July 29, 2015 
13 Av


August 7th, 2015
6:45 PM
Early Shabbat Services with Rabbi Denise Eger

August 8th, 2015
10:00 AM
Torah Study

August 8th, 2015
12:00 PM
HIV+ Shabbat Lunch

August 9th, 2015
2:00 PM to 7:00 PM
MOKA Annual Pool Party at a private Beverly Hills home! It's still possible to RSVP at 323-606-0996!

August 9th, 2015
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Kol Ami Volunteering at SOVA Group 1

August 11th, 2015
7:00 PM
Pillar 3 Meeting

August 13th, 2015
7:00 PM
Pillar 1 Meeting

August 14th, 2015
8:00 PM
Shabbat Services with Jeremy Gimbel

August 16th, 2015
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Kol Ami Volunteering at SOVA Group 2

August 18th, 2015
7:00 PM
2016 Cuba Trip Info Night

August 20th, 2015
7:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Special High Holiday Prep Class "Casting Light on the Season" facilitated by celebrated author and artist, Jeff Bernhardt.
Refuah Schlemah
Please keep the following people in your prayers: 
Marilyn Ader
Marlene Bram
Brian Garfield
Margie Haber
Jeannette Kaufman
Jack Levin
Steve Reissman
Judy Rosenberg
Tom Royer
Henry Schaumberg
Lowell Selvin
Edie Siteman 
Bob Weiner


The Synagogue Village


Currently being developed - the first inter-congregational neighborhood-based Village network in LA; it will be built on a foundation of Jewish values and community. 


This venture brings congregations together to create a participatory, intentional community that has the resources, talents, and services to enable Village members to age-in-place.  


We are creating a faith-based cooperative community, bridging our individual homes with a network of programs and services designed to support and enrich one another.  


Join us for Havdalah in a private home on August 29th from 4 PM to 6 PM. RSVP is required. Please call 323-606-0996 or email staff@kol-ami.org

Religious School will be on summer break until Sunday, August 30th, 2015. 
The Kol Ami Mitzvah  Corps is available to visit you at home or in the hospital, bring a hot meal or run an errand.  Call the office at 323-606-0996 and you'll be contacted with-in 48 hours by one of our Corps members. 


If you are interested in joining the Mitzvah 

Corps please contact Kelsi at kcopeland@kol-ami.org or 323-606-0996. 

If you are unable to make it to Services and would still like to join us for worship, you can. 
for Friday night services, and enjoy the spiritual experience of Kol Ami at home.   
Rabbi Eger Online 
Wordpress logoHave you visited Rabbi Eger's blog recently? There are new posts regularly, so be sure to visit often.  
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You can also follow Rabbi Eger on Twitter @deniseeger 

Or follow Kol Ami on Twitter @KolAmiLA 


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 And like her page on Facebook

 Likfacebook logoe Kol Ami's Facebook page

ATTENTION: Kol Ami is now volunteering at SOVA twice a month! Starting August 1st, we will be having volunteer groups on two Sundays a month, the second Sunday (our usual time) and now also the third Sunday of every month! We're excited to be offering this new opportunity for you to be involved in healing hunger. 

August 9th (Usual Second Sunday Meeting)

 8:30 AM - 12 PM at 1140 N. La Brea


August 16th (New Meeting Time!)

8:30 AM - 12 PM at 1140 N. La Brea


Please email Ed Casson at: ecasson@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.  Thank you, and remember, SOVA is here to serve you if you are in need. Visit their website atjfsla.org/sova. 

This month's most needed donation items:
peanut butter
cold cereal
canned pasta
coffee and tea
soap (liquid or bar)
shampoo & conditioner
feminine products

These were my comments at the NAACP Rally at the beginning of the Journey for Justice. This is a 40 day+ march from Selma, Alabama to Washington, D.C.  The Central Conference of American Rabbis is partnering with the NAACP and other African American Civil Rights groups to call attention to the systemic racism in our society.  The Journey for Justice is focusing on restoring the Civil Rights Voting Act, jobs and education, the scourge of mass incarceration, police brutality and equality and liberty for all Americans.

Good morning. I am here on our holiest day of the week the Sabbath  representing the over 2300 Reform Rabbis of the Central Conference of American Rabbis.  As President of the oldest and largest rabbinical organization in North America, we who have come to pray and walk alongside our brothers and sisters commit not only to talking the talk of justice and righteousness but walking the walk. More than 150 rabbis from all over our country will join in this journey each day. We will be carrying with us a sacred scroll of Torah, the five Books of Moses that inspires our commitment to justice and equality and liberty.

As Rabbis of the CCAR, We pledge this day to stand with and work with and learn from you to renew the historic Jewish - African American relationships and coalition that once worked together with ease. This is a new beginning.

We Rabbis pledge to work with you to end the culture of racism in our country. We pledge to work wholeheartedly to end mass incarceration in our country. We pledge to work tirelessly with you  to give every child the education she deserves, we pledge to work to root out gun violence in every neighborhood and to fight for economic justice for every person and to secure voting rights for every American citizen.

God of all bless those who March today and for the next 40 days.  May our feet be swift, our dedication to your ideals of Tzedek u mishpat, righteousness and justice, be strong and lift us on Eagles wings as you once did for the children of Israel so that we can bring about the glorious day when all shall eat at the table of liberty and the true Promise of America.

- Rabbi Denise L. Eger

Kol Ami's Pillars are getting together for the first time in the new fiscal year! Gatherings will be taking place throughout August and they are open to everyone. Now is the time to make your ideas a reality! Come out for an introduction to new friends, a new network, a new adventure - a new way to make a difference. 

Gatherings take place at Kol Ami as well as at restaurants and coffee shops around town. Pillars are a chance to be involved in your community, involved in a mitzvah and a chance to have fun getting to know really great people. 

Pillar 1 - Creating Community: Getting together at Kol Ami (1200 N. La Brea Ave) on Thursday, August 13th, 2015 at 7 PM. We'll be talking about community events and engagement ideas over the next few months. If you'd like to attend or have a question, email community@kol-ami.org.

Pillar 2 - Social Justice: Meeting up at Stout in Studio City (11262 Ventura Blvd) on Thursday, August 27th, 2015 at 6:45 PM. Discussion will include: Game Night @ Triangle Square, SOVA, Tzedakah, Guatemala 2015 and #JusticeSummer. If you'd like to attend or have a question, email socialjustice@kol-ami.org.  

Pillar 3 - Creating Jewish Life: Gathering at Kol Ami (1200 N. La Brea Ave) on Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 at 7 PM. We'll be getting ready for the High Holidays! If you'd like to attend or have a question, email jewishlife@kol-ami.org. 

Join us in September for the High Holy Days - remembering Kol Ami is the place that can help renew you, that sacred community, kehilah kedosha, where we can cry and laugh, question and find answers, live and love.

Erev Rosh Hashanah and Day One  

Japanese American Cultural & Community Center | 244 S. San Pedro Street

Evening Service - Sunday, September 13, 2015 at 8:00 pm

Morning Service - Monday, September 14, 2015 at 10:00 am

Family Service - Monday, September 14, 2015 at 10:30 am

Rosh Hashanah Day Two  

Kol Ami | 1200 North La Brea Avenue

Morning Service - Tuesday, September 15, 2015 at 10:30 am

Kol Nidre  

Harmony Gold Theater | 7655 Sunset Boulevard

Kol Nidre - Tuesday, September 22, 2015 at 8:00 pm

Yom Kippur Morning

Harmony Gold Theater | 7655 Sunset Boulevard

Morning Service/Yizkor - Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 10:00 am

Family Service - Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 10:30 am

12 Step Meeting - Wednesday, September 23, 2015 Following Services


Yom Kippur Afternoon  

Kol Ami | 1200 North La Brea Avenue

Torah Study - Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 2:15 pm

Afternoon Service/Neilah - Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at 3:30 pm 

Online forms are now available on our website!  

The Reform Movement's new prayer book for the High Holy Days, Mishkan HaNefesh, is more innovative and inclusive than ever! 

The new High Holy Day prayer book can be purchased for $42 and picked up at will call at the High Holy Days, or at Kol Ami. Loaner prayer books will not be available at the High Holy Day services, please be prepared and purchase your prayer book today!

Order online, call the office at 323-606-0996 or email Kelsi at kcopeland@kol-ami.org.

Travel to Cuba with Kol Ami  and witness the timelessness, the beauty, the culture - before it's too late! We're excited to be partnering with Temple Beth Hillel for this one time opportunity to see a pristine Cuba before American markets bring about modernization and change. We'll be spending eight days and seven nights between gorgeous Havana and the bay in Cienfuegos exploring culture, food, music, architecture and Cuba's small but, tenacious and vibrant Jewish community. 

Find out what you need to know at our Cuba Trip Informational Meeting
Tuesday, August 18th, 2015 
7 PM 
At our temple at 1200 N. La Brea

Trip dates: April 12th through April 20th, 2016
Deadline to register for the trip: November 18th, 2015. A $450 deposit per person is required. 
More information and the itinerary can be found on our website!

Deepening the High Holiday Experience 
Thursday, August 20, 2015 7:30 PM - 9 PM
$20 per person

We each enter the High Holiday season with our own personal thoughts and emotions. For some of us we look forward to the sensory memories (melodies from years past, for example).  For some we look forward to the sense of community.  For some we hope to be moved and inspired to do our own cheshbon haNefesh (accounting of our soul) and to use this opportunity to move closer to the version of ourselves we hope to become.

The month preceding the holidays (Elul) is a gift and an opportunity.  At this interactive session we will explore and share how we can each take advantage of this gift of the Jewish holiday cycle. This special program will be facilitated by Jeff Bernhardt.  His new book:   For Every Season: An introspective guide to renewing ourselves during the High Holidays and throughout the Jewish Year will be available for purchase.

This High Holiday Prep Class is open to everyone. Cost is $20 per person. Please call the office at 323-606-0996 or email us at staff@kol-ami.org to reserve your spot today! 
Jewish Community Night at Dodger Stadium 
Sunday, August 30 @ 5:10 pm

Join Congregation Kol Ami and the Jewish Community of the Greater Los Angeles
Area at Dodger Stadium for the 16th Annual Jewish Community Day!
Special Ticket Package includes a voucher for a commemorative Dodgers in Hebrew T-Shirt as our Dodgers take on the Chicago Cubs.

$40 per ticket - Limited ticket availability

Pink Martini at the Hollywood Bowl 
Wednesday, September 2nd @ 8 pm

Bring your own picnic and join Kol Ami early as we dine in our seating area! Doors open at 6 pm and the show starts at 8 pm. Tickets are limited so get yours now! 

$36 per ticket. 

For reservations, please call the temple office 323 606-0996 or email 

Sponsored by the Men of Kol Ami (MOKA) and open to ALL

Guatemala Mitzvah Service Trip 2015 
Trip Dates: December 24, 2015- January 3, 2016

An Information Meeting will be announced after the High Holidays. Contact David Glickman  at socialjustice@kol-ami.org for more information.