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This Evening, Thursday, July 18 
Rabbi Marc Schneier
Founding Rabbi

Rabbi Ari Korenblit
Assistant Rabbi

Netanel Hershtik

Izchak Haimov
Choral Director
Thursday, July 18
Friday Nite Lively
Shabbat Nachamu Parshat Va'etchanan
Sunday Schedule
Jewish Film Festival
Junior Congregation
Daily Minyan
Women's Tehillim Circle
Hebrew School
Adult Education
Support the 2013 Annual Gift Campaign
Gift Campaign Thumb
631.288.0534 ext.10
2013 Summer Brochure 
2013 Summer Brochure 

The Hampton Synagogue Security Detail generously sponsored by

Phyllis & Martin Berman

The Hampton Synagogue sound system is approved
for Shabbat and
Holiday use by
The Zomet Institute,
Alon Shevut, Israel
Parking is not permitted in the bank parking lot adjacent to The Hampton Synagogue at any time the bank is open for business
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Shabbat Nachamu Parshat Va'etchanan

Shabbat Services conducted by Rabbi Marc Schneier,
Cantor Netanel Hershtik, The Hampton Synagogue 
Choir, Izchak Haimov, Conductor
accompanied by the Maccabeats.

Friday, July 19

Candle Lighting 8:00pm

Evening Services - 7:00pm 

Followed by Congregational Dinner. SOLD OUT 

Shabbat Dinner with the Maccabeats

Shabbat Discussion with:
Ohad Lahav 
Founder, Lirot - the Israeli Research Association for Eye Health and Blindness Prevention. 
Ms. Nadine Hollander 
C.E.O. Lirot 
Professor Ido Perlman
Board Member, Lirot
Saturday, July 20
Morning Services - 8:45am 
followed by Congregational Kiddush 
Junior Congregation - 10:30am
Rabbi Schneier will speak - 11:00am   
"In Search of Comfort"
Congregational Kiddush sponsored by Elli Krakowski, Harry Krakowski and Lili Stawski in comemmeration of the Shloshim of their beloved husband and father, Israel Krakowski.
Flowers sponsored by Wendy & Dr. Jonathan Turetsky in memory of his father, Rabbi Arnold Turetsky; and by Dr. Dan Klein  in memory of his mother, Margaret Klein. 
Margarita Bar and L'Chaim Table sponsored by Isaac Hager 

Kiddush Seminar - 1:00pm
Jean Judes
Executive Director,  Beit Issie Shapiro.
"The Other Side of The UN: Israel as a leader of the Global
Social Services Community
Shabbat Afternoon Shiur - 6:30pm 
Rabbi Joshua Strulowitz
West Side Institutional Synagogue
"Tu B'Av, the Jewish Valentine's Day, and the 
True Meaning of Bashert" 
Mincha - 7:30pm
Followed by Seudah Shlishit Kumzitz with the Maccabeats, Ma'ariv and Havdalah. 
Seudah Shlishit sponsored by Judy & Uri Kaufthal in memory of his father, Leo Kaufthal, and in honor of Edith Kaufthal and Lottie & Ludwig Bravmann; and by Ruth & Ted Mirvis in memory of his father, Rabbi Allan Mirvis.

Shabbat Concludes - 9:00pm                              ............................................................      

Concert With Josh Nelson & Singers - 9:30pm 

Reception to follow
Sunday, July 21

Early Minyan - 8:00am

Morning Services - 9:00am 

followed by breakfast


Breakfast sponsored by Martin Baumrind in memory of his grandfather, Mordechai ben Chaim Shimon.


Women's Tehillim Circle - 10:00am 

Softball at Westhampton Beach Middle School - 10:30am
Grab your bat and glove and join us for what has become a weekly Sunday Morning summer tradition!
Jeff Lean, Commissioner        
Abe Altman and Bruce Forman, Umpires

Evening Services - 7:00pm
Jewish Film Festival

Movie reel
Monday , July 22

Gilad Shalid: The Interview

Click Here to View Trailer

An in-depth look at the more than five years of Hamas captivity, through the eyes of Gilat Shalit.


Jewish Film Festival is generously supported by 
the Kaylie Family 

We are proud to present this film in partnership with 
the Consulate General of Israel

 Hampton Arts Cinema, 9 Brook Road,
 across from the synagogue. 
Junior Congregation

Our youth leaders Kayla & Yaakov Lasson invite
all children to attend our exciting Junior Congregation
across the street from the synagogue.

 - Tefilla with tickets and prizes
Stories, discussion group, and activities.

Noon - Dismissal
Observed July 14-21
7-13 A
Yahrtzeit right
Anna Aberbach, mother-in-law of
Mrs. Anne Marie Aberbach
          grandmother of Ms. Belinda Aberbach 
Albert Berman, father of Mr. Martin Berman
David Cohen, father of Mr. Sidney Cohen
Esther Cohen, mother of Mr. Sidney Cohen
Frieda Wecker, mother of Mrs. Roni Cowan
Carlin Hollander, mother of Ms. Nancy Hollander
Leo Kaufthal, father of Mr. Uri Kaufthal
Bat Sheva Finkelstein, mother of Mr. Jaime Kelstein
Margaret Klein, mother of Dr. Daniel P. Klein
Irving Leffel, father of Mrs. Linda Landow
Saul Dinhofer, father of Mrs. Trudy Milo
Rabbi Allan Mirvis, father of Mr. Ted Mirvis
Eddie Nabi, husband of Mrs. Mira Nabi
David Cohen, father of Mrs. Maguy Naparstek
Esther Cohen, mother of Mrs. Maguy Naparstek
Mark Sher, father of Mrs. Shannon Penson
Dr. Julius Rausnitz, grandfather of Mr. Gerald Rausnitz
Margaret Stein, mother of Mr. David Stein
wife of Mr. Philip Stein
Sidney Tepper, brother of Mr. Irving Tepper
Rabbi Arnold Turetsky, father of Dr. Jonathan Turetsky
May their memory be a source of blessing and inspiration   

  The Hampton Synagogue mourns the passing of 

Morris Felder
beloved father of our dedicated benefactor
Melodie Scharf.

To Melodie, Marty and to the entire family, our deepest sympathy.  



To sponsor Kiddush, Seudah Shlishit, or Sunday Breakfast,

 call 631.288.0534 ext.14    

Daily Minyan

Conducted in the Berman Sanctuary

Huff post



Early Minyan - 8:00am
Morning Services - 9:00am 

followed by breakfast



Morning Services - 7:45am 

followed by breakfast


Sunday - Friday

Evening Services - 7:00pm


We proudly sponsor the only year-round

daily minyan in the Hamptons

Women's Tehillim Circle


Sundays - 10:00am 

Aranowitz Library

Aranowitz Library  


Robyn Forman, Coordinator  


Margery Libin, Coordinator 


Hebrew School

Registration for Fall 2013 is now in progress
Adult Education
A Taste of Torah  with Rabbi Ari Korenblit                        
Sunday-Friday mornings
after Minyan

Study and Questions & Answers
at breakfast                             

Friday mornings 

Text study at breakfast