May 2013        
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FPN News
> FPN Public Policy
Florida Legislature Passes Bill to Protect Charities From Clawbacks
On April 25 the Florida Legislature gave final approval to a bill intended to protect charities when they receive donations that are later found to have come from fraudulent activity. The bill (HB 95) was passed by the House 114-0 in March and by the Senate 35-2 on Thursday. The bill now goes to Governor Rick Scott. FPN has supported this bill since it was first introduced in the 2012 legislative session, and has written a letter to Governor Scott urging him to sign the bill into law.
> FPN Webinar Archives: Series on Aging
In the past month FPN held two webinars focused on critical aging issues in Florida, and both are now available on our website:

Florida's Silver Tsunami: The Wave of Demographic Changes and Philanthropy's Response - Dr. James H. Johnson followed up his highly rated presentation at FPN's 2013 Summit with an in-depth look at Florida's current demographics and projections for the future, with a specific emphasis on the aging population in Florida and how philanthropy can respond.

Collaborative Aging: Activating Community Thinking About Demographic Change - Tom Esselman from the Institute for the Ages and Debra Jacobs from The Patterson Foundation, both based in Sarasota, focused on community-oriented thinking about demographic change, using the Institute as an example. They shared several examples of how the Institute is helping communities think in innovative ways about how we engage older adults.
Future Makers Southwest Florida Community Foundation Launches Regional Call to Action to Help High School Seniors Build Their Future
Southwest Florida Community Foundation issued its first Regional Call to Action, called "Future Makers: A Regional College/Career Access Network," that aims to bring together a broad coalition of people to help students prepare for meaningful careers, and, hence, better lives. The project marks a change in the foundation's philanthropic strategy. While the foundation still offers grants to individual organizations for specific needs, its implementation of the call to action signals the start of a new funding model in which the foundation partners in collaboration with groups throughout the funding process.
African American Achievers   JM Family Enterprises, Jim Moran Foundation Honor African-American Achievers
Six individuals were recognized at the 21st annual African-American Achievers awards ceremony on April 18 sponsored by JM Family Enterprises, Southeast Toyota Distributors and JM Lexus: Dinizulu Gene Tinnie, Arts & Culture honoree; Albert and Berenice Chauvet, Business & Entrepreneurism honorees; Newton B. Sanon, Community Service honoree; Fedrick Ingram, Education honoree; and Rashard Johnson, recipient of the Jerome Edmund Gray Youth Achiever Award presented by the Jim Moran Foundation.
> Florida Bar Foundation Awards Grant to Children & Youth Law Clinic
In an effort to support legal advocacy for Florida's foster children, The Florida Bar Foundation has awarded a $100,000 grant toward Miami Law's Children & Youth Law Clinic. The grant, whose funds are being made available by the Batchelor Foundation, honors Miami Law alumnus Burton Young, J.D. The clinic primarily assists current and former foster youths in matters of dependency, health care, mental health, disability, independent living, education, immigration and other civil areas, ensuring that they have a voice in court proceedings.
> Display Screen Innovator Wins Cade Museum Prize
NanoPhotonica, a company with offices in Orlando and in the University of Florida Innovation Hub in Gainesville, won the fourth annual Cade Museum Prize and a $50,000 cash prize courtesy of the Community Foundation of North Central Florida. The company makes very thin displays from nanomaterials that convert electricity to light and can produce an image 10 times brighter than current screen technology - and at a cost that will make electronic devices affordable to more people around the world.
> Community Foundation Adopts New Name, New Look
The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, formerly The Community Foundation in Jacksonville, has unveiled a new name and new look. The new name reflects the foundation's expanding reach, as it now provides philanthropic services for donors and organizations from Lake City to Palatka and St. Augustine to Amelia Island.
> Jaguars Foundation Helps Distribute New Books to Jacksonville Kids
The Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation brought together a group of partners to team up with First Book to distribute 120,000 new books to programs serving children.
> Charlotte Community Foundation Begins Building Its Permanent Home
The Charlotte Community Foundation has begun construction of its new home in Punta Gorda, which will include a building for the foundation's daily operations and another for nonprofit education, a cornerstone of the foundation.
> Miami Dolphins Owner Stephen Ross Joins the Giving Pledge
Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross has pledged to donate the majority of his assets to charity by signing the Giving Pledge, which was started by Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.
Education Funding News
Quality Education for All   Private Philanthropies Announce Plans to Invest $50 Million Over Five Years in Duval County Public Schools
The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida, in conjunction with other area philanthropic partners, has announced the establishment of the Quality Education for All fund, a $50 million investment in building a pipeline of high-quality teachers and educational leaders to improve public schools in Duval County. Click here to view the full report.
> Darden Restaurants Helps Prepare Teens for Higher Education
Darden Restaurants has partnered with Boys & Girls Clubs of America to launch a college readiness initiative, Diplomas to Degrees (d2D), which will support academic success and improve high school graduation rates for teens. The program is designed to help youth develop short- and long-term goals; explore post-secondary institutions to familiarize themselves with the college lifestyle; pursue and secure essential financial assistance; and foster supportive relationships with caring adults who can provide ongoing advice and mentorship.
> Community Partnership, Endowment to Increase Student Access to Experiential Learning "Explorations"
EdExploreSRQ, a collaboration that provides students in Sarasota County with exposure to arts, science and culture through "explorations," in-classroom and off-campus experiences that are offered by 36 partner organizations, has received new support from several local foundations. The Community Foundation of Sarasota County has committed $500,000 over five years for explorations. Additionally, The Patterson Foundation will designate up to $3 million in matching funds to go into the Explorations endowment fund, matching dollar for dollar the community foundation's $500,000 investment as well as providing a 2:1 match for all donations for existing and future explorations.
> Seven FPN Members Among "100 Best Corporate Citizens"
CR Magazine's "100 Best Corporate Citizens" list for 2013 includes seven FPN members: IBM (No. 11), Walt Disney Company (No. 12), JPMorgan Chase (No. 45), The Mosaic Company (No. 52), Darden Restaurants (No. 61), Northern Trust (No. 81) and Boeing (No. 85).
> FPN Members Honored by United Way of America
Three FPN members - Bank of America, The Mosaic Company and Wells Fargo - received 2013 Summit Awards from the United Way of America for their outstanding employee and community engagement, volunteering and measurable impact in education, income and health.
Dr. Peter Gorski   
Marilyn March  
> Dr. Peter Gorski, Lisa Johnson, APR and Sr. Joan Dawson, OSF have been elected to Allegany Franciscan Ministries' board of trustees. Johnson is vice president, marketing and brand management, for the Girl Scouts of Palm Glades Council and has served as a Palm Beach regional commissioner for Allegany since 2005. Gorski is chief health and child development officer at The Children's Trust in Miami, and has served on Allegany's regional commissions in both Tampa Bay and Miami-Dade. Sr. Joan Dawson is currently the Episcopal Delegate for Religious for the Diocese of Palm Beach, providing services and programs for the spiritual and personal growth of the Religious. She also is a member of Allegany's Palm Beach regional commission.
> Jordan Kinser and Maria Wrabel, two recent college graduates, have been selected to receive Jessie Ball duPont Fund Fellowships, providing a two-year period of work and study in philanthropy and charitable work in the American South. Kinser is a senior majoring in history and sociology at Milligan College in northeastern Tennessee. Wrabel is a 2012 graduate of Stetson University in DeLand, Florida, currently volunteering in Vietnam through Volunteers in Asia.
> Marilyn Fizer March has been named executive director of The Women's Fund of Miami-Dade. An experienced nonprofit manager and successful fundraiser, March has most recently served as senior development director with Easter Seals of South Florida.
Recent job postings on FPN's Jobs Board:
> Charitable Funds Manager, Community Foundation of Broward, Fort Lauderdale.
> Online Communications & Services Manager, Florida Philanthropic Network, Tampa.
Giving Trends
Central FL Public Charities Survey   Central Florida Nonprofits Report Increase in Giving From Individuals
Nearly 60% of nonprofits in Central Florida reported an increase in contributions from individuals in 2012, compared to 49% the previous year, according to a new report by the Community Foundation of Central Florida and the Orlando-based accounting firm Cross, Fernandez & Riley. The report, based on a survey of 339 nonprofits, also showed that one-quarter of nonprofits saw an increase in contributions from e-philanthropy, and that donors under the age of 44 were outpacing older donors in their growth in giving.
Welcome New FPN Members
> Clark Family Fund, Tampa, FL.
> Edward A. & Catherine L. Lozick Foundation, Cleveland, OH.
> Margaret McCartney & R. Parks Williams Charitable Foundation, Orlando, FL.
> Joseph H. and Florence A. Roblee Foundation, St. Louis, MO and Miami, FL.
> The Wasie Foundation, Wayzata, MN and Fort Lauderdale, FL.
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Florida Philanthropic Network is a statewide association of grantmakers working to strengthen philanthropy through research, education and public policy.
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