Issue #6                                                                                                               March 19, 2014
What Does It Take to Continually Grow Your Company?
By Jill Scott

So far this year we've held web conferences that focused on competitive advantage, caregiver training, efficient caregiver recruiting, and how to retain the best caregivers.  Interestingly, as I was reading the most recent issue of Inc. Magazine this week, I came across an article titled 
"Grow. Hire. Repeat." that discusses a study conducted throughout 2013 of 100 mid-size US businesses that had shown steady growth from 2007-2012.  The pool of companies was originally 100,000, but only 1.5 percent met the sustained-growth standard they wanted for the group, and of that 1.5 percent, 100 agreed to collaborate on the study. 

The author, Gary Kunkle, had a number of interesting trends come out of the study about company growth patterns, but most importantly, there are the 5 highlights he pointed out as to why these companies consistently grow.
Last Week to Participate in the 2014 Private Duty Benchmarking Study!

We just want to remind you that the 2014 Private Duty Benchmarking Study will end on March 23rd, 2014If you haven't yet participated, please visit to download the prep worksheet and take the survey. If you have already participated, thank you!


Make sure to choose "Leading Home Care" on the question that asks who referred you to the Study.  

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1st Week: Newsletter
2nd Week: Short Reader Survey
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4th Week: Upcoming Events
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The Private Duty Marketing Master Class

For 2014 we have launched a new live workshop where you will have the opportunity to get one-on-one instruction and coaching from Stephen Tweed and several other leading experts in private duty marketing, while interacting with a very small group of other non-competing home care business owners.  This workshop will be held at Leading Home Care headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky and our next class will be on May 7-8, 2014.

You can learn more about this brand new unique learning experience on our website or you can go right to the registration page and register today!  We look forward to seeing you in Louisville!

Registration Fees:
  • Premium Members of The Academy for Private Duty Home Care�    $  795.00
  • Non-Members of The Academy                                                      $1,295.00
  • Additional Attendee                                                                         $795.00
Leading Home Care | |
9750 Ormsby Station Road, Suite 205
Louisville, KY 40223


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