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CSID National Debates on the Constitution  in Tunisia 

Dear Friends and Colleagues:

We are pleased to present to our members, supporters, funders, and the public at large this report which summarizes the work of CSID-Tunisia on the Constitution, for the past two years.   During 2012 and 2013, CSID-Tunisia organized over 80 closed-workshops, seminars, and conferences on the constitution, to bridge the gap between the various decisions makers and policy makers and drafters of the constitution, on key issues related to the new constitution.

We believe that these workshops, seminars, and conferences were very helpful and constructive in solving these difficult issues rather quickly and amicably, and in building mutual understanding, cooperation, and consensus between the various political leaders and parties. This has proved extremely helpful and beneficial in the constitution writing process and in producing a constitution on which satisfies the needs and aspirations of most Tunisians.  On January 26, 2014, 200 out of 216 elected members of the National Constituent Assembly (NCA) voted to adopt the new constitution, thus laying a strong foundation for building the legal and political institutions and culture of a vibrant new democracy, the first-ever in the Arab world.

We hope you find this report informative and useful.

Download the report here.

 To Learn More about CSID Activities & Programs in Tunisia, please go to our website: 