The Communicator, CCAE's Monthly Newsletter                               September 2014
In This Issue


Adult Educators Reach New Voters in 10 Languages

With the November 4 General Election just around the corner, Secretary of State Debra Bowen is offering online voter registration and all the basic information people need to become voters--in their choice of English, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Tagalog, Thai, or Vietnamese--on the " New Voters" web page.


October 20 is the last day to register to vote in the November 4 election.

Adult schools and community colleges can help improve voter turnout by sharing these key dates and the New Voters web page with faculty and students, in all subject areas. The "Reaching New Voters" section of the New Voters page provides tools in all 10 covered languages that make it easy to spread the word about voting in the following nonpartisan ways:

  • Add a "MyVote" or "Register to Vote" button to your website.
  • Post a website message about registering and voting. 
The Secretary of State is inviting you to join in this endeavor to let everyone know how convenient it is now to become a California voter. With your involvement, many more citizens will take part in our democracy this fall as voters.  



Yolanda Davis is the definition of dedication and a positive attitude. Despite her Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems and her stellar work experience, Yolanda found herself in the position that many of our adult education students find themselves in when they first enter our doors: unemployed. However, instead of letting her situation bring her down, Yolanda chose to see it as an opportunity.


With the goal of updating her employability skills in order to reenter the workforce, Yolanda came to Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center, part of the Los Angeles Unified School District's Division of Adult and Career Education (DACE). She enrolled in the Administrative Assistant 1: Office Procedures class, with instructor Dianne Jackson. Ms. Jackson found Yolanda to be "honest and straightforward in her approach to her work, business, and family," and Yolanda excelled in the class.


In addition to her regular curriculum, Yolanda also volunteered in the academic department using the data-entry and records management skills she had learned in class to help the school run smoothly. Yolanda soon advanced to Administrative Assistant 2: Business English, and then on to the Customer Service course. It was during this time that she became involved in tutoring other students in computer operations and basic math and began using her exemplary writing skills to contribute articles to the "Class Action Newsletter."


But Yolanda didn't stop there. She also took on leadership roles in the Career and Technical Education department, including leading activities to raise more than $1,000 for student scholarships. Her dedication to her fellow students paid off, in the spring of 2014, when Yolanda was nominated for and awarded a CCAE Los Angeles Metropolitan Section student scholarship of $500 to continue her studies. Yolanda recently used the scholarship money to purchase textbooks and enroll again with Ms. Jackson in the third class in the Administrative Assistant sequence, Business Math.


Yolanda continues to interview for positions and says that her future plans consist of continuing to improve herself, "whether that entails taking more courses or becoming employed, whichever comes first!" She also hopes to someday use her writing skills to write a memoir about her life experiences and overcoming adversity and to give advice to others who may find themselves in similar circumstances. With Yolanda Davis' work ethic and determination to help others, coupled with the skills she is learning in her adult education courses, it is certain that her story will have a happy ending.



OTAN is accepting applications for its two academies: the Technology Integration Mentor Academy (TIMAC) and the Online Teaching Academy (OTAC), but the deadline is fast approaching. These are year-long projects that focus on integrating technology into the classroom, and effective practices in online teaching and learning, respectively. For more information about OTAN, please visit our Web site. If you are not yet an OTAN member, it is free to join. Register here.



The start of another academic year features many  CALPRO professional development offerings, so be sure to register early! From a webinar on Analyzing ESL Comprehension Questions to Address College and Career Readiness Standards to a San Mateo Community of Practice on Evidence-Based Writing Instruction, CALPRO is sure to offer something that coincides with your professional development goals. You can register here for these and other events.


 Chris Nelson, Past President

Earlier this month, CCAE--in conjunction with CAEAA and ACSA--provided sessions to check on the status of how the regional consortium process is going in local areas. These sessions were designed for administrators, coordinators, and teacher leaders, mainly from K-12 adult schools. There were two 2 1/2 hour sessions. One was held in Northern California, on Friday, August 1st, at Hayward Adult Center; and the other was held on Friday, August 8th, at Hacienda La Puente Adult Education. 22 people attended the Hayward session, and over 40 attended the session at Hacienda La Puente.

Each session began with a brief update on the current status of AB 86. Participants were reminded of the recent report deadline and future deadlines for reports related to AB 86. This was followed by a brainstorm where participants declared their recent successes, challenges, and opportunities for their local regional consortium planning. Once all matters were put forward, each participant chose their top issues that were important and warranted deeper discussion.


The following were the items that were the most significant to participants:

  • Lack of K-12 Adult Ed dedicated funding - This was the overriding issue for many. The discussion incorporated other funding concerns including:

    • Consortium planning for the future, when there is no definite funding stream for the K-12 Adult Education system

    • Districts' different interpretations of language for the Maintenance of Effort, in place last year and this year

    • LCFF and how is it factored, or not, into the future of K-12 based Adult Education funding

    • AB 86 timeline extending beyond when long term budget decisions are made.

  • Data systems for Adult Education need major upgrades to keep up with future accountability including:

    • Virtual common assessment/tracking system that allows easier access for students-- including counseling, addressing learning disabilities, no wrong door

    • One-Stop - clarity of how assessment/ tracking is defined, to determine success

    • Mandated assessments - Will there be mandated assessments that K-12 and Community Colleges jointly use? How many assessments do we want to make students take?

    • Referral and tracking of students - What type of statewide systems should be developed in these areas? Perhaps developing a system like the city of Fresno's "Learn to Earn" model, where the goal is a one-stop, including referral & tracking. Also, how can we coordinate large geographic regions with a history of division of services, little communication, and lack of transportation?

  • Planning process collaboration and engagement - There has been some effective planning and collaboration in consortia, but a number still are having trouble engaging all members. In some areas a "take-over" climate exists, while other consortia have conflicts with control and dominance between community college and adult school members. In addition, it has been difficult to get participation from some consortia members due to lack of time, lack of leadership, overwhelmed with current job responsibilities, and more.

  • Timeline of report deadline and legislative decisions - With the timeline for the governor's budget, legislators need information about the consortia planning results sooner than later. The December draft submission should be a more completed report to share with legislators. We should be talking with our legislators and their staff members now to inform them on the progress of the consortia planning, which will help significantly with the urgent timeline. Does the Work Group have a voice in the issue of the urgent timeline? Can an extension be considered or recommended so that adequate planning will render comprehensive results? If so, what can be done to support K-12 adult schools when the MOE sunsets?

At the end of the sessions, many discussed their vision of a new Adult Education delivery system resulting in a vision where students have knowledge and access to a variety of educational programs through centralized coordination involving all members, partners, stakeholders, WIB's, corrections and employers. We need to continue to have these discussions locally on what we envision for the future of Adult Education in terms of regional planning so that we begin to see common themes as we build a better coordinated system for adult students.


If you would like to share what you are doing for planning of your Regional Consortium in this column, please drop me a line at

Jerry Green
Executive Director



Dear CCAE members,


I need to let you know that health and family challenges will sideline me for the next several months. Eventually these challenges will undoubtedly be worked through successfully, but meanwhile I find it necessary to resign my position as Executive Director of the California Council for Adult Education.


Eighteen months ago I became part of the CCAE leadership team, and what an exciting time period it has been. Collectively, our tenacious and talented CCAE members have progressed in their mission to save K-12 adult education, and we have made significant advances towards the goal of revitalizing our professional organization. Thanks to grass roots efforts, strong legislative advocacy, and the initiative of CCAE members, we have much to celebrate and notable reasons for optimism:

  • Maintenance of effort legislation significantly reduced adult school program shrinkage
  • Approximately 240 adult schools are now involved in the Regional Consortia process
  • Members are charging ahead with implementation of the Call to Action plan
  • Grassroots advocacy groups have sprung up in many parts of the state
  • Legislator are perhaps more aware than ever of the need for basic adult education  
  • CCAE membership increased by 12.75%, after 7 years of decline
  • Institutional Membership is up 13%
  • CCAE's stronger budget enables us to purchase additional PR and advocacy services  
  • Participation in staff development, awards and social events has increased
  • More members are volunteering for leadership roles
  • The Communicator and CCAE website are better than ever and receiving more traffic
  • Almost all CCAE procedures and protocols have been reviewed and updated
  • Hundreds of new friendships and collaborations have developed among members  

What a joy to have been part of CCAE during this exciting period. Thanks to your work, the stage is being set for a gradual renaissance in California adult education. Long live CCAE!   Long live K-12 adult education!



Jerry Green
Executive Director
LegislativeUpdateLegislative Update

Contributed by
Dawn Keopke
Legislative Advocate

Full Court Press to Save Adult Education Underway, Share Your Efforts and Progress Today!


As the Legislature works to wrap up its 2014 session, we are well in the midst of our full court press to impact the Governor's January budget proposal to ensure it is workable and protects K-12 adult schools.  As part of that effort, we have taken on a number of efforts at the state level and have provided a host of activities for you to undertake at the local level. In this regard, however, we do not have a good sense of the level of engagement and completion of activities at the local level (i.e. NASCAR letters).  It would be helpful for us, at the state level, to receive an update from the field on the status of your efforts. Please send such updates to Dan Garcia (Montebello) for CAEAA, at, and CCAE's office at  


Also, thanks to the great work of our CCAE and CAEAA State Legislative Chairs,  Joanne Durkee and Bob Harper, we have crafted a draft letter for you to have your superintendent sign and send to the Governor.  It is important that each of your superintendents are engaged and supportive of our efforts to protect K-12 adult schools and the benefits they provide to their K-12 students and community overall.  Prior to even releasing the letter, we've already received commitments from superintendents across the state to sign such a letter and work with their colleagues across the state to do the same. We hope you'll convince your superintendent to do the same!


Of note, the timeline is short to meaningfully affect the front-end of the proposal the Department of Finance (DOF) is currently crafting. We anticipate DOF to finalize their draft proposal to take to the Governor for approval, by October 1st.  In this regard, we have the best opportunity to impact the proposal if our voices are heard loud and strong by then. Get your letters in today!


In addition to focusing on obtaining such support, we are continuing our efforts to impact the proposal, in Sacramento. We have engaged the key decision makers on all sides - Administration, Legislature, Department of Education, and stakeholders.  Those conversations are ongoing as we continue to craft the details of our proposal. As a matter of fact, I have a series of meetings already scheduled, in the next week, to meet with representatives from the California Teachers Association (CTA), California Federation of Teachers (CFT), California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO), Department of Finance, and more. 


We're working hard in Sacramento and hope you are doing the same at the local level. More to come soon, including some new "activities."  In the meantime, please keep us posted on your activities. Thank you - strength in numbers!


SB 173 (Liu) Passes Legislature

In the final week of the 2015 Legislative Session, the Legislature approved SB 173 by Senator Carol Liu (D-La Canada Flintridge) on a bipartisan vote. 


As amended in the final weeks of session, the bill would require the Department of Education (CDE) and the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO), as part of the report and recommendations required the regional consortia, as specified, to jointly develop and issue guidelines and policy recommendations to the Legislature regarding adult education in the areas of assessment, performance accountability, and fee policies; and, requires that the CCCCO and CDE annually report on the number and types of adult education courses being taught, including noncredit courses, and the number of students being served. 


As previously noted, amendments taken in the Assembly delete the provisions to reduce the categories of adult education course offerings, delete legislative intent language regarding the allocation of funding, modify and clarify reporting requirements and dates in order to reduce costs.


The bill will now go to the Governor for his consideration by September 30th.  



CCAE 2015 Conference  

Mission Possible: Encryption No. 3


Agents for Change:


The response to our monthly encryptions continues to be excellent! A new message will be posted on the first of each month, with the answers following, on the 15th.


Every correct submission earns one ticket for our special drawing, at the upcoming CCAE state conference.

Click here for this month's encrypted message.


All of this information can be found on the CCAE website, on the conference page at--

Send your answers to Darlene Neilsen by 9/15:     


Happy solving!
Darlene Neilsen


Napa Valley Earthquake   

CCAE leadership would like to acknowledge all of our friends and colleagues in the Napa area.  We wish you strength, endurance, and a speedy recovery from the earthquake that damaged many of your homes and the Napa Valley Adult School, early this past Sunday morning.  Our understanding is that the school itself suffered minor structural damage, yet there is quite a bit of interior clean-up to do prior to school reopening later this week. 

If you would like to make a financial donation to the Napa Valley Adult School, please contact 
 Adult Ed


Get your copy of the Adult Education Newsletter here, developed by Adult Education Advocates in the Montebello Community.
P: 888-542-2231
F: 866-941-5129

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