WGC Monthly Newsletter
In This Issue
WGC Plans for April 3
Partners for WGSD
What YOU Can Do
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An Oldways Family Program

Oldways is a nonprofit food and nutrition education organization, with a mission to guide people to good health through heritage.
February 2013

Dear Whole Grains Council members,

This month's member newsletter will focus on just one topic: Whole Grain Sampling Day, which will take place on April 3, 2013. Whole Grain Sampling Day is always the first Wednesday in April - mark your calendars so you can participate in this year's celebration and start plans for next year!
 What the WGC is Doing for Sampling Day
We have four main activities on tap for April 3:

1. Whole Grain Ambassadors to Blog
We've enlisted twenty bloggers as Whole Grain Ambassadors, to talk about the health benefits and delicious taste of whole grains. Each blogger will receive a Care Package of whole grain samples from WGC members, along with information about the benefits of whole grains. After that, it's up to them to blog as they will about whole grains.

2. Whole Grain Toast
At noon (EST) on April 3, the WGC will be leading a toast to whole grains and inviting people around the world to toast back, with a virtual social media toast - or a real one (hoist a glass of whole grains, like the popcorn here!). Consumers can Tweet a photo of themselves eating their favorite whole grain; Companies can "post a toast" on Facebook; restaurants can hand out samples in real time. Anything goes.

3. Boston Duck Boat Tour
Here in Boston, the WGC will once again commandeer an amphibious Duck Boat and roam the city handing out whole grain samples donated by WGC members who stepped up to the plate.

4. Whole Grain Sampling Day Toolkit for Supermarket RDs
The Oldways Nutrition Exchange, a sister program of the WGC, has created a Toolkit of Sampling Day resources for dietitians, including handouts, a store tour, a PowerPoint presentation, cooking demo, recipes, and more. With supermarket dietitians using these materials in thousands of stores, the potential impact on consumers is huge. 

A big thanks to all 21 WGC members who have committed to sending samples for the Bloggers and/or the Duck Boat, or who contributed to the RD Toolkit: Among Friends Baking Mix, Barbara's Bakery, Bob's Red Mill, Dr. Kracker, Fabe's, Freekehlicious, Frontier Soups, General Mills, Goose Valley, Indian Harvest, HomeFree, Jovial, Late July Snacks, Lundberg Family Farms, Mondelez International, Muffin Town, Pamela's, Real McCoys, Tasty Bites, Upfront Foods, Way Better Snacks.
Partner Activities for WG Sampling Day
Last year dozens of restaurants, cafeterias, supermarkets and manufacturers partnered with the WGC in celebrating Whole Grain Sampling Day.

Now, as this year's date draws nearer, we're hearing daily about new plans for Whole Grain Sampling Day. To cite just a few examples:
  • WGC members: Dr. Kracker is pairing up with Whole Foods Market to sample their crackers and flatbreads, and Mondelez will be sampling Triscuits in stores on April 5. 
  • Repeat participants: Verizon Caf�s are expanding last year's efforts to at least 44 workplace caf�s nationwide, some of which will celebrate all week. Compass Group North America is launching a new concept called The Market, offering dishes made with whole grains and heirloom beans in caf�s, with recipe cards and ingredients so diners can try these dishes at home. MacDonald's will participate with social media.
  • New players: Cater to You, a private company providing food to schools, plans tasting tables and action stations, complete with WGC signage and materials. Burger King will participate with social media.

We add partners to our website as we hear of their plans. Tell us yours, and we'll tell the world! 

What YOUR Company Can Do
It's crunch time. Make your plans now if you haven't already. Last-minute ideas include:
  • Social Media Blitz. You need Facebook, Twitter and Blog ideas every day. Go with Sampling Day on April 3rd!  
  • Product Giveaway. If you missed the train for our Whole Grain Ambassadors you can still plan your own web-based giveaway for April 3.  
  • Instore Sampling. Because of our connections with supermarket dietitians, we may be able to connect you with sampling opportunities in stores where your products are already sold. Ask Karen for more details.  
  • WGC Online Resources. Check out the WGC's online resources and ideas for Whole Grain Sampling Day here. We have what you need to participate, even at this late date.
As the song goes, don't be afraid to just call us. WGC Program Manager Karen Mansur is happy to brainstorm with any and all WGC members who still want to find ways to take part in the synergies we're creating for whole grain promotion. Contact her (617-896-4880 or [email protected]) today to learn more.

Useful Links
Whole Grain Sampling Day main page
Resources and Ideas for Sampling Day page
2012 WG Sampling Day page - for inspiration
Best regards,

Cynthia Harriman
Director of Food and Nutrition Strategies

Karen Mansur
Program Manager

Mallory Cushman
Program Assistant

... and from all of the Oldways and Whole Grains Council staff