July 15, 2015 
28 Tammuz



July 17th, 2015
8:00 PM
Shabbat Services with 
Rabbi Eger and Jeremy Gimbel

July 17th, 2015
Following Services
Opening Reception for
our Resident
Artist Michael Becker's,
Photography Exhibit

July 23rd, 2015
7:00 PM
Game Night at Triangle Square

July 24th, 2015
8:00 PM
Shabbat Services with Jeremy Gimbel

July 25th, 2015
7:30 PM to 9:30 PM
Joint congregational observance of Tisha B'Av at Leo Baeck Temple

July 30th, 2015
5:30 PM
LGBT Meet and Greet with LA City Councilmember, 
Mitch O'Farrell at Paramount Theater Lobby 555 Melrose Ave.

July 31st, 2015
8:00 PM
Shabbat Services with Nancy Cohen

August 1st, 2015
11 AM to 1 PM
Refuah Schlemah
Please keep the following people in your prayers: 
Marilyn Ader
Marlene Bram
Brian Garfield
Margie Haber
Jeannette Kaufman
Jack Levin
Steve Reissman
Tom Royer
Henry Schaumberg
Lowell Selvin
Edie Siteman 
Bob Weiner
Religious School will be on summer break until Sunday, August 30th, 2015. 
The Kol  Ami Mitzvah  Corps is available to visit you at home or in the hospital, bring a hot meal or run an errand.  Call the office at 323-606-0996 and you'll be contacted with-in 48 hours by one of our Corps members. 


If you are interested in joining the Mitzvah Corps please contact Kelsi at kcopeland@kol-ami.org or 323-606-0996. 

If you are unable to make it to Services and would still like to join us for worship, you can. 
for Friday night services, and enjoy the spiritual experience of Kol Ami at home.   
Rabbi Eger Online 
Wordpress logoHave you visited Rabbi Eger's blog recently? There are new posts regularly, so be sure to visit often.  
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You can also follow Rabbi Eger on Twitter @deniseeger 

Or follow Kol Ami on Twitter @KolAmiLA 


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 And like her page on Facebook

 Likfacebook logoe Kol Ami's Facebook page

Our New High Holy Day prayer books have arrived and they are gorgeous! Call the office at 323-606-0996 or email Kelsi at kcopeland@kol-ami.org to order yours today! The Mishkan HaNeFesh is $42.


Reform congregations from throughout Los Angeles County will join together to observe Tisha B'Av, the 9th day of the month of Av.  Tisha B'Av commemorates of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem and is a day that has been tied to many terrible moments of destruction for the Jewish people throughout our history.  


Today, we seek to understand our broken communities, the rifts between neighbors, and the destruction that we face daily, through this same lens.  We do this not just to commemorate destruction, but to commit ourselves to acting in partnership with one another to repair and rebuild that which has been destroyed.


Join us for an evening of havdallah, study, prayer, chanting from the Lamentations, and a chance to connect with one another to imagine together a more just and compassionate California and a world redeemed. There will be a Text Study with the esteemed Dean of Hebrew Union College's LA Campus, Dr. Joshua Holo and a

Service led by many Reform CA clergy and lay leaders. 


All are welcome - bring your friends and family!

Please RSVP to Rabbi Joel Simonds at rabbisimonds@unisyn.org

Travel to Cuba with Kol Ami  and witness the timelessness, the beauty, the culture - before it's too late! We're excited to be partnering with Temple Beth Hillel for this one time opportunity to see a pristine Cuba before global markets bring about modernization and change. We'll be spending eight days and seven nights between gorgeous Havana and the bay in Cienfuegos exploring culture, food, music, architecture and Cuba's small but, tenacious and vibrant Jewish community. 

Find out what you need to know at our Cuba Trip Informational Meeting! 
Tuesday, August 18th, 2015 
7 PM 
At our temple at 1200 N. La Brea

Trip dates: April 12th through April 20th, 2016
Deadline to register: November 18th, 2015. A $450 deposit per person is required. 

ATTENTION: Kol Ami is now volunteering at SOVA twice a month! Starting August 1st, we will be having volunteer groups on two Sundays a month, the second Sunday (our usual time) and now also the third Sunday of every month! We're excited to be offering this new opportunity for you to be involved in healing hunger. 

August 9th (Usual Second Sunday Meeting)

 8:30 AM - 12 PM at 1140 N. La Brea


August 16th (New Meeting Time!)

8:30 AM - 12 PM at 1140 N. La Brea


Please email Ed Casson at: ecasson@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.  Thank you, and remember, SOVA is here to serve you if you are in need. Visit their website atjfsla.org/sova. 

This month's most needed donation items:
peanut butter
cold cereal
canned pasta
coffee and tea
soap (liquid or bar)
shampoo & conditioner
feminine products

At a private residence. Please RSVP with the temple office to receive the address.  RSVP to the temple office at staff@kol-ami.org or call 323-606-0996.

Ticket Information: 

MOKA and Non-MOKA members welcome! 

$20 with RSVP & Pre-Payment by 7/31

$5 Addtional after 7/31 - Cash Only the Day of the Event