New Year, New YOU!

hCG Diet at an ALL TIME LOW of $549
(savings of  $250)

hCG is a natural hormone produced during pregnancy. This hormone, when compounded by a medical pharmacy and dispensed by a physician, creates a decreased appetite. This loss of appetite allows your body to lose up to one pound per day without feeling hunger pains.
Although your appetite will be decreased, you'll still be able to enjoy two satisfying meals a day. The program runs between 21-45  days, creates dramatic results, and has a fantastic success rate in both men and women! Still unsure about hCG?
Read some of the answers:

All of us at JdV would like to Thank You for your business, loyalty, and support in 2015. We hope to see you again in 2016!

Michael S. Gurney MD

(330) 438-4088 / / Issue 51
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