           April 2016



Antonio Talarico

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L'Ufficio Passaporti (solo su appuntamento) 
e l'Ufficio AIRE sono aperti il Luned�, il Mercoled� ed il Venerd� dalle 9:00 alle
12:30 e Gioved� dalle 14:00 alle 15:30. 

L'Ufficio Cittadinanza e' aperto Martedi'
e Giovedi' solo su appuntamento

L'ufficio notarile e' aperto il marted�
ed il gioved� e riceve esclusivamente
per appuntamento (prego scrivere a: [email protected])



The Passport Office (online booking only)  and the Registry Office are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 12:30pm and Thursday from 2:00 to 3:30pm



The Citizenship Office is open Tuesday
and Thursday by
appointment only.

The Notary office is open Tuesday
and Thursday by appointment only. (
[email protected])
Cari italiani e cari amici dell'Italia,
non mancano, anche in questo mese di aprile, numerosi eventi legati all'arte, alla scienza e alla cultura italiana che ci faranno sentire pi� vicini alla nostra bellissima Italia.
Agli amanti del Bel Canto e a tutti i sostenitori della lingua italiana, desidero segnalare il Concerto "Italian Trio - The Classics" che si terr� il 10 aprile a Boston (e a seguire l'11 aprile a Springfield) e che vedr� la partecipazione di un eccezionale trio venuto appositamente dall'Abruzzo. I cantanti si esibiranno con brani classici tratti dalle pi� famose Opere italiane e con alcuni evergreen della musica italiana e in particolare napoletana. Tutti i ricavi della serata saranno devoluti a favore della lingua italiana e in particolare a favore dell'esame di AP in italiano. Partecipate quindi numerosi!
Desidero inoltre segnalarvi l'evento "Duello ai Fornelli", la sfida culinaria tra le associazioni studentesche italiane di Boston University, Harvard, MIT e Northeastern che si terr� alla Dante Alighieri il 15 aprile. Si tratta di un nuovo format - che ha segnato il tutto esaurito in occasione della prima sfida della Carbonara Night - e che intende riunire i numerosissimi studenti italiani qui presenti nelle varie universit� in una serata goliardica e saporita. In questa occasione, gli studenti si sfideranno ai fornelli per cucinare la migliore Pasta al rag�... in bocca al lupo e vinca la migliore squadra!
Infine, ricordo a tutti gli elettori italiani qui residenti che il 17 aprile 2016 si terr� il Referendum abrogativo della norma che regola i permessi e le concessioni a esplorazioni e trivellazioni dei giacimenti di idrocarburi entro dodici miglia dalla costa. Troverete maggiori informazioni nel riquadro qui sotto.
Un cordiale saluto e buona lettura a tutti!
Nicola De Santis

* * * 
Dear Italians and dear friends of Italy,
The month of April will also offer numerous events relating to the arts, science and Italian culture. They will make us feel closer to our wonderful Italy.
To the music lovers and to all supporters of the Italian language I would like to point out the concert "Italian Trio - The Classics" on April 10th in Boston ( and on April 11th in Springfield). This wonderful trio coming directly from Abruzzo will perform classics songs from the most famous Italian operas and with some milestones of Italian music, in particular Neapolitan music. All proceeds will benefit the study of the Italian language and in particular the AP exam in Italian. Come and join us!
I also would like to bring to your attention the event "Duello ai Fornelli", the culinary challenge among the Italian students associations of Boston University, Harvard, MIT and Northeastern which will be held at the Dante Alighieri Society on April 15th. It is a new series - the first challenge of Carbonara Night was completely sold out  - which wants to bring together all Italian students in Boston from the different universities in one night of fun and good food. In this occasion the students will compete to cook the best Pasta al ragu'.... Break a leg and may the best on win!
Finally I want to remind all Italian voters residents here that on April 17th 2016 there will be the Referendum about the repel of the law regulating the permits and concessions about exploring and drilling oil and gas within 12 miles from the coast. You will find more info below.  
Greetings and happy reading to all!
Nicola De Santis


Con decisione del Consiglio dei Ministri adottata il 10 febbraio � stata determinata la data del 17 aprile
2016 per il REFERENDUM ABROGATIVO della norma che prevede che i permessi e le concessioni a
esplorazioni e trivellazioni dei giacimenti di idrocarburi entro dodici miglia dalla costa abbiano la "durata
della vita utile del giacimento" (referendum popolare per l'abrogazione del comma 17, terzo periodo,
dell'art. 6 del decreto legislativo 3 aprile 2006, n. 152 [Norme in materia ambientale], come sostituito dal
comma 239 dell'art. 1 della legge 28 dicembre 2015, n. 208 [Disposizioni per la formazione del bilancio
annuale e pluriennale dello Stato − legge di stabilit� 2016], limitatamente alle seguenti parole: �per la
durata di vita utile del giacimento, nel rispetto degli standard di sicurezza e di salvaguardia ambientale�).

For more information visit - www.usicboston.it

Study Grants For A Study Abroad Experience In Italy 
Borse Di Studio Ap Eduitalia 2016

Register to the Italian AP Italian language and culture exam and participate with Eduitalia in the drawing of
21 study grants for a study abroad experience in italy
Eduitalia, association of 80 qualified schools and universities that offer courses for foreign students in Italy, is proud to support the embassy of Italy in Washington d.c., in their important initiative to promote Italian language and culture within the united states. The grants will allow winners to live an unforgettable study experience in Italy. All students who will take the AP Italian language and culture exam are eligible.
The grants will be chosen through a drawing that will take place at the school office of the Italian embassy in Washington, D.C.
The 21 grants include: enrollment, classes, accommodation, teaching material and extracurricular activities;
for more information ask your teacher and visit: www.eduitalia.org/advanced-placement/

The  Educational Office and C.A.S.IT warmly invite you to attend a workshop 
The  Educational Office and C.A.S.IT warmly invite you to attend a workshop on
Saturday,  April 9th 2016 | 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
at  C.A.S.IT., Inc. - 37 Water Street Unit #4,  Wakefield, MA 01880
Presenter: Prof.ssa Petrucci Carmen
Livello elementare:
  • Programmazione e curricolo
  • Progettazione dell'unita' didattica
  • Lo sviluppo delle competenze linguistiche
  • Materiali didattici
For more information: [email protected]

Friday, April 8th, 2016 - 9:30- 12:30pm | 135 Shillman Hall - Northeastern University, Boston
MITA presents;  Italian Day 2016 - Le festivit� e le sagre italiane

Italian Day is a friendly competition among students of Italian created to motivate our students and to get them excited for learning Italian. Each school that participates will present a skit, a song, etc. in Italian about the topic chosen by the organizing committee.

The skits are created and practiced beforehand and are presented on the day of the competition. Each school will be evaluated by a panel of judges.

For more details  
Steven LaPeruta:[email protected]
Stella Cocchiara: [email protected]

April 4 & 7 | 5:00pm & 6:00pm| University of Rhode Island | 45 Upper College Road, Kingston
A future for our past: Engineering Sciences for the Conservation and Preservation
of World Cultural Heritage and Rediscovering Leonardo Da Vinci: The Secret Lives of Paintings

click image to open pdf
The University of Rhode Island is honored to host Professor Maurizio Seracini as a Distinguished International Visiting Scholar. Professor Seracini is a renowned pioneer in the use of multi spectral imaging and analytical technologies applied to works of art and structures (World Cultural Heritage). He will be visiting the university from April 2nd to April 8th, 2016, and will be giving two lectures on the use of scientific techniques in the diagnosing and preservation of art structures and pieces:

Monday, April 4 @ 5:00 pm: "A Future for our Past: engineering Sciences for the Conservation and Preservation of World Cultural Heritage" click here for more info

Thursday, April 7 @ 6:00 pm: "Rediscovering Leonardo Da Vinci: The Secret lives of Paintings" click here for more info

April 4 & 7 | 8:00pm & 9:00pm | Brattle Theater | 40 Brattle Street, Cambridge
Two Italian movies at the 32nd Boston LGBT FILM FESTIVAL
click on image to open pdf
We are pleased to announce the screening of two Italian movies during The 32ndBoston LGBT Film Festival -Wicked Queer!

ARIANNA (Dir. Carlo Lavagna)
Brattle Theater - April 4, 8:00 pm
Arianna is a teenager with emotional and physical insecurities who, unbeknown to her parents, embarks on a quest to discover her identity during a summer trip to the family holiday home on the shores of Lake Bolsano. This debut feature by Carlo Lavagna came out of a documentary he made on a real life case in Italy, but transposed the action to the everyday lives of a seemingly unassuming Italian family.
Presented at the 72nd Venice International Film Festival, Ondina Quadri has been awarded as Best Female Debut.

ME, MYSELF AND HER (Dir. Maria Sole Tognazzi)
Brattle Theater - April 7, 9:00 pm
Perhaps Italy's first romantic comedy with a female couple at the center, ME, MYSELF AND HER stars Sabrina Ferilli as happily out restaurateur Marina and Margherita Buy (from Tognazzi's previous A FIVE STAR LIFE) as Federica, a previously married architect whose fear of what others might think gives her pause about the relationship. With a light tone, this warm look at the everyday struggles of two people to build a life together strikes a universal chord.

Beginning Thursday, April 7 until May 28| 5:00 pm | Various Locations around Cambridge/Boston
Sounds of Italy presents: Allegro Concert Series
Click on image for information and tickets

Beginning Thursday, April 7 | 5:30 - 9:30pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
New Organic Italian Cooking Classes - Chef Federico Zampieri

click image for more info
Join us as we introduce our new
organic Italian cooking classes, and our new chef, Federico Zampieri! Discover your inner chef and Italy's incredibly diverse culinary landscape as you cook your own three course masterpieces from the distinct and exciting cuisines of six Italian regions. Each class lasts four hours and includes a sit-down dinner with wine in our beautiful and intimate setting at the Dante Alighieri Society in Kendall Square, Cambridge. All menus include an appetizer, one entr�e, dessert and wine.
Classes meet on Thursday nights from 5:30pm to 9:30pm on the following days:
Region Emilia-Romagna - April 7, 2016
Region Piemonte - April 21, 2016
Region Calabria - May 5, 2016
Region Sardegna - May 19, 2016

Thursday, April 7 |
7:30-9:30pm | 
MIT - Center for International Studies | Building E40-496 (Muckley Building) 4th floor | 1 Amherst Street, Cambridge

The "Circolo Italiano di Boston" presents : Enrico Spolaore - Le radici culturali dello sviluppo economico 

Sunday, April 10 |
2:00pm | 
Maxwell Auditorium | 33 Marrett Road, Lexington

Italian Trio "The Classics" from Abruzzo: a Fundraiser in support of the Italian AP Exam
click on image to open pdf

Sunday, April 10 |
12:00pm and 3:00pm |
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras | 
855 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston

click image for more details
Special performances of a special family version of Rossini's opera, Cinderella, sung in English.

Musicians of the Boston Youth Symphony
Musicians of the Boston Symphony Orchestra 
Boston Symphony Orchestra Boston Symphony Hall - Boston
Don't miss two performances of a special family version of Rossini's opera, Cinderella, sung in English. Suitable for children ages 6 and older. The production of Cinderella is supported by a leadership gift from Marillyn Zacharis.

Sunday, April 10 |
1:00pm | 
Sons of Italy Hall |161 King Hall Road, Braintree

Sounds of Spring - Boston Bel Canto Opera with director Bradley Pennington
click on image to open pdf
What: Enjoy a Sunday afternoon of classic Italian and American music. Performance by Boston Bel Canto Opera andgeneral director Bradley Pennington, a selection of songs from acclaimed Operas.  Light refreshments will be served. Ticket price is $15.00. Advance tickets can be purchased at Michelangelo Salon, 40 Pearl St. Braintree, Ma. 02184; or at the door on the day of the performance ... but advance reservations are recommended to assure seating for you and your group.
Who:(IACO) Italian-American Cultural Organization of the South Shore; An Italian culture group that fosters a greater awareness about the Italian Culture based on the South Shore of Massachusetts.

: April 10, 2016 @ 1:00 pm
Where: Sons of Italy Hall, 161 King Hall Road, Braintree MA. 
Why: Bring together a community to promote the Italian culture and raise funds for the IACO scholarship program

Sponsored by IACO and open to the general public. Visit www.southshoreiaco.com


April 13-14 | 7:00pmFireplace Restaurant | 1634 Beacon Street, Brookline
"Sicilicity - Food for the Soul"  and "Casa Mia Italy Food and Wine"
click on image for detailed info and menu

What: Please join "Sicilicity - Food for the Soul"  and "Casa Mia Italy Food and Wine" for a special event TASTE OF SICILY at the Fireplace Restaurant in Brookline - 1634 Beacon St, Brookline, MA 02446

Who: Guest Chefs Nino Barbalace and Dorothy DiMarzo will be cooking an 8 course menu of traditional Sicilian dishes. Guest sommelier Gina Tringali will be on site to introduce a small selection of Sicilian wines.

When: The event takes place on Wednesday April 13th and Thursday April 14th, starting at 7pm.

Thursday, April 14 | 5:00pm | Harvard Law School |Boston College | 140 Commonwealth Avenue , Chestnut Hill
Artistic Wonders of Parma from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance

Boston College The Dept. Of Romance Languages & Literatures & The Office For International Programs present: 
A lecture in honor of the 20-year partnership between Boston College & the University of Parma.

(A delegation from the University of Parma will be in attendance.) 
By DR. LORENZO BUONANNO Asst. Professor of Art, University of Massachusetts, Boston

For further information: Prof. Franco Mormando ([email protected]), 617-552-6346
Co-sponsored by the Nicholas J. Sottile Fund for Italian Studies, RLL Dept.

Friday, April 15 | 7:00pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Pasta al Ragu' Night

click image to open pdf

Eataly Boston is coming this fall but they are hiring now!
click on image for more info


The purpose of the Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation is to support the research of promising young scientists, to contribute to the creation of new areas of research in the biological sciences in Italy, and to strengthen and develop collaborative relationships between Italian scientists and those at Harvard Medical School in Boston (HMS). 

Please click here for more information 

Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies (JICMS)

Founded and edited by Professor Flavia Laviosa (Wellesley College, USA) in 2012 and published by Intellect (UK), JICMS is the only English-language academic journal representing a forum for theoretical, methodological and critical debate on Italian film and media production, distribution, and reception. The journal enters the international publishing world as a platform for dialogue between academics, filmmakers, and cinema and media professionals. The journal includes critical articles, book and film reviews, notes on Italian film festivals, and a special section on independent filmmakers.

The journal dedicates a special issue  (Volume 4:2, 2016), edited in collaboration with Massimo Mascolo, to the historic and artistic celebrations of the sixtieth anniversary of the David di Donatello Awards (1956-2016) with testimonials, reflections, and interviews with the following professionals in the Italian film industry: Gian Luigi Rondi, Giuliano Montaldo, Nicola Piovani, Paolo e Vittorio Taviani, Giuseppe Tornatore, Ennio Morricone, Emilia De Sica, Carlo Verdone, Giuseppe Battiston, Aldo Signoretti, Dino Trappetti, Luca Bigazzi, Francesca Calvelli and Paola Cortellesi. This special issue also includes several articles and the reviews of the films: Gian Luigi Rondi: Vita, Cinema, Passione di (Giorgio Treves, 2014); 50 Anni di David, 1956-2006, La storia per immagini (Massimo Mascolo, 2006); e La Grande Bellezza (Paolo Sorrentino, 2013).
This publication was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the Accademia del Cinema Italiano and generous support of Wellesley College

2016 Arturo Falaschi ICGEB Calls for Fellowship Applications
ICGEB Calls for Fellowship Applications are now open 

click image to open pdf
Interested candidates should contact ICGEB Research Group Leaders and PIs to define a joint research project prior submitting the online application. For more information: www.icgeb.org/fellowships.html

Accademia della Cucina Italiana
Commitment and Research for the protection of the traditions of Italian cuisine

The Accademia Italiana della Cucina was born - naturally at the dinner table, as is often the case with important things - when a group of friends, united at dinner on the 29th of July of 1953, heard and agreed with the idea which Orio Vergani had long been nurturing: that of founding an academy with the task of safeguarding, together with the traditions of Italian cuisine, the culture of the civilisation of the table, lively and active expression of the entire Nation.

July 5-8 | 9am-5pm | Eliot K-8 Innovation School 16 Charter Street, Boston
Innovative Italian Summer Cam/WorkShop Model
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Early drop-off and early/late pick-up options available)
Location: Eliot K-8 Innovation School 16 Charter Street, Boston, MA 02113
Contact: [email protected] 617-939-4216  or [email protected] 617-803-1808
C.A.S.IT. Inc. (Centro Attivit� Scolastiche Italiane), in cooperation with the Eliot Innovation School and the Office of the Education Director of the Italian Consulate is proud to sponsor its third Full Immersion Italian Summer Camp for students ages 4-10. The camp is a great opportunity for students to be exposed early to a foreign language and get them excited about language learning. Learning a foreign language provides many benefits: from experiencing new cultures to gaining the skills needed to succeed in today's world. The camp will be full of fun activities that will prove to be a blast for all children!

Let's Learn Italian-Impariamo L'italiano! - 
Are You Interested In Studying Italian?

Welcome to our Italian classes. Are you ready for an exciting and rewarding ten weeks studying the most beautiful language in the world? Our Italian  Level 1 classes are designed for beginners and Level 2 for more experienced speakers and readers of Italian. Classes are taught by native Italian speakers and will include a variety of communicative activities, short readings and and written exercises. During the ten weeks of study, participants will also study cultural aspects of Italy and its people.

Schedule- Italian Level 1 starts on Wednesday April 6 and is conducted in the evening from 6:30 -8:00 PM. Level 2 will start on Tuesday evening April 19, 6:30 -8:00 PM. Day classes and private lessons can also be arranged.
Tuition: $250 for ten session (Total 150 Hours).
Location: C.A.S.IT., Inc., 37 Water St., Unit 4, Wakefield, MA 01880
Information and Registration: Call Steve (781) 640-3637; smaio@casit.org
C.A.S.IT Inc. (Centro Attivita scholastiche Italiane) is under the auspices of 
the Consul General of  Italy, Boston.
37 Water St-Unit #4
Wakefield, MA 01880
Office Phone (781) 224-0532

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201 - Fax 617-722-9407

[email protected] 


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Consolato Generale d'Italia | 600 Atlantic Avenue 17th floor | Boston | MA | 02210