Issue #21                                                                                                            August 13, 2014
What's the only interview question that matters?
By Stephen Tweed

Today, a friend on Facebook sent me a link to an article in INC. magazine entitled,  "The Only Interview Question That Matters", by Lou Adler.  In the article, Adler says,

"I've been in the recruiting industry for 36 years, and I've written a number of books about talent challenges and opportunities.  One thing that continues to surprise me is the more than 90% of hiring managers think they are good interviewers, yet rarely do they reach unanimous hiring decisions with other 90 percenters in the same room evaluating the same candidate."


This really struck a cord with me, as we see the same thing in home care.  So many recruiters and schedulers think they are really good at interviewing and hiring.  Yet the caregiver turnover rate went up again this year to 52.3%  The reality is that most home care interviewers are terrible, and don't have a clue about how to conduct an effective interview and get to the core criteria of the job candidate.

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