Issue #2                                                                                                             January 15, 2014
What Makes Your Company Different?

What makes your agency different?  In today's highly competitive home care marketplace, differentiating your agency from your competitors is more important than ever before.  

Research conducted by Leading Home Care and Academy for Private Duty Home Care� over the past decade has helped us identify the seven sources of competitive advantage.  The most effective ways to separate your company from the competition can be put into one of seven categories. 
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LinkedIn Group Update
We are very excited to see that our discussion group, The Leading Home Care Network on LinkedIn has reached 5,500 members!

This group has grown steadily over the past year, the continues to experience great interactive discussions.

Here are some of the most recent discussions in the group:
  • What is your dress code policy for your home health aides?
  • Senior Bullying Across the Ages: Seniors Bullying Other Seniors
  • 50 Best Senior Caregiving Tools Online
  • For many, with the loss of vision comes the loss of independence and ability to easily interact with others 
This is a closed group and membership is limited to leaders in home health, hospice, and private duty home care companies.  We do not allow vendors, recruiters, or people who are not related to home care.  This limited membership means that all of the posts are relevant to you and the things that you are interested in reading and discussing.  Click on the group title above and you will be taken to the group page where you can request to become a's that easy!
A Word from our Resource Partner...
Where does your agency stand in the industry? Participate in the 2014 Private Duty Benchmarking Study by Home Care Pulse

Having good facts and data on which to base strategic decisions is critical to the growth of your private duty home care company.

For the past four years, Leading Home Care, The Academy for Private Duty Home Care�, and Caregiver Quality Assurance� have been pleased to support this industry wide benchmarking study conducted by Home Care Pulse in cooperation with The Home Care Association of America.  Again in 2014, we encourage you to invest in the future of your business by completing the survey.

Leading Home Care | |
9750 Ormsby Station Road
Suite 205
Louisville, KY 40223


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