FPN Policy Update
FPN Helps Launch Florida Charitable Advisory Partnership to Advise State Charity Regulators
Florida Philanthropic Network, in partnership with the Florida Nonprofit Alliance (FNA), launched the Florida Charitable Advisory Partnership (FCAP) in February with a kick-off meeting in Tallahassee. Comprised of philanthropic, community and charitable leaders in Florida, FCAP will advise state charity regulators on matters pertinent to Florida's charitable nonprofit sector. A primary focus of FCAP's work will be on advising the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, which regulates charitable solicitations in the state, but the group will also seek to work with the Florida Department of State and Florida Attorney General.

At the kick-off meeting in February, FCAP members met with representatives from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Florida Department of State to discuss ideas for working together in the future to ensure that Florida maintains a positive environment for charitable donations. They also reviewed some questions that have arisen following last year's revisions to the state's charity laws.

As part of this new partnership, FPN and FNA are co-hosting a webinar on February 17 in which representatives from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will review the key changes to Florida's Solicitation of Contributions Act and how they are being implemented. The webinar will be of interest to any charitable organizations that solicit funds from the general public and that utilize professional solicitors, and will also be of interest to foundations and other grantmakers that want to stay abreast of how the recent revisions to Florida's charity laws might impact their grantees.
If you have any questions about the Florida Charitable Advisory Partnership, please contact FPN President & CEO David Biemesderfer at 813-983-7396, dave@fpnetwork.org.
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