www.homebase-hols.com August 2013 (issue 100)
Featured Home Swap
Koh Phanghan, Thailand
This home swap offer is an open planned house on the edge of the rain forest on Koh Phangan island, Thailand. The home is made totally out of wood and is surrounded with stunning jungle and sea views. Extremely beautiful style of living for the right people!
Anyone looking for an alternative holiday, health break would love it here.
Exchange request: Open to offers View details of this exchange offer
WIN A KINDLE! (+ 3 home swap memberships to be won)
Home Swappers newsletter has been providing home exchange information since 1999 and to mark this, our 100th edition, we are giving away an Amazon Kindle (great for using on your next home swap!) plus 3 Home Base Holiday memberships to the runners up.
To be in with a chance of winning send us:
- Your home swap experience (something that made your home swap special)
Or if you have not yet done a home swap:
- Your favourite travel memories (and tell us why home swapping appeals to you)
Try to keep your entry to a maximum of 200 words and feel free to send photos (always love vacation photos!). The winning entry story will be published in the next newsletter and the three runners up will be selected to receive a year's free home swap membership (or extension to their current membership).
Send your entries to: info@homebase-hols.com by the 20th August.
Situated in area of outstanding natural beauty.
Soak up the ocean views from this home in Oaxaca.
Stunning views of Mount Fuji from your doorstep!
"We have had a number very successful swaps already, including London, Bristol, Washington DC, Sydney, Cape Cod, San Francisco, France, Kent and Bedfordshire. This year we are looking forward to a swap on Vancouver Island and another swap to Sydney. We have loved our swaps and our swappers have also been happy."
Start Swapping!
Join Home Base Holidays and enjoy FREE accommodation worldwide. Thousands of vacation swap offers including city apartments, country homes, beach villas and even houseboat swaps! Only £29 for 1 year.
Swap report: would recommend home exchanging to anyone!
 | Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire, England |
"We've just returned from our fourth swap. Our first exchange was a longer-term one to Western Australia, and our next one will also be to WA. Our 'swappee' from the first swap has stayed in touch (we've since exchanged emails and photos) and has invited us to get in touch when we're next there.
We've also enjoyed three swaps within the UK: to North Wales, Brighton and to Northern Ireland. We even exchanged emails with the Northern Irish family and have agreed to swap with them again in about two years time. So not only do you get a free accommodation but you can make new friends as well. In addition, our son and his family have had about 15 home swaps to date and so we would recommend home exchanging to anyone!" Michael & Jean
Beautiful 18th century converted barn in Elton.
New Orleans
Charming old home in central New Orleans.
Lovely farmhouse in the Bourgogne region.
Members offer: join second home swap site for free!
 If you are a current Home Base Holidays member, you are offered complimentary one year membership to a North American home exchange agency. To take up this offer, contact us (subject line: Global offer) with a note of the password you would like set. Your message, along with a link to your Home Base Holidays listing, will be forwarded to a representative of the swap site who will contact you directly with information on using the site. Contact us at info@homebase-hols.com for details. |
Happy Home Swapping!
Home Base Holidays | 7 Park Avenue | London | N13 5PG | Tel: +44 (0) 20 8886 8752
Further Info
Newsletter Contributions: We are always pleased to hear from members and subscribers and to receive contributions for the newsletter and blog - short reports on your exchange experiences, tips you feel would be useful to those new to the idea of home swapping and any questions you have on home exchange.
All Home Swappers content is copyright and cannot be used in any form without written permission from Home Base Holidays. However, please feel free to forward the newsletter (in full) to friends and colleagues who may be interested in home exchange (use the Forward Email link below the newsletter).