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Week of July 8, 2013  
Bacsik Summer Research Grant
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David Bacsik Decoding Genetic Keys to Obesity


David Bacsik While many college students are hitting the beach this summer, New College student David Bacsik is at Northwestern University's medical school, tinkering with the genes in muscle cells in hopes of decoding one of the keys to obesity.


Bacsik is one of 15 undergraduate students nationwide to receive a summer research grant from the Endocrine Society. He will be working for 12 weeks this summer in the Bass Lab, part of the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago.


New College Gets Strong Marks in College Guides


Fiske logo New College of Florida got off to a hot start in July with high marks from the Fiske Guide to Colleges, Colleges of Distinction and, publications that advise students and families on the best choices for a college education.


The Fiske Guide, founded by former New York Times education editor Edward B. Fiske and in its 30th year, named New College as a "Best Buy" college -- one of just 41 in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.


The review called New College a "fast-rising star" where academics are "very intense" but without a competitive atmosphere. Teaching is "outstanding" and professors "care about their students," it said.

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Herald-Tribune Hot Topics

Preventing Homelessness: A Conversation with Dr. Richard Marbut

July 18  |  5:30-7 p.m. 

Join us for the free community forum presented by Sarasota Herald-Tribune in partnership with New College of Florida. RSVP required by July 15 to 941-361-4065 .   


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In the News

A selection of recent news stories about New College, its faculty, students and alumnae/i

[Newcomers] Shannon Duvall, New College of Florida
SRQ Daily (July 5)

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