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One of the world's most precious resources is at risk.




Come to the first local showing of


(See the trailer HERE)  


Sponsored by 




This Sunday, February 22nd at 3pm, at the Cummington Community House 


M. Sean Kaminsky's professionally produced film will demonstrate what is at stake and what can be done to protect the source of nearly all of our food. Viewers of this 82 minute film will meet a diverse range of individuals whose lives center around the challenges and triumphs they experience as farmers, renegade gardeners, passionate seed savers, artists and seed activists.


Stay for a lively discussion and light snacks following the show.

A $5-10 Donation will help offset the cost of showing the film.


For more information, visit Hilltown Seed Saving Network  

or contact Michael Alterman at 413-358-6919 or at


Save the Dates 


Our Annual Meeting is coming up. YOU should consider running for our Board.  


The annual meeting of the Co-op will take place at the Cummington Community House on Sunday, 26 April. Please mark your calendars for 3:00-4:30 and join us in celebrating a very successful 2014 that was brought to you by 700+ Co-op Member Owners and countless community supporters.


We have two open seats for Directors on the Co-op Board. If you are a Co-op Member Owner in good standing and would like to consider running for the Board please contract Peter Feitner, Board President who will provide an overview of the responsibilities of a director and invite you to an informational meeting to be held on March 3 at 6:30P.M. in the Sustainability Library above the Creamery. The current Directors will discuss the board's role and brainstorm with potential candidates how board responsibilities might evolve over the next couple of years. You can also download a Board Recruitment & Information package



It is our hope that all nine directorships will be filled after the voting of this year's annual meeting.


Will you be one of them?



Keep Farming in the Hilltowns 








An anonymous survey is being conducted by volunteers interested in learning more about how Hilltown residents shop for food as part of an effort called Keep Farming in the Hilltowns sponsored by the Hilltown Community Development Corporation and the Old Creamery Coop.  This survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete.


Take the survey HERE 


We are surveying residents in a focused area of the Hilltowns. In order to make sure we collect an accurate cross-section of residents, we want to hear from residents from every town.


New items in the store

  • Matt's Gluten-free cookie bars and brownies- really delicious and made right in Lee, MA. Each of us who has tried them has a favorite kind!
  • Additional varieties of pilafs, rice/quinoa blends and risotto's for the perfect side dish to your meals.
  • Kashi Organic Cinnamon Wheat cereal- it isn't too sweet and will be enjoyed by kids and adults alike at the breakfast table.
  • New organic Clif Mojo bars join our non-organic Kind bars, and a display of Pamela's Figgies & Jammies in four flavors- these are Gluten Free and not-too-sweet! Again, everyone has a favorite but you don't have to be Gluten-Free to love them. They are on sale until March.
  • Easter chocolates from Lake Champlain on the specials end-cap near the produce section- we will have Organic Sea Salt & Almond Milk chocolate bunnies, foil wrapped filled eggs (mocha truffle, coconut and caramel) and fun carrot-shaped dark and milk chocolate. Sweet treats for the Easter holidays!
  • It's the doldrums of winter, but we are starting to see fresh produce come in from sunnier climes-Florida has started harvesting green beans and they are gorgeous, crisp and delicious.
  • Pacific cod is in season! It is sustainably harvested and strictly controlled so we can feel good about eating it. Faroe Island salmon continues to be an excellent product and sells well. Remember to check the seafood board in the store weekly and on Facebook for special pricing on delicious seafood.

Creamery Coffee prices Reduced 


Since late 2013 the wholesale price of coffee has increased over 50% and our prices have gone up.  


We have decided to reduce our margins on bulk coffee. In combination with better deals from local roasters we are lowering our prices by $2 or more per pound. These include Dean's Beans, Indigo, Rao, and Fogbuster regular.


Enjoy these great coffees from our local importers and coffee roasters 


Basics at Basic Prices 


It is important for us to be able to offer a range of Basic products at everyday low prices. See what we carry for BASICS HERE.  We will continue to do all we can to keep prices for these staple items affordable. We do this through negotiating with our suppliers, taking advantage of manufacturer sales, and reducing the margins we get on those products.  


Look for the RED tags on the shelves that identify our Basics Line 

Stay in touch, continue to tell us what you think, and help where you can.


For questions about Co-op membership, product requests, suggestions, or other feedback, please send a note to


If you'd like to contact the general manager, send an email to


If you'd like to contact the Co-op's board of directors, send an email to


Help us spread the word! Encourage your friends to sign on to receive this newsletter.  You can forward this email to your friends and relatives (for best results, use the "Forward email" link in the white space at the bottom of this page). We will not disclose your or their email addresses to anyone else. You can unsubscribe at any time. Thank you for all your support.  


Check out past issues at THIS LINK 


Your continued patronage supports the ongoing success of our community-owned, values-based cooperative. Thank you for supporting the Old Creamery. We value every contribution to the Co-op.



Please pass this message on to your friends  

and encourage them to join our mailing list.


Click here if you would like to become a Member-Owner  


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Quick Links


445 Berkshire Trail

Cummington, Massachusetts 01026
