the branch
Tamarack Recovery Centre's newsletter 
reaching out to supporters, stakeholders and friends 
Issue 1, Early Winter 2013
In This Issue
Me in Three - staff feature
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My Tamarack Experience
Did You Know?
Me in Three
our regular
staff feature
Our friendly staff team is at the heart of the safe & professional service we provide. 


Read on to get to know us better.




Hi, I'm Sherry Gable, Tamarack's Intake Counsellor and Finance Manager. 


A typical day at Tamarack for me starts at 7am with me putting on my "Finance Manager" hat and devoting my first hour and a half of work while the house is quiet to bill paying, invoicing and banking. 


Once the clients are up and about, I usually turn my attention to checking in with them to see how their previous evening was and what their day looks like. 


After the morning meeting with the clinical team, I put on my "Intake Counsellor" hat and return calls and e-mails that have come in from the past evening. 


The remaining part of my day is spent interacting with potential clients and their families, connecting with community resources regarding referrals and support services and checking in with the Tamarack team later in the day to hear how things are going in the house. three

1. What's the part of your job that keeps you coming in every day?

The clients, without a doubt. Each person I meet never fails to inspire or educate me about life in some way. Every day at Tamarack is an adventure and something I genuinely look forward to.


2. When I'm at Tamarack you'll never find me without...

The Tamarack intake phone...and a coffee.


3. Morning person or 
night owl?

Morning person for sure. I'm a little embarrassed to say what time I turn in at night in order to be up at 4am but I'll give you a clue: I never watch the 9 o'clock news.



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Support Tamarack 
Tamarack requires a number of staff and volunteers to fulfill its mission. If you feel passionate about working for our organization, volunteering or training with us, find out more here.

You can also support us by attending our annual fundraiser or making a donation at any time.


Clicking this button will take you to our website.

Connect With Us
Tamarack Recovery Centre
60 Balmoral Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 1X4

Sherry Gable
Lisa Cowan
Sheryl Hobbs-Canning

Editing & Design 
Sheryl Hobbs-Canning

Communications Admin
Joanne Riedle




Welcome to the first issue of the branch. We're so glad you joined our mailing list.


The launch of this new quarterly e-newsletter is the culmination of our work this year to deepen and increase the connections we make with our community.


In our work with clients over the past 38 years we have seen how positive connections with family, the recovery community, and support agencies can encourage successful recovery. This month we feature an article from a client that really brings that message home.


The same is true for Tamarack. Without the understanding and support of our stakeholders we wouldn't be able to provide services to those in need. It is because of this that we have included stakeholder communications in every part of our strategic plan - ensuring every one of our core activities incorporates contact, feedback or reporting on achievements to our supporters.


We have also redoubled our community engagement efforts with visits to employers, corrections services and other treatment agencies as well as opening our doors to the community with our recent open house.


Long-time Tamarack supporters will have noticed that 2013 saw a new 'look' for the agency as we underwent a re-branding exercise to reflect a refreshed mission, vision and values. Our new website and brochure have had a significant impact; encouraging those needing support and treatment to contact us. These initial connections with Tamarack are a first step towards lasting change and our intake coordinator Sherry provides the support potential clients need to transition into treatment. You can get to know Sherry in our Me in Three section.


As 2013 draws to a close we are looking forward to 2014 when development of a comprehensive communications strategy will be completed and we implement plans for making more connections with our community.


Until then, read on for news of what we have achieved together and, as always, feel free to contact us with your questions and feedback.



Lisa Cowan

Executive Director



OpenHouseOpen House October 2013

On October 17th 2013 Tamarack Recovery Centre opened its doors to supporters from the addictions services, referrals, and funding communities. Over 30 attendees were given the opportunity to deepen their understanding of Tamarack's treatment philosophy and services by touring the house, hearing from our clients, and taking part in a panel discussion with staff. Feedback from attendees was very positive and we look forward to hosting another event soon.  



EmployersOut of the House, Into the Community 

As part of our efforts to connect with the community and encourage those with addictions to seek help, Tamarack staff have made a number of presentations to employers and referral agencies this year. These outreach activities provide information and support to employers and other service providers who may be unsure about how best to approach employees or clients about their substance use, refer them to appropriate treatment and encourage them on their journey to recovery. 


Pete Keating, Tamarack's Addictions Counsellor has delivered a number of these sessions this fall and notes that, "this is a really important part of Tamarack's role as a treatment provider in the community. People who want to help a colleague, client or friend take those first steps need to be supported too. We recognise that and do our best to provide that assistance through these presentations."


Tamarack will be holding more outreach sessions in 2014. If you would like to take part please email us. Sessions can be tailored to meet your time and information requirements.



TreatmentAgenciesTamarack ED Meets New Minister at AFM Open House 

On November 19 Lisa Cowan, Tamarack's Executive Director, attended the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba's open house. The event was an opportunity for local addictions agencies to get to know each other better and introduce themselves to Sharon Blady, the new Minister of Healthy Living and Seniors.


Lisa spoke at the event, focussing on Tamarack's treatment philosophy and how this informs our program offering. She also highlighted the importance of our aftercare program stating that it is, "crucial, particularly in the early days after graduation; helping to strengthen clients' ability to make lasting change as they take the first steps towards recovery and as they rebuild their lives."


If you'd like a speaker from Tamarack to attend your upcoming event, email us. 

TamarackExperienceMy Tamarack Experience 
Making Connections - a client's story

Believe it or not, my wake-up call didn't come when I was 3 � months in the hospital (with 2 � weeks spent in medically induced coma) due to my poor health from years of drinking. I was still in denial and believed that my problem wasn't that bad. It was only until some months afterwards when I was hitting the drugs pretty hard that I finally saw where my life was going and said to myself 'I can't do this anymore'.

It was time to come clean, ask for help and reach out to my sons. They both took me to my first ever AA meeting and it was there that I began to get some insight into my problem. From there they suggested Tamarack, which they'd heard about through the website, and they called Sherry to talk about my situation and find out about the program.

Sherry met with all of us and then with me by myself, helping me to draw up a plan and encouraging me and my sons to work together so we could get me through the next few days before moving in. I met with Sherry a couple times in that period to check in. It wasn't easy waiting for those few days to pass but I got more familiar with the house and the staff and I felt like everything would be ok.

Once in the program I started doing the hard work on myself and realizing my part in the way that my life had gone. I was always blaming other people and had to start dealing with those resentments. Things opened up for me when I started trusting people and I began to ask for help and reach out when I had a problem. I had to learn to live sober, to cope without drinking, basically a new way of life. 

Tamarack helped me get connected with safe housing for when I graduated. I'm in sober living accommodation now and I feel supported.

I'm very happy I took the route that I did by coming to Tamarack. It worked out great. Now me and my sons are all on the same playing field. It's actually a funny coincidence because tonight I'll be taking my six month chip at AA. I've been totally clean for six months. And one of my sons who helped me start my recovery journey will be there to celebrate with me.  

Did you know...?
  • Before being known by its current name Tamarack was called Kia Zan. The name is based on a Japanese term, meaning "improvement" and "change for the best".
  • Tamarack is almost middle aged! Tamarack will celebrate its 39th birthday in April 2014, which means the "big 4-0" is just around the corner.
  • Tamarack is staffed 24 hours a day, meaning there is someone available to answer your questions, offer support, or just listen, whenever you call.

Questions2Is there something you've always wanted to know about Tamarack Recovery Centre or addictions recovery?
Questions may be answered individually or featured in future newsletters.