the state has failed to fulfill its constitutional obligation to fully fund education, Superintendent of Public Instruction Randy Dorn has brought a lawsuit against multiple school districts including Seattle Public Schools.

The lawsuit contends that the district is illegally using its local levy funds to pay a portion of teacher salaries. The district is reviewing the complaint and will be working to coordinate with other districts on the suit.

Our district negotiates fair, competitive wages to attract and retain quality educational professionals. We will continue to locally support and promote student achievement while we wait for the Legislature to fully fund education and fulfill their duty.

Dr. Larry Nyland


Seattle Public Schools
 Advanced Learning Requests  Community Comment
Students with teacher.
Students with teacher.
The Advanced Learning office has been soliciting community comment regarding proposed revisions to Superintendent Procedure 2190SP, Seattle Public Schools Highly Capable Services and Advanced Learning. 

The proposed DRAFT will be reviewed by the Curriculum and Instruction Policy Committee at their meeting on Monday, August 15, 2017. Please send your comments to advlearn@seattleschools.org with the subject line 219OSP.

The proposed DRAFT will be reviewed by the Curriculum and Instruction Policy Committee at their meeting on Monday, August 15, 2017. Please send your comments in before July 31 to assure it will be reviewed prior to the meeting.

 New Bell Schedules for 2016-17 
Clock Schools' start and end times will change for the 2016-17 school year for all Seattle Public Schools. You can view new bell times for all schools on our webpage New Bell Schedules for 2016-17. These changes will be reflected on individual school websites this month.

The change in school start times is designed to improve academic outcomes for secondary students. More information is on the SPS website.

The district recognizes the challenges families face and has identified resources to help as they restructure their schedules, including potential effects on before and after school childcare, after school activities and nutrition programs.
 SPS Welcomes New Director
Photo of James Bush.
James Bush.
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) hired James Bush as the district's School and Community Partnerships Director. In collaboration with community partners, Bush will lead the district's efforts to build on the strengths of students, improve outcomes and provide enriching learning opportunities for all youth. SPS and the School and Community Partnerships staff are thrilled Bush has decided to join the SPS family.

You can read much more about Bush on the SPS website.
 School Leader Opportunities
Seattle Public Schools is currently accepting applications for the following school leader positions openings.

Job postings as of July 18, 2016:


Graham Hill Elementary School

Lafayette Elementary School
 All-City Band Plays at JSCEE
The All-City Band recently marched and performed at the John Stanford Center in front of dozens of central office employees. 

Established in 1951 by the Seattle Public Schools, the All-City Band has a reputation for excellence in music education, student leadership, and entertainment. The band brings together students from schools throughout the greater Seattle area to entertain in upwards of 20 parades and community celebrations each summer. Its energetic performances and choreography has garnered hundreds of first place and sweepstakes awards and entertained audiences throughout the Puget Sound region as well as in California, Hawaii, and British Columbia.
 Staffing Adjustments 2016-17 FAQ
Seattle Public Schools supports families in selecting schools and programs that best meet the needs of their children. There are a number of educational options provided to SPS families including: neighborhood schools, option schools, the Highly Capable Cohort (HCC) pathway, and school enrollment outside of their assigned neighborhood school if space is available.

This commitment to family choice is supported during the open enrollment and school choice process (mid-February through May 31) and can result in enrollment fluctuations and staffing changes at individual schools.

 School Messenger Update
Students at Rainier Beach High School.
Students at Rainier Beach High School.
This last school year, the district's use of phone notification to families was restricted. We heard from numerous stakeholders, including many of our English Language Learner (ELL) families, that this restriction was a barrier to sharing and receiving critical district and school information. After further review and clarification of the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) rules, the district is launching a solution for families this fall.

Seattle Public Schools | Every Student. Every Classroom. Every Day.
2445 3rd Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98134 | (206) 252-0000

Seattle Public Schools | 2445 3rd Ave S | Seattle | WA | 98134