Share your success story and win one of our ShoeboxTasks Motivational Tasks



Share with us your experience using ShoeboxTasks: Task17 Red Buttons in Water as a door opener to learning with students and win a free Red Buttons in Water Task (or choose from one of our other Motivational Tasks: Drum Roll, Flex Tube, or Positive Attraction).


*Each of the Top 3 entries--voted on by our staff--will win one of these Tasks.


*Submit your entry by June 30th to with the subject: Doors to Learning


Origin of Red Buttons in Water


One Monday evening at the Team Meeting, a therapist expressed concern that his student did not seem interested in anything that had been presented to him. It was very challenging to motivate him to do anything.

We looked at the student's strengths and interests and realized he did not show many interests at all. One of the few things he liked was water, and I began thinking along those lines. How could something be made that involved water, which might gain his interest and thus motivate him?


I searched the raw materials table...  
Graduation...What Happens Next?

It's the time of year where many celebrate graduation from high school. But for many individuals with autism, graduation day means asking the question: "What happens now?"