Help Support the 

Amistad Research Center

Stretch Your Giving Dollars to the Amistad Research Center

Support from friends, donors, and partners helps the Amistad Research Center fulfill its mission and provide outstanding service to researchers and visitors from around the block and around the world. 


Whether you are in the greater New Orleans area or from other parts beyond, you can participate in a unique one-day opportunity to support the Center and stretch your giving dollars. Please consider donating to the Amistad Research Center as we participate in GiveNOLA Day, a city-wide day of nonprofit giving, on Tuesday, May 5.  


All individual gifts donated during the 24-hour campaign will be proportionally matched by "lagniappe" dollars, a larger pool of community funds to amplify every dollar raised.  Your support will assist the Center in preserving our unique holdings of historical documents, providing more outreach through digital initiatives, and offering quality programming for our exhibition program.


To celebrate GiveNOLA Day, the Center will host an afternoon open house for its upcoming exhibition, "The Things We Do For Ourselves: African American Civic Leadership in the Crescent City." This exhibition will explore the rich heritage of African American leadership in New Orleans during the late 19th century through the mid-20th century. The open house begins at noon and the Center will remain open until 7:00 pm that day. Visitors can view the exhibition, enjoy some refreshments, and talk with staff about the Center's activities and progress. Giving stations will be set up and visitors can feel free to donate to the Center's GiveNOLA campaign that day.

We'll send out another reminder email as we get closer to the date.  Please mark your calendars to give to the Amistad Research Center on May 5!  We'll have updates via our Facebook page that day or you can watch the leaderboard on the GiveNOLA website.

By donating a little (or a lot!) you can make a big difference to our budget this year! 



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