Home Exchange Q&A: is my home suitable?
Q: I live on the outskirts of a very beautiful city and whilst the location is desirable, my tiny one-bedroomed flat is rather modest. In your experience would this be a problem?
A: Home Base Holidays members generally first look at location, then, for homes big enough to sleep the number of people in their exchange party comfortably. Your flat would certainly be suitable for a couple or single visitor (some will also have small, modest flats while others may have larger or more luxurious homes but won't necessarily need the same in an exchange home).
Chamonix Mont Blanc offer close to ski lifts.
New York
Gaze over Central Park and the Manhattan skyline.
Phnom Penh
Lovely serene villa in this fascinating city.
Swap stories: 'Adopted by the locals'
'We did a great swap with a couple from Berri, South Australia. While in Berri, we participated in our host's walking club. Our walks always concluded with a cappuccino at a cafe at the town center park. What fun.
We also were "adopted" by a young woman working at the local tourist information office. She and her entire family took us to lunch and gave us a tour of a large vineyard which her father managed. A second vineyard manager fostered homeless kangaroo joeys, which we were able to hold. Incredible! We also met and "spoke with" a cockatoo named Charlie and held a python house mate.
We loved our New Zealand and Australian swaps, where we had so many wonderful experiences. We had so much fun and have since had this wonderful family visit us in Arizona. Whenever we talk traveling with anyone, we always say. "You must do a home exchange!"' Carol & Lauris P (Vernon, AZ, USA)
The couple's home is located on a secluded, heavily forested 10 acres, 20 minutes east of Show Low, Arizona. Read full details of their attractive home swap offer |
Book review: 'Definitive Guide to Home Exchanging
"I would certainly recommend the guide to anyone new to house exchanging as it includes very comprehensive guidelines. Giving some case studies and outlines for a file on your home and car was a good idea. As an experienced exchanger I already knew a lot covered in the book but there were ideas such as having a contract which I have never done. I liked that there was a list of exchange sites, although I have never used any others because I am more than happy with Home Base Holidays."
Karen W (Bay of Plenty New Zealand)
Exclusive promotion to members: join second site for free!
 This exclusive promotion to all existing and new Home Base Holidays members allows you to claim a complimentary one year membership to an additional home swap site, Global Home Exchange, based in North America. To take up this offer, simply send us an email to info@homebase-hols.com with the subject line "Global offer" and a note of the password and any special requirements you would like set. |
Happy Home Swapping!
Home Base Holidays | 7 Park Avenue | London | N13 5PG | Tel: +44 (0) 20 8886 8752