           June 2016



Antonio Talarico

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Cari italiani e cari amici dell'Italia,
giugno � il mese della Festa della Repubblica e invito tutti a partecipare domenica 5 giugno alla festa di piazza che il COMITES e la Federazione delle Associazioni Italiane e Italo-americane del New England hanno organizzato al Christopher Columbus Park di Boston a partire dalle ore 10.00.
Nell'ambito delle attivit� organizzate da questo Consolato Generale desidero segnalarvi la prossima edizione dell'Aperitivo Scientifico che si terr� presso questo Consolato il 7 giugno alle 18.30. L'ospite di questa nuova edizione sar� il Prof. Antonio Puliafito, docente di Sistemi distribuiti presso l'Universit� di Messina che ci parler� di integrazione tra il mondo Cyber e Internet delle cose.
Infine, vi ricordo che i giorni 8, 9 e 10 giugno si terr� il primo Corso Arduino "a scuola di Makers" interamente in italiano per giovani studenti a partire dai 12 anni. Il corso � organizzato in collaborazione con Arduino srl e l'Associazione degli studenti italiani di MIT, Harvard, Boston University e Northeastern. Un modo nuovo per far incontrare la nostra bellissima lingua con il mondo dei giovani e dell'innovazione!
Grazie a tutti e buona lettura!
Nicola De Santis
Dear Italians and dear friends of Italy,
June is the month of the Celebration of the Italian Republic and to commemorate this, I invite you to come to the Christopher Columbus Park in Boston on Sunday, June 5th starting at 10:00 a.m. This event is organized by COMITES and the Federation of Italian and Italo-American associations of New England.
Among the other activities organized by the Consulate General, I would like to mention the next edition of the Apertivo Scientifico, to be held at the offices of the Consulate on June 7th at 6:30 p.m. The featured guest of this session will be Prof. Antonio Puliafito, professor of Distributive Systems at the University of Messina who will speak about the cyber world and the internet of things.
Lastly, I remind you that on June 8th, 9th and 10th, there will be the first Arduino class "a scuola di Makers", conducted entirely in Italian for young students at least 12 years of age. This class is organized in collaboration with Arduino srl and the Italian student associations of MIT, Harvard, Boston University and Northeastern. A new way of connecting our beautiful language with youth and innovation!
Thank you and happy reading!
Nicola De Santis

Register now!!  June 8-9-10 | 5:30 - 7:30pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Corso "Arduino for Beginners" in italiano a scuola di Makers
click on image to open pdf

For more information visit - www.usicboston.it

Each year for Italian Heritage Month C.A.S.IT. sponsors a project for students in grades 1 through 12 and awards prizes at the Festa della Repubblica 
held at Columbus Park. This year nine students won for their creation of a children's book in Italian.  Entries were done by individual students, groups, and whole classes. To judge the entries, C.A.S.IT. invited a small group of Italian speakers - community members, teachers, and representatives of various Italian organizations - to assist with reviewing the entries and selecting winners.  This project is made possible by the patronage of teachers of Italian, both within and outside of the C.A.S.IT. organization.  Prizes are provided by C.A.S.IT. and through the generosity of the Italian-American Heritage Month Committee, Sons of Italy, and the Dante Alighieri Society.

 The end of the year recital at the Pirandello Italian Language Center (PILC) was a great success. After 43 years ,Stefano Marchese has taken over as Director. He proposed, along with a whole new staff, a recital based on the notorious "Carosello" with a mixture of comic sketches, poems, songs, and nursery rhymes. In fact, the students acted out some of the most famous scenes in Italian television. At the conclusion of the event the adult students described what the PILC is to them in "La Pirandello �" which brought out smiles and applause from the audience.
Classes will resume with registration on Saturday, September 10, 2016 starting at 10am. "We are working on many new activities for next year" says the director Stefano Marchese. "The classes will run an extra 15 minutes per lesson, from 10am-12:15pm, there will be more field trips and other extracurricular activities. The classes will be more solidly structured to increase learning and retention". All in all, the Pirandello Italian Language Center seems to have truly been taken in a new and exciting direction.

Raised $5000 to support AP Italian Program thanks to the commitment of COMITES that, on this occasion, has opened a fundraising  activity. The FAA/USA (Federazione delle Associazioni Abruzzesi) has replied positively this year, too. Gizio's, Paesani d'Italia's and Aprutium's contributions have made the AP program even stronger. An important contribution has also come from the Federazione Associazioni Italiane. A special thank-you to all the Associations and in particular to Comites (Presidente Maurizio Pasquale and Andrea Boggio, charged with the Italian language and culture), for the exciting initiative that we hope will become a regular appointment for the Italian community. Other $2,500 have been raised thanks to the Concert The Classic, promoted by the Grand Lodge of MA O.S.I.A. in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Boston, under Lino Rullo's careful direction that made possible the musicians arrival from Italy, thus offering an unforgettable Italian music evening.

Sunday, June 5 | 10:00am-6:00pm | Christopher Columbus Park, Long Wharf, Boston
Piazza Italia - Festa Nazionale della Repubblica Italiana 
click on image to open pdf

Tuesday June 7 | 6:30 - 8:30pm | Consolato Generale d'Italia | 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston
Software Defined Cities: Integrazione tra mondo cyber e Internet delle Cose

click on image to open pdf

Friday, June 10 | 7:00pm | Lowe Auditorium | Arlington High School 
BeJazzled! An Evening of jazz in Arlington

Saturday, June 11 | 10:30-11:30am |Cambridge, Ma
Open house - Scuola italiana del sabato
click image to open pdf

Saturday, June 11 | 7:00pm| Dante Alighieri Society  | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Regions of Italy Cooking

The Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts Presents Regions of Italy Cooking from Sicilia, Campania and Abruzzo Regional Foods, Music, Dancing and Cash Bar

Donation $35 Tickets in Advance To reserve your seat, call: 617-876-5160 or 617-592-8209 or email:

Free parking lot at rear entrance of the Dante building $5 validated overflow parking available at Kendall Square Cinema Garage

Wednesday, June 15 | 9:00pm|Ryles Jazz Club | 212 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Marco Pignataro - George Garzone Quintet - Feat. Teo Ciavarella

click on image to open pdf

Friday, June 17 | 5:30-8:30pm| Museum of Fine Arts | Fenway Entrance | 465 Hungtington Avenue, Boston

click image for more info
We are pleased to have Laura Weinstein, the Ananda Coomaraswamy Curator of South Asian and Islamic Art at the Museum of Fine Arts, give us a lecture on the exhibit prior to the viewing. 

Megacities Asia, the largest contemporary exhibition ever organized at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), invites visitors to walk under, through, along, around or inside large-scale sculptures and installations that examine issues of urbanization. Eleven artists offer 19 works created from accumulations of objects found in their home "megacities"-those with populations of 10 million or more-in China, India and Korea, which have seen unprecedented development over the past 50 years. On view from April 3-July 17, Megacities Asia extends beyond the MFA's Ann and Graham Gund Gallery into other exhibition and public spaces, onto the Museum's front lawn and into the city beyond, with a sculpture presented in Marketplace Center near Faneuil Hall.

For more information about this event please click here  

Learn more about the Vatican Patrons (Article from TheBostonPilot.com)

Monday, June 20 | 7:30pm| David Friend Recital Hall | Berklee College of Music | 921 Boylston Street, Boston
Sounds of Italy: Scanzonati

click image to open pdf

Eataly Boston is coming this fall but they are hiring now!
click on image for more info

Deadline for the submission of applications is July 15, 2016

The purpose of the Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation is to support the research of promising young scientists, to contribute to the creation of new areas of research in the biological sciences in Italy, and to strengthen and develop collaborative relationships between Italian scientists and those at Harvard Medical School in Boston (HMS). 

Please click here for more information 

Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies (JICMS)

Founded and edited by Professor Flavia Laviosa (Wellesley College, USA) in 2012 and published by Intellect (UK), JICMS is the only English-language academic journal representing a forum for theoretical, methodological and critical debate on Italian film and media production, distribution, and reception. The journal enters the international publishing world as a platform for dialogue between academics, filmmakers, and cinema and media professionals. The journal includes critical articles, book and film reviews, notes on Italian film festivals, and a special section on independent filmmakers.

The journal dedicates a special issue  (Volume 4:2, 2016), edited in collaboration with Massimo Mascolo, to the historic and artistic celebrations of the sixtieth anniversary of the David di Donatello Awards (1956-2016) with testimonials, reflections, and interviews with the following professionals in the Italian film industry: Gian Luigi Rondi, Giuliano Montaldo, Nicola Piovani, Paolo e Vittorio Taviani, Giuseppe Tornatore, Ennio Morricone, Emilia De Sica, Carlo Verdone, Giuseppe Battiston, Aldo Signoretti, Dino Trappetti, Luca Bigazzi, Francesca Calvelli and Paola Cortellesi. This special issue also includes several articles and the reviews of the films: Gian Luigi Rondi: Vita, Cinema, Passione di (Giorgio Treves, 2014); 50 Anni di David, 1956-2006, La storia per immagini (Massimo Mascolo, 2006); e La Grande Bellezza (Paolo Sorrentino, 2013).
This publication was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the Accademia del Cinema Italiano and generous support of Wellesley College

2016 Arturo Falaschi ICGEB Calls for Fellowship Applications
ICGEB Calls for Fellowship Applications are now open 

click image to open pdf
Interested candidates should contact ICGEB Research Group Leaders and PIs to define a joint research project prior submitting the online application. For more information: www.icgeb.org/fellowships.html

Accademia della Cucina Italiana
Commitment and Research for the protection of the traditions of Italian cuisine

Goethe disse "dimmi con chi vai e ti diro chi sei, e se so di cosa ti occupi sapro che cosa vuoi diventare".
L'Accademia Italiana della Cucina, ha lo scopo di identificare ristoranti italiani e di accertarne la qualita.
La qualita del cibo non puo essere isolata dalla qualita dell'ambiente, dal servizio, dalla conoscenza e gentilezza del personale. In sintesi, la vera esperienza italiana a tavola composta da tutti quegli elementi che contribuiscono a rendere la colazione un evento culturale e non una attivita mangiereccia, lo scopo non e' di sfamarsi bensi di ricordare odori e sapori autentici di una storia millenaria se pure in evoluzione. Gli Accademici condividono l'amore per la buona tavola e per la sana conversazione, l'Accademia riprende il pensiero di Goethe almeno nella sua prima parte tanto da celebrare lo stare insieme e nutrirne insegnamento. Al ristoratore, dedichiamo la seconda parte del pensiero di Goethe pertanto ci poniamo la domanda - di cosa si occupa principalmente il cuoco? Se si occupa della cucina allora l'amore per gli ingredienti e come innovarli rispettando la storia e la classicita della cucina Italiana, diventa l'attivita primaria. Tutto il resto e' business o peggio fuffa. I cuochi nel Medioevo erano organizzati e rappresentavano la propria gerarchia, con Enrico IV di Francia la gerarchia era stata suddivisa in aree di competenza con i "maestri chef, cuochi e porte chapes" dedicati a organizzare pranzi di nozze. Questi chef, alla fine del loro apprendistato avevano il compito di offrire 6 libbre di carne o pesce a ciascun membro della Confraternita e riceverne la critica. 
L' Accademia Italiana della Cucina a Boston ha visitato ogni tipo di ristorante "italiano" e piu di recente "Sportello" ristorante casual firmato Barbara Lynch su Congress Street. La pasta alla Carbonara risulta la pietanza piu falsificata all'estero e Sportello non ha fatto eccezione usando la pancetta al posto del guanciale e il parmiggiano al posto del pecorino, i rigatoni un disturbo alla vista. Tutti ricordiamo che la Carbonara nasce durante la seconda guerra mondiale come evoluzione alla pasta "Cacio e Pepe" propria del Lazio quindi in assenza di parmiggiano. Lo Stracotto di manzo e polentina (polenta) puo solo essere Piacentino altrimenti diventa un pezzo di manzo stracotto e questa seconda versione e' piu vicina al piatto offerto dalla Signora Lynch. La torta con fragole e mascarpone e' una ricetta della cucina italiana moderna ma la nostra attenzione era rivolta al "mascarpone" formaggio lombardo di latte vaccino acidificato. Il nome deriva da una espressione utilizzata nel '200 da un nobile spagnolo che assaggiandolo disse "Mas que bueno" cioe...piu che buono! La nostra tavola accademica ha invece apprezzato le fragole laddove non toccassero il formaggio dal gusto non definito e a noi ignoto. Per chiunque volesse far visita a Sportello, limitatevi agli antipasti buoni, semplici creativi. Il fiore all'occhiello le prugne ripiene e brindate con vini italiani di grande prestigio...quelli ancora non riescono a falsificarli in nome della creativita.

July 5-8 | 9am-5pm | Eliot K-8 Innovation School 16 Charter Street, Boston
Innovative Italian Summer Cam/WorkShop Model
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Early drop-off and early/late pick-up options available)
Location: Eliot K-8 Innovation School 16 Charter Street, Boston, MA 02113
Contact: [email protected] 617-939-4216  or [email protected] 617-803-1808
C.A.S.IT. Inc. (Centro Attivit� Scolastiche Italiane), in cooperation with the Eliot Innovation School and the Office of the Education Director of the Italian Consulate is proud to sponsor its third Full Immersion Italian Summer Camp for students ages 4-10. The camp is a great opportunity for students to be exposed early to a foreign language and get them excited about language learning. Learning a foreign language provides many benefits: from experiencing new cultures to gaining the skills needed to succeed in today's world. The camp will be full of fun activities that will prove to be a blast for all children!

Let's Learn Italian-Impariamo L'italiano! - 
Are You Interested In Studying Italian?

Welcome to our Italian classes. Are you ready for an exciting and rewarding ten weeks studying the most beautiful language in the world? Our Italian  Level 1 classes are designed for beginners and Level 2 for more experienced speakers and readers of Italian. Classes are taught by native Italian speakers and will include a variety of communicative activities, short readings and and written exercises. During the ten weeks of study, participants will also study cultural aspects of Italy and its people.

ScheduleClasses are conducted in the evening from 6:30 -8:00 PM. Day classes and private lessons can be arranged.
Tuition: $250 for ten session (Total 150 Hours).
Location: C.A.S.IT., Inc., 37 Water St., Unit 4, Wakefield, MA 01880
Information and Registration: Call Steve (781) 640-3637; smaio@casit.org

C.A.S.IT Inc. (Centro Attivita scholastiche Italiane) is under the auspices of  the Consul General of  Italy, Boston.
37 Water St-Unit #4
Wakefield, MA 01880
Office Phone (781) 224-0532

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201 - Fax 617-722-9407

[email protected] 


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