January 28th, 2015 
8 Shevat



January 29th, 2015
7:00 PM
Intro to Judaism with Rabbi Sabine Meyer 

January 30th, 2015
8:00 PM
Shabbat Services with Rabbi Eger and Dr. Nancy Cohen

January 31st, 2015
6:00 PM
Rebekah Mirsky's "Who is Like You" CD Release Party with Havdalah

February 1st, 2015
9:00 AM
Religious School Session at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

February 3rd, 2015
7:00 PM

February 4th, 2015
7:30 PM

February 5th, 2015
7:00 PM
Intro to Judaism with Rabbi Sabine Meyer

February 6th, 2015
6:45 PM
Early Services with Rabbi Denise Eger and Lisa Edwards

February 6th, 2015
Persian Shabbat Dinner collaboration with JIMENA catered by Red Fish Catering and featuring music by Bazaar Ensemble

February 8th, 2015
8:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Kol Ami meets at SOVA

February 8th, 2015
9:00 AM
Sunday School session at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

February 8th, 2015
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Shalom Hartman Westside Synagogue Collaborative Lecture Series

February 10th, 2015
7:00 PM
Pillar 1 Meeting

February 13th, 2015
8:00 PM
Special "Sharing Guatemala" Services with Rabbi Eger and Jeremy Gimbel  
Refuah Schlemah
Please keep the following people in your prayers: 
Marilyn Ader
Brian Garfield
Margie Haber
Jeannette Kaufman
Tom Royer
Lowell Selvin
Bob Weiner
Our Condolences
 to Hope Faust on the death of her stepfather, Norton Goodman.

Our condolences to Diane Bernstein and Meryl Needles and Hilary Bernstein and Sam Bernstein on the death of Diane's father, Arthur Bernstein
Benjamin Thomas Reback on his conversion to Judaism and his naming. 

Welcome to
new members
James Pepper and Thom Macias and their son, Adam.
 Religious School will meet this Sunday, February1st at 9 AM at Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills.
If you are unable to make it to Services and would still like to join us for worship, you can. 
for Friday night services, and enjoy the spiritual experience of Kol Ami at home.   
Rabbi Eger Online 
Wordpress logoHave you visited Rabbi Eger's blog recently? There are new posts regularly, so be sure to visit often.  
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You can also follow Rabbi Eger on Twitter @deniseeger 

Or follow Kol Ami on Twitter @KolAmiLA 
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 And like her page on Facebook



Congregation Kol Ami and David Kaminski invite you to A Night of Extraordinary Music: An Evening at the Cabaret. 


This Kol Ami exclusive event will be hosted by:

Laura Rosenberg


And feature live performances by:

David Kaminski - Music Director
Glenn Rosenblum
Joshua Finkel 
Valery Pappas
and Stan and Kirsten Chandler

Never before has Kol Ami featured so many talented musicians, comedians and performers on one night! A truly impressive lineup, delicious small bites and desserts, a cash bar and a room full of your favorite friends - the Cabaret at Kol Ami will be unforgettable, unrivaled and non-stop fun! A cocktail hour, light appetizers and delicious desserts will be enjoyed by all. 


Act One Sponsorship - $1500.00
Includes 6 seats at a front row, private table, 6 drink tickets and 6 exclusive, commemorative gifts.

Act Two Sponsorship - $250.00
Includes 2 seats at a communal table, 2 drink tickets

Individual Tickets - $100.00

Purchase your tickets today! 


Have you always dreamed of going to Israel? Do you count the days until you can go back? Don't wait any longer!


We'll hosting an Israel Trip informational night on Tuesday, February 3rd at 7 PM where we will answer all your questions in detail. If you're interested, come hear what it's all about. Invite your friends and dream together of visiting Israel.


This trip is affordable, extremely safe, easy, well-planned, and jam-packed with the best sight-seeing, great restaurants and the insider accommodations only a seasoned traveler would know about.

February 3rd at 7 PM here at 1200 N. La Brea Ave. We'll have small nosh, coffee and tea. Get all your questions answered and your reservations confirmed for the best trip to Israel you'll ever make! 


A deposit of $350 is due on March 25th. Say yes to this amazing opportunity! 

RSVP for the Information Night to kcopeland@gmail.com.

Please join us for  a very special night! Friday, February 6th, 2015 at 8 PM (Following early services at 6:45 PM)! 


As part of our series collaboration with JIMENA: Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa, we present to you a catered, kosher Persian Shabbat Dinner. The cost is $20 per person. We will be serving a kosher dinner by Red Fish Catering. And the very popular band, Bazaar Ensemble will be here live! 


An RSVP is required by February 2nd and tickets can be purchased now. 

Calling all Purim Schpielers!

It's that time of year.  We need your help to put on the best Purim Ever! (They are always the best Purim Ever!)  Do you love to "ham" it up?  Love to act or sing? Ever wanted to be a "star"? Even if you can't sing--we want you to help us celebrate Purim as only we at Kol Ami can!!!!

Joshua Finkel, Steve Addision, David Kaminski and Rabbi Eger are working collaboratively to bring a revival back to the Kol Ami Purim Stage----

The Wizard of Shushan --Performed in the last Century! (1999)

The Purim Schpiel this year will be on Saturday night, March 7th, at 7:30 PM. This year, the Schpiel will not be the same night as the megillah reading. We will read the megillah on Friday night, March 6th.

If you would like to be involved on stage or behind the scenes as stage hands, make-up, set, or costume  please come be involved in this once a year show! RSVP to Kathy at 323-606-0996 or kseroff@kol-ami.org to let us know you want to participate.  We will be in touch with the dates of rehearsals. 

But even if you can't make them all.... we want a huge cast this year.  Munchkins, witches, Ozians( Oops--Shushanians) and of course the Lion, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and Dorothy and her little dog Toto too...

Please if you haven't participated please come  and help us create a great PURIM and fun time for our congregation!

The Hartman Westside Synagogue Collaborative Lecture Series features senior scholars of the Hartman Institute addressing core ideas of contemporary Jewish life such as:
  • Boundaries: Who are the people in the "peoplehood?" How should we be thinking about inclusion, boundary-crossing, and belonging?
  • Family: How significant are the ties that bind us together, and how does peoplehood rank in the hierarchy of Jewish values?
  • Values: What are the core principles and commitments that come with being a member of the Jewish people?
These lectures are free to Kol Ami members. Registration on their website is required.  


The next meeting will feature Dr. Micah Goodman as a lecturer. Dr. Micah Goodman is a leading voice on Judaism, Zionism, the Bible, and the challenges and opportunities facing Israel and contemporary world Jewry. He is the author of three Israeli bestsellers on canonical Jewish texts: Moses's Final Speech, The Dream of the Kuzari, and The Secrets of the Guide for the Perplexed.



SOVA needs canned tuna, canned pasta, cold cereal, and peanut butter.  They also always need personal toiletries such as shampoo, toothpaste, body lotion, disposable razors, deodorant.

Kol Ami meets at SOVA the 2nd Sunday of each month.

Next meeting is - February 8th 

8:30 AM - noon  

at 1140 N. La Brea


Please email Ed Casson at: ecasson@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.  Thank you, and remember, SOVA is here to serve you if you are in need.  Visit their website at jfsla.org/sova.