Surfside Tourist Bureau

News and Events

April, 2013



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Miami Room Rates Jump in February


The average daily rate for a hotel room in Miami rose 9.6 percent in February to $220.95, the largest increase from the previous month in the region.


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Ruth K Broad/ K8 Center "Ruth the Turtle" Update


Ruth The Turtle, donated to Newtown CT, still has a place of honor at Healing Newtown, a repository of gifts, and is still helping support the community.


The Tales of the Surfside Turtles is an initiative of the Surfside Tourist Board.


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About the Town of Surfside 

The Town of Surfside is a beautiful oceanfront community located in the tropical paradise of South Florida.
Town Logo 
Come and Join us for our
 Season Finale!
And Return of the Surfilicious
Food Trucks

April 18, 2013


POP/Top 40 Music
with an appearance by a Belly Dancer


95th Street @ Harding Avenue


The popular free music series returns to the Downtown Business District for four themed events sure to appeal to all musical tastes. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.


This free event will be held on 95th Street @ Harding Ave (A1A Southbound).


For more information: call 305-864-0722 or


Third Thursdays are sponsored by the Town of Surfside Tourist Board.

 New 2013-2014 Surfside Business Directory Now Available
The new Surfside Business Directory is now available from Town Hall and the Tourist Bureau.  It is also available on the Town website.

DVAC to Discuss Streetscape and BID


The Downtown Vision Advisory Committee (DVAC) will meet on April 22, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall Commission Chambers to discuss updates on the Business Improvement District (BID) process. There will also be a presentation on the proposed Harding Avenue Streetscape Plan.

  9301 Collins Ave
Surfside, FL 33154