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Office of Congregational Development

Illinois Great Rivers Conference

August 2015
In This Issue
The Journey of 10x10
Breakthrough Prayer Training Event
Reaching New People: One Day Workshop
The Journey of 10x10
Journey banner graphic
Step 1: PRAY! Get your prayer team or prayer warriors together and pray over what the Journey will mean for your congregation.
Step 2: PREPARE -- order participant guides by Aug. 31 to get the discounted pricing.
Step 3: PROMOTE -- get a team of folks together to help with the planning and implementation that will take effect in January.
Step 4: PEGGY -- contact her with questions at
Breakthrough Prayer Training Event
with Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey
Sue Nilson Kibbey
Every church recognizes prayer as important. But what happens when a congregation unites to pray collectively and consistently for God to break through in new and miraculous ways?  You can launch your congregation into the kind of church-wide breakthrough prayer initiative that fuels the atmosphere of possibility, and the entire focus begins to shift from inward to up-and-outward. It's easier than you think--and the results will make spiritual history right in your own community and beyond.
Breakthrough prayer can be incorporated into what already happens in the daily life of your congregation--and this workshop will provide many stories, practical examples and ideas of how many other congregations from the West Ohio, Dakotas, Minnesota, Missouri, and Texas Conferences have done so with innovation and impact. Additionally, learn how you can utilize breakthrough prayer through key aspects of your weekly worship service, and develop your church's heart to reach its neighborhood with the message and love of Christ.
This training is only for teams that consist of your lead pastor plus five unpaid leaders (or more, plus any paid staff you would like to bring). The greatest effectiveness for implementation back at your church happens when your pastor brings others along to learn, understand and together plan how to launch a breakthrough prayer initiative.
The workshop will be held Sunday, September 27 at Salem Grace UMC, 116 E. Schwartz St., Salem. It will begin promptly at 2:00 pm and end at 6:00 pm. Light snacks will be served.
The registration deadline is September 20.
Rev. Sue Nilson Kibbey is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church, and currently serves on the West Ohio Conference's executive staff as the Director of Missional Church Initiatives. Sue leads the Missional Church Consultation Initiative (MCCI), a rigorous 360-degree coaching and training effort for select congregations and their pastors who have been invited to participate as a way to jumpstart a new life cycle of ministry fruitfulness.  In the five years of its development, more than 60 congregations across three different United Methodist Conferences have moved off plateau/decline and forged forward through the intensive work of the MCCI.
Sue's local church ministry service has included ten years as the Executive Pastor of Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City, Ohio, partnering with lead pastor Mike Slaughter to engage and expand the congregation's missional involvement to include deep discipleship and global impact.  
Sue is the creator of "Ministry by Strengths," which utilizes the Gallup StrengthsFinder to help unleash and deploy church members to actively serve out of their strengths and unique areas of passion. She has authored four books, including "Ultimately Responsible: When You're In Charge of Igniting a Ministry" which is used in seminaries, United Methodist Conferences and congregations across the country.  Sue's speaking, training, coaching and consulting includes pastors, churches, bishops, and United Methodist conferences.  She is an adjunct faculty member at United Theological Seminary, and teaches the master of divinity "Leadership for Ministry" course each year. 
Sue's greatest passion is "Breakthrough Prayer," which has been the heartbeat of the Missional Church Consultation Initiative and beyond. Her newest book published by Abingdon Press, "Flood Gates," is scheduled for release in 2016 - and will feature detailed content on this theme.
Reaching New People: One Day Workshop
Reaching New People
Too often churches take a "wait for people to come" approach, or they think 'invitation' means standing on street corners or initiating painfully difficult conversations. Not so!
This workshop will teach principles which are effective in churches of all sizes that are making new disciples of Jesus Christ. The key to reaching new people is to move beyond the walls of the building and develop relationships with people in the community. This workshop will equip the church to reach out in non-threatening ways.
A church team attending a workshop must include the pastor and a minimum of three laity.  The larger the number of people who attend, the greater the likelihood the principles will have a positive impact on a church's ability to reach new people. BRING A LARGE TEAM!!!
Register now for one of the upcoming workshops:
October 10, 2015 at Troy UMC -- Click here to register
October 17, 2015 at Flora First UMC -- NOTE: there is a limit of 160 total registrants for this workshop -- Click here to register
Illinois Great Rivers Conference - The United Methodist Church
Office of Congregational Development
P O Box 19207
Springfield, IL  62794-9207
phone: 217-529-3219                e-mail:
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