March 2013 

The Age of Agility!

By Tom O'Shea, CMC, Principal, Agility Consulting

It seems like every day there is a new article or study popping up sharing the latest evidence and awareness for the notion of creating more adaptive and nimble (aka agile) organizations, teams and leaders. We expect this to continue for some time because the "Age of Agility" is upon us! Gary Hamel, renowned Harvard professor now at the London School of Business, may be the best framer of these dynamics in his latest book entitled What Matters Now. Hamel shouts out for much more "adaptability" in organizations and says "we live in a world that seems to be all punctuation and no equilibrium, where the future is less and less an extrapolation of the past. Change is multifaceted, relentless, seditious, and occasionally shocking. In this maelstrom, long-lived political dynasties, venerable institutions and hundred-year-old business models are all at risk. Today, the most important question for any organization is this: Are we changing as fast as the world around us? Most CEO's would have to answer NO." >> READ MORE

Project Management Institute Annual Research Report (2012) 
Reveals Importance and Value of Organizational Agility

By Dr. Nick Horney, Ph.D. 

Principal, Agility Consulting


To compete successfully, organizations need to be able to scan their environments, identify relevant opportunities and threats, design responses that will satisfy customers in ways that competitors can't easily imitate, and ensure that these plans are implemented successfully and have the desired impact.  Organizations that are strategically agile are more effective at managing change through portfolio, program and project management.

The Project Management Institute's recent research revealed an exceptionally strong relationship between organizational agility and the capability of organizations to manage change through a dynamic and disciplined approach to portfolio, program and project management.  PMI's 2012 Pulse of the Profession In-Depth Report: Organizational Agility, focused on how organizational agility impacts success and how to increase that agility (based on a global study of more than 1,000 project, program and portfolio managers). According to PMI, to forge organizational agility, successful organizations are aggressively reshaping their culture and business practices on a three-pronged front:


�  Rigorous change management to better adapt to shifting market conditions

�  More collaborative and robust risk management

�  Increased use of standardized project, program and portfolio practices


Since the publication of my book on Project Change Management in 2000

and our focus on organizational agility since 2001, the world has continued to become more turbulent.  Contact me to discuss how you can effectively integrate best practices in organizational agility, change management and project management. 


The report reveals a clear payoff: Highly agile organizations are twice as likely to see increased success with their new initiatives as their counterparts with low agility. >>READ MORE

Read & See More from Others About - Creating Agility in a VUCA World!
    daniel pink         colin price        seth godin  



Nick Horney,  Ph.D., Principal



Tom O'Shea, CMC, Principal



Agility Consulting & Training, LLC

1901 Rosevilla Lane - Greensboro, NC 27455