Home Base Holidays
www.homebase-hols.com                                                                                        (issue 112)
Home Exchange in Canada
troc maison
Home Swap in Perth
British Columbia
Beautiful home overlooking Okanagan Lake.
Central Paris
4 bed apartment in the very heart of Paris.
Perfect Perth
Lovely home in Perth just 15 min stroll to the beach.
"Members since 2005, we've successfully exchanged in the UK and across Europe - can't imagine wanting to arrange a holiday any other way"
Melody C (York, England)
Enter promo code: AUG25OFF
for 25% off  (Offer ends 15th August)
Travel books: a lovely way to record your swap 
Home Swap Journal Maureen and Gerry Poulton, who have the good fortune to live on Queensland's Gold Coast, are very experienced home swappers. With an attractive home and pool overlooking a lake, it's not surprising that their home is so popular (click to see their home swap offer). 

The couple arranged three swaps to the UK in 2013 (two in England, one in Scotland). We have noticed a trend of more and more Home Base Holidays members using the service as much to spend time with family and friends as for arranging a holiday somewhere different, and Maureen and Gerry certainly did that last year. 

It's always fun to look at photos taken on trips we enjoyed, especially if they involve family get-togethers or special occasions. Maureen has taken this a step further, using the Blurb site to compile books to record each of their three exchanges, and has kindly sent us the links to view her books. Hopefully this will inspire others to do the same! 

To browse through Maureen's books, click the link beside the name of the location below; then click Preview and enlarge and turn the pages in the Blurb site: 

If you have been inspired by Maureen's home exchange stories, or would like to share your own, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us at info@homebase-hols.com
scambio di casa
Home Exchange in India
English Cottage swap
Visit Tuscany
Stunning home in the foothills of the Apennine mountains. 
Magical India
Visit Auroville - a beautiful Eco-village close to the sea.
Cottage in Devon
Beautiful thatched cottage in Crediton, England.
Media request: article on home exchanges in France

Living France Magazine We have had a request from Darcy, a journalist working on an article about home exchange to France for a UK magazine, 'Living France'. He needs two people to interview for the assignment: 
  1. An Anglophone who has home-exchanged to France (with a thought to possibly living there) 
  2. An Anglophone with a house in France (either seasonal or permanent resident) and who has exchanged within the country. 
If you fit either category and would be prepared to be interviewed about your experiences, please contact us at info@homebase-hols.com and we'll forward your message to Darcy.
Volunteers needed: research project on home swapping

Fiona Anna Groha, a sociology student at the Technical University of Berlin, is working on a research project, 'Privacy and Living', for her M.A. degree studies. She is looking to interview home swappers about their experiences. Find out how you can help by visiting our home swap travel blog.
Exclusive promotion to members: join second site for free!

This exclusive promotion to all existing and new Home Base Holidays members allows you to claim a complimentary one year membership to an additional home swap site, Global Home Exchange, based in North America. To take up this offer, send us an email to info@homebase-hols.com with the subject line "Global offer" and a note of the password and any special requirements you would like set.

Quick Links
Happy Home Swapping!
Home Base Holidays | 7 Park Avenue | London | N13 5PG | Tel: +44 (0) 20 8886 8752
Further Info

Newsletter Contributions:
We are always pleased to hear from members and subscribers and to receive contributions for the newsletter and blog - short reports on your exchange experiences, tips you feel would be useful to those new to the idea of home swapping and any questions you have on home exchange.
All Home Swappers content is copyright and cannot be used in any form without written permission from Home Base Holidays. However, please feel free to forward the newsletter (in full) to friends and colleagues who may be interested in home exchange (use the Forward Email link below the newsletter).