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Week of March 18, 2013  
Shepherd Named 2013 Newman Civic Fellow
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Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 487-4153

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Student Joseph Shepherd Named 2013 Newman Civic Fellow


Joseph Shepherd New College of Florida student Joseph Shepherd has been named a national 2013 Newman Civic Fellow by Campus Compact for his work in building a tutoring program in one of Sarasota's poorest neighborhoods.


"New College students are known for being leaders who bring about positive change," said New College President Donal O'Shea. "Joseph is exemplifying that leadership and extending the College's mission into our community."


In his recommendation letter, O'Shea called him "the ultimate problem-solver: Calm, supportive, low-key and cerebral, he thinks through the layers of intertwined issues to come up with a pragmatic solution."

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Scientists To Explain Risks of Sea Level Rise in Florida


Vellinga Florida is flat, and sea levels across the state and around the world are rising. What that means for Florida, and the Sarasota-Manatee region in particular, is the focus of a March 27 special New Topics New College lecture: "Sea Level Rise in Florida: Is It Time to Start Building the Ark?


The panelists are two world-renowned climate scientists and participants in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which shared the Pollack 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore.

Dr. Pier Vellinga and Dr. Henry Pollack will discuss the latest science and predictions for sea level rise, what factors drive the change and how Florida communities can adapt and reduce the risks to both natural features and man-made construction.


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Problems, Promise and Potential of Sub-Saharan Africa


ATTENTION: The March 21 New Topics New College lecture "The Problems, Promise and Potential of Sub-Saharan Africa" with Ambassador McGee has been cancelled due to a family emergency.   

Proust, the Arts and Neuroscience

March 26, at 7 p.m.

Mildred Sainer Pavilion, 5313 Bay Shore Road


ProustFree and open to the public; no reservations necessary

Click here to view the complete schedule of events.


As part of Proust Project Sarasota, celebrating the 100-year anniversary ofSwann's Way, Inge Wimmers of Brown University will give the lecture "Proust, the Arts, and Neuroscience." Elyane Dezon-Jones of Washington University in St. Louis will give closing remarks on "Reading Proust Tomorrow." Proust Project Sarasota is sponsored by New College of Florida, Sarasota County, Alliance Fran�aise de Sarasota and Book Store One.  

Sea Level Rise in Florida: Is It Time to Start Building the Ark?

March 27, at 5:30 p.m.
Mildred Sainer Pavilion, 5313 Bay Shore Road


Tickets $15; free for New College students, faculty and staff

Order online at donate.ncf.edu/events or call 941-487-4888

New Topics logo Florida is flat, and sea levels are rising. Join world-renowned climate scientists Pier Vellinga and Henry Pollack to learn the latest science and predictions for sea level rise in Florida. Sponsored by BDH Associates, LLC and Shafer Consulting.

The Condition of State and Local Governments - Municipal Bonds

April 2, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Sudakoff Conference Center, 5845 General Dougher Place


Tickets: $50

Visit donate.ncf.edu/munibonds or call 941-487-4888 for more info and to purchase tickets.


GIC Logo State and local governments have yet to completely emerge from our nation's financial crisis, impacting their financial stability. Headlines these past few years have warned about state pension problems, cities defaulting on their debts and water and sewer systems entering bankruptcy. What is the current state of financial affairs for state and local governments and how will they be impacted by federal government fiscal issues? Join us as we answer these questions and more with our panels of public officials and industry experts. Presented with the Global Interdependence Center.

Memoir Intensive - Writing Your Life

April 7, 12-2 p.m.

Academic Center, ACE Room 239


Free and open to the public
RSVP to humanities@ncf.edu by March 29 at 5 p.m.


Instructor: Shira Dentz, New College Writer-in-Residence Spring 2013


Shira Dentz No other nonfiction form goes so deeply to the roots of personal experience, to all the drama and humor and unexpectedness of life, as the memoir. In this Memoir Intensive we'll explore our own and others' infinite worlds of memory and imagination. We'll read excerpts from a diverse selection of authors, writers who take us back to some corner of their past that was unusually intense, one which we begin to inhabit ourselves as we read. Creative writing exercises will be given to encourage our own crafting of memoir. We will develop greater compassion and awareness by considering the life experiences of others as rendered in our readings and writing; and hone our ability to give detailed, thoughtful feedback in our workshop. A creative writing workshop is a demanding and vulnerable enterprise. This is particularly true in creative nonfiction, a genre that often shrinks the distance between the "I" on the page and the writer in class. Taking the time to read and think about someone else's project cultivates intellectual generosity. Reading others' writing may also sharpen your editorial eye for your own work. Holding each other to high artistic/academic standards and encouraging each other in that effort is key to building a creative community, which is the heart of this workshop.

College Football Showdown: New College vs. Ringling College

April 7, 2 p.m.

New College Fitness Center/Athletic Field


Free for current New College and Ringling College students; $10 all others

For more information, call 941-487-4888 or visit the Facebook event page.


Football Trophy The intellectual hippies of New College and starving art students from Ringling College will converge for one common purpose on April 7th: to provide Sarasota with the most ironic flag football game known to man. The game will be played with passion and determination. This is not a joke. The Presidents of both Colleges, Larry Thompson, and Donal B. O'Shea have a lot riding on the outcome. The college president of the losing team is exiled to 20 minutes in a dunk tank after the game. Free admission for current students at NCF and RCAD. For all others, admission is $10. Includes BBQ and beverages all day. All proceeds go directly to the American Cancer Society. Support Sarasota's finest colleges and the American Cancer Society.


Click here for a complete calendar listing of events

In the News

A selection of recent news stories about New College, its faculty, students and alumnae/i

WWSB / ABC 7 (Mar. 19)

Bradenton Herald (Mar. 14)

Sarasota Herald-Tribune (Mar. 13)

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5800 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243 | 941.487.5000 | ncf.edu