Bala  Newsletter: June 2013



Deadline October 15, 2013 




In This Issue
Anansi Picture Book Challenge
Sankofa Chapter Book Challenge
Become a Reading Sponsor
Teaching for Change Bookstore



Anansi Picture Book Challenge 

Students who read* 10 or more picture books from our Anansi Reads list by October 15, 2013 will receive an Africana Reading Certificate. Exemplary reading achievements will be recognized at the Children's Africana Awards Ceremony and Book Festival, Saturday November 9, 2013 at the Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art. Details at Africana Book Club 


*Adults can read books to pre-readers


Sankofa Chapter Book Challenge  


Students are invited to promote their favorite Sankofa Reads  chapter book  in a creative  way -- a poster, a song, a rap, or a review (written, video, or audio). Deadline October 15, 2013. Students will receive an Africana Reading Certificate and exemplary submissions will be posted online and recognized at the Children's Africana Awards and Book Festival Saturday, November 9, 2013 at Smithsonian's National Museum of African Art in Washington, DC.  Details at Africana Book Club 


Become a Reading Sponsor   


   Help young people meet the 
the Reading Challenge!  
Details at Africana Book Club 
Email: [email protected]


              Reading Sponsors will be recognized at the
 Children's Africana Book 
Awards Ceremony and Book Festival
         Saturday, November 9, 2013, National Museum of African Art   



Brenda Randolph, Senior Editor of Bala                             Issue 5: June 2013