April 2015 



Antonio Talarico

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COM.IT.ES. Election

Voter Registration Information
Click here for more information 


Discover Expo Milano 2015
Discover Expo Milano 2015
download the App of the educational office

scrivi a: [email protected] 



L'Ufficio Passaporti (solo su appuntamento) , l'Ufficio AIRE e l'Ufficio Stato Civile sono aperti il Luned�, il Mercoled� ed il Venerd� dalle 9 alle 12:30.

L'Ufficio Notarile e l'Ufficio Cittadinanza sono aperti il Marted� ed il Gioved� e ricevono esclusivamente per appuntamento (prego scrivere a: notarile.bost[email protected] per il notarile; [email protected] per la cittadinanza)



The Passport Office (online booking only) , the Registry Office and the Vital Records Office are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 12:30pm. 



The Notary Office and the Citizenship Office are open Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only (please write to: notarile.[email protected] for notary; [email protected] for citizenship)

Cari italiani e cari amici dell'Italia,

la programmazione del mese di aprile e' ricca di numerosi e interessanti eventi che troverete di seguito.

Tra questi, vi segnalo in particolare il seminario che si terr� il 13 aprile p.v. dal titolo "Visa Options and Requirements for Italians living in the US". Un locale studio di avvocati e funzionari del "United States Customs and Border Protection" (USCBP) illustreranno i principali tipi di visto esistenti e spiegheranno quali siano le varie opzioni ed i requisiti necessari per ottenere un visto o un permesso di soggiorno per gli italiani negli USA.

Sono inoltre lieto di annunciare il primo "Aperitivo Scientifico" che si terra' il 28 aprile alle 6.30 pm presso il Consolato.  Si tratta di un incontro che questo Consolato intende organizzare con cadenza trimestrale come occasione di ritrovo e networking tra i membri dell'importante comunita' scientifica dell'area di Boston. Spero parteciperete numerosi!

La programmazione prosegue con vari seminari, corsi di cucina e film che sono sicuro raccoglieranno il vostro interesse.

Ricordo infine che le elezioni per il rinnovo dei COMITES (Comitato degli Italiani all'Estero) si terranno il 17 aprile 2015. I soli cittadini italiani in possesso dei requisiti di legge che hanno richiesto di essere iscritti nell'elenco elettorale riceveranno il plico contenente il materiale elettorale. Per maggiori informazioni vi invito a leggere l'avviso pubblicato di seguito.

Un cordiale saluto, buona lettura a tutti e auguri di Buona Pasqua!

Nicola De Santis


*    *    *


Dear Italians and dear friends of Italy,

The month of April will feature many and interesting events which are listed below.

Among them I would like to highlight the seminar "Visa Options and Requirements for Italians living in the US" to be held on April 13. A local law firm and staff members of the "United States Customs and Border Protection" (USCBP) will illustrate to Italian citizens the applicable visa types highlighting the different options available and necessary requirements to obtain a visa or legal residency in the USA.


I am also happy to announce the first "Aperitivo Scientifico" to be held at the Consulate on April 28 at 6:30pm. It is a quarterly networking event organized by the Consulate geared towards facilitating the interaction among Italian members of the scientific community in Boston. I hope you will join us!

This series will include various seminars, cooking classes and movie screenings that will be sure to pique your interest.

Lastly I would like to inform you that the elections for the representatives of COMITES (Committees of Italians Abroad) will be held on April 17, 2015. Only eligible Italian citizens residing in this jurisdiction, who requested to be registered in the electoral list, will receive the ballot included in the voting package. For more information I invite you to read the pertinent section below.

Kind regards, happy reading to all and Happy Easter!

Nicola De Santis




Il Consolato Generale d'Italia informa che le elezioni per il rinnovo dei COMITES (Comitato degli Italiani all'Estero) si terranno il 17 aprile 2015.


I soli cittadini italiani in possesso dei requisiti di legge che hanno richiesto di essere iscritti nell'elenco elettorale potranno votare, tramite posta ordinaria, per le elezioni del 17 aprile 2015.

A tal fine, il Consolato Generale a Boston ha inviato loro un plico contenente il materiale elettorale. Nel caso abbiate chiesto di essere inseriti nell'elenco elettorale ma non avete ancora ricevuto il plico, siete pregati di contattare il Consolato per effettuare i necessari controlli ed eventualmente richiedere un duplicato, contattando l'ufficio anagrafe (617-722-9220 o [email protected]). A tale fine, il Consolato e' raggiungibile anche nel fine settimana del 4-5 aprile, 11-12 aprile e lunedi 6 aprile al numero di telefono 617-721-5435.

Si ricorda che le buste preaffrancate contenenti il voto dovranno giungere in Consolato entro venerdi 17 aprile.

Per ulteriori informazioni, vi preghiamo di visitare: www.consboston.esteri.it

*          *           *
The Consulate General of Italy informs all that the elections for the representatives of COMITES (Committees of Italians Abroad) will be held on April 17, 2015.

Only eligible Italian citizens residing in this jurisdiction, who requested to be registered in the electoral list, may vote by mail for the April 17, 2015 elections.

The Italian Consulate in Boston has mailed them a voting package which contains the ballot forms and the instructions. In  case  you  requested to vote and did not receive the voting package, you  should  contact  the Consulate  in  order  to  verify  your electoral status and, if  necessary, request a duplicate by contacting the Registry Office (617-722-9220 or[email protected]). In case you did not receive the voting package you can also reach the Consulate on the weekends of April 4th - 5th, April 11th - 12th and on Monday April 6th 2015 via telephone at 617-721-5435.

The prepaid envelopes containing the ballots must be received by the Consulate no later than Friday, April 17th.

For further information, please visit: www.consboston.esteri.it

Milan in 2015 is #1 destination for The New York Times

Expo Milano 2015
 is a non-commercial Universal Exposition with some very unique and innovative features. Not only is it an exhibition but also a process, one of active participation among a large number of players around the theme of Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. It is sustainable, technological, thematic and focused on its visitors. Open from May 1 to October 31, 2015, the Expo will host over 130 participants. Running for 184 days, this giant exhibition site, covering one million square meters, is expected to welcome over 20 million visitors.

A journey of tastes

Visitors will experience a unique journey that looks at the complex theme of nutrition. They will have the possibility to take a trip around the world, sampling the food and traditions of people from all over the globe. Expo Milano 2015 will be the first Exposition in history to be remembered not only for its products but also for its contribution towards education on food and the planet's precious resources.

FOOD LIFE: Expo Milano 2015 Spot - English Version
FOOD LIFE: Expo Milano 2015 Spot - English Version

Expo Business Matching is the ultimate web based matching solution, designed to promote and facilitate dialogue among business operators while in Italy. The initiative is promoted by Expo Milano 2015, in partnership with the Milano Chamber of Commerce, Promos, Fiera Milano, PwC and aims to offer the international business community an unrivalled chance to promote its excellence, expertise and leadership - For more info: www.expobusinessmatching.com


For more information visit


Click image to listen!

E' arrivato "Tutti in Classe"! Numero 6!

The recent podcast of school news of the Italian Consulate in Boston has reached the 5th episode by now. Its name is Tuttinclasse! (It means "Go to class!")

It is produced by the Educational Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and it can be listened on your own cell phone or computer. In just a few minutes, you'll hear last school and culture updates and events in New England.


The news report, hosted by the specialist and professional radio podcaster Emanuele Capoano, is addressed to whom has an interest toward culture and Italian language, to professors and students in schools in New England. It features also a section for students who are learning Italian and they want to improve their skills. Every episode, in this section, current and latest news will be read with a slow and easy timing. Every issue ends with an interview to a personality in the school and academic network.

Tutti in classe can be listened clicking on the icon at the home page  www.usicboston.it , in the Consulate's website, or with our APP (if you want to download the App, see the website of the Italian Consulate and of the Educational Office).

Tuttinclasse is the news report of the Educational Office, but it's made also with your news. So, remember, if you have news to share that can be interesting to the world of Italian Language and Culture, write us at [email protected]  and we will publish your event with a great care.  - Buon ascolto!

* * * 


Italian language classes for non-native teachers


The School Office of the Italian Consulate together with Umass Boston, CaSIT, MITA and RITI is very happy to offer a new activity for professional development for teachers of Italian. This program is meant to be useful to all those who want to brush up their fluency in Italian and are looking for some language practice at an advanced level... or simply want to enjoy some time speaking in Italian and reading about the most recent trends in Italian issues.

The program is free and offers 4 classes to be held on Thursdays from 4pm to 7pm at Umass Boston on April 9th, 16th, 22nd and 30th. The classes will be interactive and also Points for Professional Development.

For information e-mail: [email protected]

* * *                            

Did you know?


Pirandello Italian Language Center: 42nd year!

PILC (Pirandello Italian Language Center) is one of the two organizations ( the other one is C.A.S.IT) that, in agreement with the Education Office of the Consulate General of Italy in Boston,  operates in favor of the Italian language. The Pirandello Language Center (PILC) was founded in 1973 when the Italian Foreign Ministry approached Boston high school teacher and immigrant from Vicenza, Ernesto Valdesolo, to start a cultural program for Italians living in New England.

Now PILC runs a very important "Saturday - school" at Saint John's School in the North End.

This is the 42nd year Italian Classes are offered at Saint John's School. Every Saturday mornings, over one hundred fifty students from around the Greater Boston area, come to the Saint John School in the North End. There, professional native-born Italian teachers provide serious, well-structured courses in the Italian language. The program also runs, thanks to committed people like Tino Valdesolo, and Rosario Cascio, a yearly trip to Italy.

 To read more visit: http://pirandello.com 

April 6 - April 20| 5:00pm-7:00pm | Harvard in Boylston Hall 403 | Cambridge
8th De Bosis Colloquium in Italian Studies

  • April 6: Nicola Gardini (University of Oxford),Lacuna. Saggio sul non detto(Einaudi) IN ENGLISH - Respondent: Corrado Confalonieri. 
  • April 13: Joseph Luzzi (Bard College), A Cinema of Poetry: Aesthetics of the Italian Art Film (Johns Hopkins University Press). IN ENGLISH - Respondent: John Welsh. 
  • April 20: Roberto Esposito (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa), Le persone e le cose (Einaudi). IN ITALIANO. Respondent: Dalila Colucci.

Sponsored by the Lauro de Bosis Lectureship in the History of Italian Civilization.

For information: [email protected].
Or call Kathy Coviello, 617-496-3610.

The Colloquium is organized by Francesco Erspamer (Harvard University). It is a regularly scheduled Harvard course (Italian 201r) and a series of lectures open to the public.


For more information visit: this site

April 9 - May 14 | 5:00pm-7:00pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street | Cambridge
Italian Cuisine Master Classes

click image for more info
Discover your inner chef and Italy's incredibly diverse culinary landscape to create your own three course masterpiece!

Eight different master-classes introduce the distinct and exciting cuisines of eight Italian regions. Each class lasts four hours and includes a sit-down dinner. You will cook in a newly equipped kitchen at the Dante Alighieri Society in Kendall Square, Cambridge, and enjoy your meal in intimate and beautiful surroundings.

Classes meet on every other week on Thursday nights from 5:30pm to 9:30pm on the following days:

Region Campania - April 9, 2015 
Region Sicilia - April 16, 2015
Region Sardegna - April 23, 2015
Region Puglia - May 7, 2015
Region Liguria - May 14, 2015

Sunday, April 12 | 2:30pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street | Cambridge
Boston Bel Canto Opera Spring Concert

Neapolitan Italian tenor Giovanni Formisano sings a recital of songs in Italian and in Neapolitan dialect with opera arias from Andrea Chenier, Lucia di Lammermoor, Il Corsaro and L'Arlesiana He will be assisted by piano accompanist Bradley Pennington, Artistic Director of Boston Bel Canto Opera, who will also play piano selections by Chopin. Tickets: General admission: $20 Students and seniors: $17 Validated parking at Kendall Square Cinema. 

Contact information call 617-949-6543

Visa Options and Requirements for Italians living in the US

click image to open pdf

April 15 - June 14 | Lois B. and Michael K. Torf Gallery (Gallery 184) | Museum of Fine Arts | 465 Huntington Avenue, Boston
Leonardo da Vinci and the Idea of Beauty

In an intimate exhibition featuring master drawings by Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, the star is a study of an 

angel that the art historian Sir Kenneth Clark called "the most beautiful...in the world." Leonardo da Vinci's accomplishments in art and science find their common ground in his drawings, into which he poured the full fervor of his intelligence and creative powers. Throughout his career, Leonardo experimented with various types of drawings: scientific studies; grotesque caricatures of craggy faces; and the most beautiful faces of men and women that he could imagine. Many of Leonardo's most admired drawings are featured in this rich and varied selection of 29 sheets and a manuscript, opening on April 15, fittingly Leonardo's birthday.

One revelation for visitors will be the rarely displayed Codex on Flight, one of Leonardo's most perceptive scientific explorations, with its nearly hidden self-portrait of Leonardo as a young man, a recent discovery. The exhibition features rare loans from a number of Italian public collections, including the Uffizi Museum in Florence, the Biblioteca Reale in Turin, and the Casa Buonarroti, the ancestral property of Michelangelo in Florence, which has lent eight drawings by that master.

April 24-25 | Harvard Yard - Fong Auditorium| Harvard University | Cambridge

Chiasmi 2015 - "Time to Translate - Translation in Time"

click image to enlarge

Chiasmi was founded as a collaboration between the graduate students of Italian Studies from Brown and Harvard Universities. The rhetorical figure chosen as the name of the collaboration expresses the relationship of symmetry and reciprocity with which the doctoral students of the two universities intend to contribute in the development and investigation of questions and issues pertaining to Italian Studies.

Chiasmi has a precise objective. From the beginning of March 2008, a yearly conference will be held by the doctoral students in Italian Studies hosted alternately at Brown University and Harvard University. In addition to the conference, there will also be an online journal in which the conference proceedings will be published.

The objective of this conference is to construct an open and innovative space for research and debate amongst those who work in the field of Italian Studies


The Fong Auditorium is located in Boylston Hall, the Romance Languages and Literature Department's building in the Harvard Yard.

For directions please click here

Saturday, April 25| 6:00pm - 8:00pm |  Thompson Room, Barker Center| Harvard University | 12 Quincy Street - Cambridge 
Edinburgh Gadda Prize | Events

click image for more info Harvard 2015 | Award Ceremony
Prize Honorary President Fabrizio Gifuni, RLL Chair Virginie Greene, De Bosis Committee Chair | Head of Italian Francesco Erspamer and Prize Chair Federica Pedriali to announce this year's Winners.

Saturday 25 April, 6.00-8.00pm

Thompson Room, Barker Center
Harvard University
12 Quincy St - Cambridge MA 02138
Languages: English and Italian
Admission: free

For more information please click here



Sunday, April 26| 4:00pm - 7:00pm |  Thompson Room, Barker Center| Harvard University | 12 Quincy Street - Cambridge 


Human Capital | Gifuni in Conversation

Fabrizio Gifuni dialogues with Italian Colloquium DirectorFrancesco Erspamer,
following Harvard screening of Paolo Virz�'sHuman Capital (2013) (1h 51m).

Sunday 26 April, 4.00-7.00pm

Thompson Room, Barker Center
Harvard University
12 Quincy St - Cambridge MA 02138
Language: Italian
Admission: free

Monday, April 27| 5:00pm - 7:00pm | Science Center, Theater C | Harvard University |1 Oxford Street - Cambridge 

Gadda @ Harvard | Lecture-performance

Lecture-performance by Fabrizio Gifuni based on his award-winning show L'ingegner Gadda va alla guerra. Welcoming remarks by Italian Consul General Nicola De Santis, RLL ChairVirginie Greene, De Bosis Committee Chair | Head of Italian Francesco Erspamer and Prize Chair Federica Pedriali.

Monday 27 April 27, 5.00-7.00pm

Science Center, Theater C
Harvard University
1 Oxford Street - Cambridge MA 02138
Languages: English and Italian
Reception: Science Center Foyer, following event

Tuesday, April 28 | 6:30pm - 8:30pm |Consolato Generale d'Italia| 600 Atlantic Avenue, Boston
Aperitivo Scientifico - S&T Colloquium Series - A Quarterly Event

click image to open pdf

Thursday, April 30 | 7:30pm - 9:30pm |MIT - Center for International Studies - Building E40-496 4th floor | 1 Amherst Street| Cambridge
Fantasmi dell'Opera nel Novecento Poetico Italiano: un Rapporto tra Opera Italiana e Poeti Italiani

click image to open pdf

Thursday, April 30 | 6:30pm |MIT - Room: 32-155 | Cambridge
Venture Capital funds in the US, Europe and Israel
click image to open pdf

ISSNAF - Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation
Application call 2015: ISSNAF Awards for Young Investigators  

ISSNAF - Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation yearly presents awards to acknowledge the research of young Italian investigators working in North America, whose commitment to their discipline of study is innovative, potentially impactful and honors their country of origin. ISSNAF Board of Trustees encourages all Italian early-stage researchers currently primarily working in the United States or Canada to submit their application and research abstract to compete for one of the following awards: 1. ISSNAF Award for Young Investigators - Medicine, Biosciences and Cognitive Sciences 2. ISSNAF Award for Young Investigators - Environmental Sciences, Astrophysics and Chemistry 3. Paola Campese Award for Research on Leukemia 4. Franco Strazzabosco Award for Young Engineers 5. Annamaria Molteni Award for Mathematics and Physics


Application call 2015: Armenise-Harvard Career Development Awards (CDA)

The Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation: gli scienziati che hanno scelto l'Italia
The Giovanni Armenise Harvard Foundation: gli scienziati che hanno scelto l'Italia

Deadline for the submission of applications is July 15, 2015 

The purpose of the Giovanni Armenise-Harvard Foundation is to support the research of promising young scientists to contribute to the creation of new areas of research in the biological sciences in Italy, and to strengthen and develop collaborative relationships between Italian scientists and those at Harvard Medical School in Boston (HMS). The Career Development Award consists of three-to-five years of funding allocated to an independent investigator at a host institute in Italy. The program is aimed at young and talented scientists, to enable them to contribute significantly to their areas of research.

Funding will become available July 1, 2016. Applicants must: be young emerging scientists with proven productivity, and ability to operate as independent researchers. (Previous experience working with or at HMS is desirable but not an essential requirement)  have a minimum of three years' experience of post-doctoral research in basic biological sciences (including at least two years abroad ) and be no more than 10 years from having received a doctorate  be researchers outside of Italy (both in the application stage and at the time of acceptance of the award) who wish to become part of the community of researchers in Italy  have an agreement for the development of a new research project at a suitable host institution in Italy (preferably other than the institution where the candidate has already done doctoral study, post-doctoral research or held a job)  not have a pre-existing contract with an institute in Italy The Career Development Award is $ 200,000 per year and the funds may cover the costs related to compensation of the researcher (commensurate with the position occupied by the host institution), salaries of the other members involved in the indicated research project and equipment / infrastructure.

The Career Development Award Program intends to enable researchers to join the Italian scientific community to pursue a specific research project. Therefore, the nominee cannot accept concurrent grants in support of the same research project at the host institution. Exceptions to this may be made only under exceptional circumstances and should be communicated promptly to the Armenise-Harvard Foundation. 

L'Italia Chiamò - Supporta il Programma
L'Italia Chiamo'- Supporta il Programma

SAVE THE DATE: EDUITALIA "Study in Italy" - 
Registration information will be available in May

click image to open pdf

June 30 - July 2 |

International summer school ENVIMAT 2015

click image for more information

SAVE THE DATE: July 13-24 - Summer local graphic designer Donald Tarallo's workshop in Siena
click image for more information

This summer local graphic designer Donald Tarallo will conduct a workshop on font design at the Siena Art Institute in Italy. The course will run from July 13 to 24. Students of all levels are welcomed. 

In this course students will learn the basics of font design and study examples of printing from the Renaissance, lettering from the Middle Ages, and Siena's rich tradition of painting and architecture. The first two mornings of the workshop students will learn some basics of the Italian language.

For more information please visit www.tarallodesign.com 

 SAVE THE DATE: 2015 innovative Italian summer camp program

click image for more information

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201 - Fax 617-722-9407

[email protected] 


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