of Events

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to View Larger

Pet Adoption Events
September 8 -12

New Library Program
September 15 

Senior Center
Blood Pressure Testing 
September 18
9am - 10am
Moreno Valley Chamber of Commerce
Business Expo

September 24

Hike to the Top

September 26 

 Hike to Lake Perris

Recycle Program
September 26
Ride MoVal
MoVal Haunting
October 29, 30  and 31
Small Business Summit
November 4
Soaring Online
Volunteer Opportunities
Looking for a Volunteering Opportunity


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State of the City Address 2015




World Logistics Center Approved

The Moreno Valley City Council approved the largest single industrial development project in California's history. The World Logistics Center (WLC) is a world class business park specifically designed to support the requirements of large global companies and their logistics operations. Featuring advanced technologies and innovative architecture, the World Logistics Center is destined to become one of the premier business centers in Southern California. With this approval, Moreno Valley is now a full-fledged player in the global economy.

"The World Logistics Center is a game-changer of proportional magnitude, not only for the City but the entire region," said Moreno Valley Mayor Jesse Molina.  Click here to read more.

Checkout the Fun Planned
for Kids at YouthFest

Volunteer Opportunities with the
Animal Shelter
Be part of a meaningful team in your community! The City needs volunteers for a variety of services including help at the Animal Shelter. Volunteers can do things like: pet grooming, walking dogs, care-taking, photography, assistance with lost and found services, and events.
Volunteer applications are available online at www.moval.org. Must be 18 years of age or older. For more information, contact Animal Services at 951.413.3790.

Remy Field Receives Attention

Moreno Valley baseball players' home away from home, Sunnymead Park, received some much needed attention. Specifically, Remy Field received some sprucing up. Now baseball players have a renovated infield and pitcher's mound. Batter up!
To learn more about the park or secure renting a facility, contact our
Parks & Community Services Department. 

Trademark Plastics Selects Moreno Valley
Moreno Valley is the new home of Trademark Plastics, a high-end injection molding firm that is expanding into Moreno Valley.  Trademark Plastics runs numerous injection molding machines to produce more than 300 different medical devices.  The company brings more highly skilled manufacturing jobs to Moreno Valley. Check out their website here. 
Economic Development Summary

Curious about what's coming to Moreno Valley?  Want to be the first to know about new businesses and new developments under construction?  Check out the updated Economic Development Summary here.
Business Spotlight: Hangar Trampoline Park

Congratulations to
Beautification Award Winners

The City of Moreno Valley and Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) partnered together to roll out the inaugural Beautification Award Program at the annual State of the City event last month.  The purpose of the Beautification Awards is to recognize beautiful water-wise landscaping and showcase those residents who removed turf and installed drought tolerant landscapes in their front yards.  EMWD selected one home from each Council District to be honored. Congratulations to all of the winners!
Alert MoVal

Alert MoVal is the City's new opt-in emergency alert system we will use to rapidly send notifications to residents and businesses in an affected area of an emergency or disaster. All residents are encouraged to opt-in to become informed during an emergency.
Options for notification preferences include:  landline and cell phone numbers, text message and/or email.  Sign-Up Here

Regional Transportation
Assessments Underway

The Riverside County Transportation Commission is holding several public meetings to assess transportation needs for today and for the future. All Moreno Valley residents are invited to share their thoughts about what the funding priorities should be. Go to the RCTC website to find meeting information. You can also submit your comments online by using the survey on their website.
City Manager's Report

Check out the City Manager's Report! This comprehensive report provides a general overview of what is happening at City Hall.

Click here to go to the latest report.


West Nile Virus

The City of Moreno Valley Office of Emergency Management would like to remind residents that  cases of West Nile Virus (WNV) are especially active during this time of year due to high temperatures and overall climate changes. It is important for residents to be aware of this increased risk and take preventative measures in reducing the exposure of this disease. WNV is transmitted to humans and animals through a mosquito bite. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds. Health officials emphasize that the risk of serious illness to humans is low. Most individuals who are infected with WNV will not experience any illness. Elderly individuals and those with compromised immune systems are at greatest risk for serious illness. Click here to learn more.


Looking for something to do? The Moreno Valley Community Calendar is the place to look when it comes to meetings and events in Moreno Valley.


The Calendar is available to all organizations in Moreno Valley hosting a meeting or event that is open to the public to help get the word out. The online form is easy to use. For questions, email the Media Division at mvtv3@moval.org.

Get Connected and Share Ideas

The City of Moreno Valley provides several ways to help you stay informed and engaged. Check us out: