February 2016 



Antonio Talarico

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Italian Language Total Plus
Watch the video spot here

scrivi a: tuttinclasseboston@gmail.com 


L'Ufficio Passaporti (solo su appuntamento) e l'Ufficio AIRE sono aperti il Luned�, il Mercoled� ed il Venerd� dalle 9:00 alle 12:30 e Gioved� dalle 14:00 alle 15:30. 

L'Ufficio Cittadinanza e' aperto Martedi' e Giovedi' solo su appuntamento

L'ufficio notarile e' aperto il marted� ed il gioved� e riceve esclusivamente per appuntamento (prego scrivere a: notarile.boston@esteri.it)



The Passport Office (online booking only)  and the Registry Office are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 12:30pm and Thursday from 2:00 to 3:30pm



The Citizenship Office is open Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only.

The Notary office is open Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only. (notarile.boston@esteri.it)
Cari italiani e cari amici dell'Italia

la programmazione del mese di febbraio vede diversi appuntamenti tra i quali desidero segnalarvi in particolare la serata italiana organizzata al Boston Children's Museum. L'Italian Carnival Night e' un evento dedicato alle famiglie nel corso del quale potremo celebrare tutti insieme il carnevale con musica, danze e artisti teatrali italiani nella prestigiosa cornice del Children's Museum.  Vi aspettiamo numerosi!
Tra gli ulteriori diversi appuntamenti vi ricordo Destination Europe, evento organizzato dalla Commissione europea per la promozione delle opportunit� offerte dai centri di ricerca ed universit� europee al quale parteciper� anche l'Addetto scientifico dell'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington Giulio Busulini nonch� un incontro con Dacia Mariani che si terr� presso la Dante Alighieri Society  all'inizio del prossimo mese.
Inoltre, come molti di voi sapranno grande importanza viene data all'esame AP di italiano che i migliori allievi danno alla fine della High School. E' un esame al quale gli allievi arrivano dopo un percorso di studi della nostra lingua e cultura che coinvolge tutti i livelli scolastici e, in diversa misura, tutti i docenti.  Al riguardo, vi invito a leggere e diffondere le informazioni contenute nell'apposito spazio informativo dell'Ufficio scolastico contenuto in questa newsletter.
Infine, per tutti coloro che cercano una nuova opportunit� di lavoro segnalo che e' stato bandito presso questo Consolato un concorso per l'assunzione di un impiegato a contratto da adibire ai servizi di autista-commesso-centralinista, il cui avviso di assunzione troverete qui sotto.
Un cordiale saluto e buona lettura a tutti!
Nicola De Santis
*            *           *

Dear Italians and dear friends of Italy,
The month of February has several events I want to point out to you, in particular the Italian evening at the Boston Children's Museum "Italian Carnival Night" dedicated to families. We will celebrate all together the Carnival with music, dances and Italian theater artists at the prestigious Boston Children's Museum. Come and celebrate with us!
Among the many appointments I remind you Destination Europe, an event organized by the European Commission for the promotion of European research centers, Universities and their programs. Our scientific attach� from the Embassy in Washington, Giulio  Busulini , will participate. Also, a conversation with Dacia Maraini will take place at the Dante Alighieri Society at the beginning of next month.
Furthermore, many of you already know the great importance of the Italian AP exam which the best students take the last year of High School.  These students are able to take the exam after a course of studies in our language and culture that involve all scholastic levels and, to a different degree, all teachers of Italian. On this topic I invite you to read and spread the information contained in the Scholastic Office space within this newsletter.
Finally, to those of you looking for work, I would like to point out that this Consulate has a job opening for an employee with duties of driver-receptionist. You will find the information below.
Best wishes and happy reading to all!
Nicola De Santis


For more information visit - www.usicboston.it

Don't have an Italian AP course in your school? 
We are looking for 10 students that are interested in 
our Italian online AP Course FOR FREE !
We are looking for 10 students that want to take the Italian AP Exam next may 2016 and don't have an Italian AP course in their school. We are offering you a FREE online Italian AP Course

You put the commitment and we'll give you the course for free!!
If you are interested here is the APPLICATION.

Viva l'Italiano: Support AP Italian Language in NE - Click here to learn more! 
Under the auspices of the Italian Consulate in Boston, COMITES are seeking support in a joint effort to expand the offering of AP-level courses in Italian language and culture in high schools throughout New England. AP (or Advanced Placement) are courses that reward students and schools that offer more advanced programs in Italian and allow students to earn college credits while in high school. Students who successfully pass an AP class in Italian and 2 more in a different discipline can also enroll in Italian universities without further evidence of language skills.

Would you like a coffee?

The idea now is spreading:
Caff� Italiano is a conversation group (started at the North Eastern University) taking place during the Fall and
 Spring semesters where you can practice speaking, meet
 new friends, learn about Italian culture, playing games, while drinking a real Italian espresso or cappuccino! The idea now is spreading.

Where you can find Caffe' Italiano - conversation:
relaxing gathering for Colleges students/adults ISL learners from elementary to advanced level having a coffee together, chatting and improving own Italian no registration needed: just come when you can. It's Free!

TOMORROW, February 5 | 5:30-8:30pm | Boston Children's Museum | 308 Congress Street, Boston
Italian Carnival Night at the Boston Children's Museum

click image to open pdf

TOMORROW, February 5 |  Hyatt Regency- Boston | 1 Ave De Lafayette, Boston
Destination Europe
click image for more info
Destination Europe:
  • is a forum for leading European research organisations and funders to present the opportunities they offer to researchers and innovators from anywhere in the world.
  • show-cases Europe's vibrant and exciting research and innovation culture.
  • events enable you to learn about opportunities, ask questions, network and discuss with people who have chosen to work in Europe

Italian Speakers
  • Giulio M. Busulini
    Scientific Attach�, Embassy of Italy, Washington DC
  • Lisa Mayer
    Executive Director Armenise Harvard Foundation
  • Elisabetta Vitali
    Director of Italian Programs Armenise Harvard Foundation


Friday, February 12 |
12:00pm | 
WCC 1010 | 1585 Massachusetts Avenue,  Cambridge

Directors' nomination process in the U.S. and in Italy
click on image for more info

Wednesday, February 17 |
2:30-4:00pm | 
University of Massachusetts Boston | room 3540 Campus Center 
Europe's Migrant Crisis - Hon. Franz Turchi
click image to open pdf

Friday, February 19 |
3:00pm | 
Boston College | Lyons Hall 315 | 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill 
Languages Partnered with Art: Using Art as a Strategy for Stimulating Critical Thinking and Building Literacy (in Any Language)"

Presented by Boston College Dept of Romance Languages and Literatues

A lecture and workshop for language teachers of all levels
by Dr. ELVIRA Di FABIO - Senior Preceptor in Romance Languages and Literatures, Harvard University

For further information: Prof. Franco Mormando (mormando@bc.edu), 617-552-6346
Free and open to the public.

Friday, February 19 | 6:00-7:30pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Organic Italian Cooking Classes - Chef Federico Zampieri

We are excited to introduce  
our new chef, 
Federico Zampieri and our brand-new organic cooking classes!
Come meet chef Federico and sample some of his flavorful creations and hear about his 
innovative cooking techniques
read more about the chef here

Friday, February 19, 2016
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, Ma
rsvp: admin@dantemass.org 

February 13/20 | I am books |189 North Street, Boston
I Piccoli Lettori & Newpoli

Feb. 13 - I Piccoli Lettori
I Piccoli Lettori is our very own Italian reading program geared towards children ages 1 to 4. Led by educator Adele Profeta, the reading group encourages children to interact and play an active role in the reading and learning process. Click here for more info 

Feb. 20 - Newpoli
Boston-based Newpoli will present their latest CD, Nun te vut�, at 5 p.m. on February 20, performing a number of new and old songs from their extensive repertoire. This is a ticketed event. General admission tickets are $15 and can be purchased at the door or at the Eventbrite link provided below. Click here for more info

Tuesday, February 23 | 7:30-9:30pm | 
MIT - Center for International Studies | 
Building E40-496 (Muckley Building) 4th floor | 
1 Amherst Street ,Cambridge 
Danielle Carrabino: "La Replica della Canonica di Montepulciano a Harvard"

La Dott.ssa Carrabino relaziona sulla canonica di San Biagio a Montepulciano, opera del grande architetto rinascimentale, Antonio di Sangallo il Vecchio (c. 1534). Presenter� un riassunto della storia dell'edificio di Montepulciano come esempio di architecttura del rinascimento italiano e proporr� alcune idee basate sulle sue ricerche per spiegare perch� Henry Richardson Shepley ha scelto proprio questo edificio per il disegno del "nuovo" museo Fogg a Harvard nel 1927. Danielle Carrabino e' curatore dell'arte europea presso gli Harvard Art Museums.
Avvisiamo i gentili soci che se si trova chiusa a chiave la porta centrale vi preghiamo di entrare dalla porta secondaria che si trova al lato del palazzo che si affaccia al parcheggio.  
C'� una rampa e la porta si trova in cima alla rampa. 

Parcheggio nel Lot di Hayward Street (gratuito dopo le ore 17). 
Il parcheggio si trova arrivando da Main Street verso Amherst Street. 
Mezzi pubblici - linea rossa, fermata Kendall Square.

Guest Fee $5.

Wednesday, February 24 |
7:00pm | 
The Godine Gallery|MassArt | 621 Huntington Avenue, Boston

Announcing REGALI Artists Residency at MassArt

click image for more info
The Godine Gallery at Massachusetts College of Art and Design invites you to the opening reception of REGALI, an exhibition born out of a reciprocal Boston-Sicilian artist residency centered on the community of Favara, Sicily and the culture of the gift. The exhibition features the collaborative work of the American and Italian resident artists ranging from photography, video, and installation to performance and interactive media. The Sicilian artists, as guests of the Studio for Interrelated Media Department at MassArt, will be attending the Sicilian themed catered event--please join us in welcoming them! 

For more information, please contact:
Nita Sturiale, nsturiale@massart.edu617-230-7862
The coordinators of the REGALI residency, Nita Sturiale (MassArt, Boston) andLisa Wade (Farm Cultural Park, Sicily), will be presenting their residency model during the Transcultural Exchange Conference

SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, March 1 | 6:30pm| Consolato Generale d'Italia | 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston
Real Estate Home Purchasing & Commercial Leasing In The United States
click image to open pdf

SAVE THE DATE: Friday, March 4 | 6:00pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Dacia Maraini - Scrivere come respirare

Writing like Breathing is a homage
to Dacia Maraini, celebrating a writing
career that has spanned over half a century.
It is a unique anthology comprising
some of her most important works, the
majority of which have never been translated
into English. The collection emphasizes
Maraini's long relationship with
the Unites States and Japan, and it is
enriched by an unpublished short story
(A Christmas in the Snow Globe), as well
as by interviews, and by talks given by
the author at American universities.
This distinctive volume truly embraces
academic collaboration, as it is the product
of scholars from numerous countries,
including Canada, Italy, the United
Kingdom and the United States.
The anthology will be a welcome and
enjoyable addition for students and
researchers of Dacia Maraini, her work,
Italian culture, and the standing of women
in the world.

2016 Arturo Falaschi ICGEB Calls for Fellowship Applications
ICGEB Calls for Fellowship Applications are now open 

click image to open pdf
click image to open pdf
Interested candidates should contact ICGEB Research Group Leaders and PIs to define a joint research project prior submitting the online application.

For more information: www.icgeb.org/fellowships.html

Quarterly Review - Accademia della Cucina Italiana
Osteria Nino - Burlington, Ma

Commitment and Research for the protection of the traditions of Italian cuisine

The Accademia Italiana della Cucina was born - naturally at the dinner table, as is often the case with important things - when a group of friends, united at dinner on the 29th of July of 1953, heard and agreed with the idea which Orio Vergani had long been nurturing: that of founding an academy with the task of safeguarding, together with the traditions of Italian cuisine, the culture of the civilisation of the table, lively and active expression of the entire Nation.

Review of Osteria Nino, located on 19 3rd Avenue, Burlington, MA 
Our delegation of 16 diners recently got together at Osteria Nino, located in Burlington, MA.  The overall experience has been great. This osteria has been established only 5 months ago and its menu is massively influenced by the typical Roman dishes. Both the general manager and the culinary director of Osteria Nino have extensive work experience in Rome where they met and decided to create this idea of "typical Roman style dishes" around the Boston area.  The service is fabulous while the actual size of the osteria is big enough to accommodate private and non-private functions. They have multiple wood ovens inside and outside (for both winter and summer wood oven recipes). We were particularly impressed by the quality of their "Primi", boasting delicious Roman style "tonnarelli cacio e pepe" or cavatelli all'amatriciana" or even " gnocchi al tartufo". "Porchetta" was also cooked to perfection. The pairing of exquisite wines with each dish was also superb. Finally, the "torta al cioccolato fondente" prepared without flour was simply to die for.  Parking (plenty) and convenience (right off Rt. 128 North) make the location easy to access. Overall, our accademici found Osteria Nino and its employees a very good place to taste authentic Roman style recipes. For these reason we decided to award Osteria Nino with our unique sticker to be affixed on their entrance door.



The Education Committee, under the auspices of the Italian Consulate of Boston,CENTRO ATTIVITA SCOLASTICHE ITALIANE (C.A.S.IT), is pleased to invite those who wish to learn the beautiful Italian language to enroll in a new adult education program. You may choose to take Level 1 for beginners or Level 2 for more experienced speakers of Italian.   Both classes run for10 sessions. They prepare you for travel to Italy and/or simply enjoying speaking and writing in beautiful Italian.  Evening classes starting January 2016 are held from 6:30-8:00 PM. Day classes and  individual tutoring can also be arranged.

Classes are taught by professional educators of Italian heritage and will be held at 37 Water St., Wakefield MA, Unit 4.
For additional information, call (781) 640-3637; E-mail smaio@casit.org.

C.A.S.IT., Inc
37 Water St. Unit 4
Wakefield, MA 01880
(781) 224-0532 (Office)

L'Italia Chiamò - Supporta il Programma
L'Italia Chiamo'- Supporta il Programma

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201 - Fax 617-722-9407



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