December 2014  



Antonio Talarico

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COM.IT.ES. Election

Voter Registration Information
Click here for more information 


Discover Expo Milano 2015
Discover Expo Milano 2015


L'Ufficio Passaporti, l'Ufficio AIRE e l'Ufficio Stato Civile sono aperti il Luned�, il Mercoled� ed il Venerd� dalle 9 alle 12:30.

L'Ufficio Notarile e l'Ufficio Cittadinanza sono aperti il Marted� ed il Gioved� e ricevono esclusivamente per appuntamento (prego scrivere a: notarile.bost[email protected] per il notarile; [email protected] per la cittadinanza)



The Passport Office, the Registry Office and the Vital Records Office are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 12:30pm. 

The Notary Office and the Citizenship Office are open Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only (please write to: notarile.[email protected] for notary; [email protected] for citizenship)




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617 722 9220



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for more information please visit:


 PIB presenta: corsi "avanzati" di lingua italiana per i bambini di et� dai 3 ai 10 anni che parlano bene l'italiano

Italian language for adults offered by CASIT

Classes in First Level and Second Level Italian will be offered on Wednesdays beginning on October 8. For additional information contact
Steve Maio 
(781) 640-3637.
Classes are held on Saturday for a total of 30 weeks beginning September 20

P.O. Box 565 East Boston, MA 02128

Cari italiani e cari amici dell'Italia, 


permettetemi innanzitutto di inviare a voi e ai vostri cari i piu' sinceri auguri di Buone Feste, da parte mia e della mia famiglia. 


Il Natale si avvicina e sono lieto di annunciarvi che anche quest'anno si terra' il tradizionale Concerto di Natale, giunto ormai alla sua terza edizione, che il Consolato, gli Amici del Centro Italiano di Cultura (FICC) ed il Boston Conservatory organizzano il 5 dicembre alle 18:30 presso la Chiesa del Sacro Cuore a North Square, nel North End. E' una bella tradizione a cui spero parteciperete numerosi!


Per gli amanti dell'arte, e non solo, ricordo che sono stati ufficialmente inaugurati, dopo circa 10 anni di lavori, i nuovi Harvard Arts Museums, ampliati e completamente restaurati dall'Arch. Renzo Piano. Forniti di una collezione ricchissima, i nuovi musei di Harvard si caratterizzano anche per il loro stile e la loro bellezza architettonica che ne fa un vera macchina didattica ("a teaching machine") oltre che espositiva. Andate a visitarli, ne rimarrete affascinati!


Desidero infine segnalare che � stato recentemente disposto il rinvio al 17 aprile 2015 delle elezioni per il rinnovo dei Comites, gi� indette per il 19 dicembre 2014, e la proroga al 18 marzo 2015 del termine utile per fare pervenire agli Uffici consolari la richiesta di iscrizione all'elenco elettorale per l'esercizio del diritto di voto. Il rinvio e' stato disposto al fine di garantire la pi� ampia partecipazione alle votazioni. Invito tutti i connazionali italiani a leggere l'avviso pubblicato di seguito.


Auguri a tutti voi e buona lettura! 

Nicola De Santis

* * *


Dear Italians and friends of Italy,


Please allow me to begin by sending all of you and your loved ones, on behalf of my family and I, best wishes for the upcoming holidays.


As Christmas nears it is my pleasure to announce that the Consulate, Friends of the Italian Cultural Center (FICC) and the Boston Conservatory will be holding the traditional Christmas Concert, already in its third edition, at 18:30 on December 5th at the Sacred Heart Church in the North End, found in nearby North Square. It is a beautiful newly established tradition and I do hope many of you will be able to attend!


For art lovers, and others alike, I wish to remind you that after nearly ten years in the works the new Harvard Arts Museums, expanded and completely renovated by Architect Renzo Piano,has been officially inaugurated. The new Harvard Arts Museums distinguish themselves not only for boasting a very rich collection of pieces, but also for their architectural beauty and style which makes them a fantastic exhibit and a true "teaching machine". Please pay a visit, I guarantee you will be fascinated!


Lastly, I wanted to point out the recent postponement to April 17th, 2015, of the elections for the renewal of the Comites, which were slated to take place December 19th, 2014, as such the request to be added to the electoral list must be presented to the Consulate no later March 18th, 2015. The main goal of the postponement is to ensure wider voter participation in the elections. I invite all Italian citizens to read the notice below.


Best wishes to all of you and happy reading!

Nicola De Santis  



Si informa che nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 268 del 18 novembre 2014 � stato pubblicato il decreto-legge 18 novembre 2014, n. 168 che dispone il rinvio al 17 aprile 2015 delle elezioni per il rinnovo dei Comites, gi� indette per il 19 dicembre 2014, e la proroga al 18 marzo 2015 del termine utile per fare pervenire agli Uffici consolari la richiesta di iscrizione all'elenco elettorale per l'esercizio del diritto di voto per le elezioni dei Comites.

Il rinvio tiene conto dell'esigenza di garantire la pi� ampia partecipazione alle votazioni da parte dei cittadini all'estero e di accordare un termine pi� ampio per esprimere la volont� di partecipare al voto secondo la disciplina recentemente introdotta.

Si attira l'attenzione sul fatto che il citato decreto-legge 168/2014, bench� avente forza di legge dalla sua pubblicazione, � soggetto a conversione parlamentare e quindi potr�, in tale sede, essere modificato.
In occasione delle prossime elezioni per il rinnovo dei Com.It.Es. il diritto di voto verr� esercitato per corrispondenza con invio del plico elettorale ai SOLI elettori, in possesso dei requisiti di legge, che facciano espressa richiesta all'Ufficio consolare di riferimento di iscrizione nell'elenco elettorale.

Le domande di iscrizione nell'elenco elettorale per l'ammissione al voto per l'elezione dei Com.It.Es., firmate dal richiedente, possono essere presentate personalmente al Consolato, oppure inviate al medesimo ufficio per posta, fax, posta elettronica o posta elettronica certificata (agli indirizzi sotto indicati), allegando copia non autenticata del documento di identit� del richiedente, comprensiva della firma del titolare. 


per posta ordinaria:  Consolato Generale d'Italia, 600 Atlantic Avenue Fl.17, Boston MA, 02110

per fax : +1 (617) 722-9407 

* * * 



We inform you that in the Official Gazette n. 268 dated November 18th, 2014, the postponement of the elections for the renewal of the COM.IT.ES. was published. The elections, slated to take place December 19th, 2014, are postponed to April 17th, 2015. The request to be added to the electoral list must be presented to this Consulate General no later than March 18th, 2015.

The postponement takes into account the need to encourage and guarantee wider voter participation on behalf of citizens abroad and allows a longer time frame to express the willingness to participate in the vote. It is brought to your attention that the law-decree 168/2014, although law ever since its publication, is still subject to parliamentary discussion and in such may be modified or amended.


Voting for the following COM.IT.ES. elections will be done completely through the mail. Electoral ballots will be sent solely to citizens who, meeting the requirements of the law, expressly request the Consular Office that holds jurisdiction to be added to the electoral list. Requests must arrive to the Consulate General of Italy in Boston no later than March 18th, 2015. You do not have to request to be added to the electoral list if you have already done so for the elections meant to take place December 19th, 2014. 

Requests to be registered to vote for the COM.IT.ES. elections may be presented either in person at the Consulate or, alternatively, sent to the Electoral Office via fax, email or certified email (to the addresses listed below) by attaching a signed not authenticated copy of  a photo ID .


Regular mail:  Consolato Generale d'Italia, 600 Atlantic Avenue Fl.17, Boston MA, 02110;

Electronic mail: [email protected]

Certified e-mail: [email protected]
Fax : +1 (617) 722-9407

Expo Milano 2015 is a non-commercial Universal Exposition with some very unique and innovative features. Not only is it an exhibition but also a process, one of active participation among a large number of players around the theme of Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. It is sustainable, technological, thematic and focused on its visitors. Open from May 1 to October 31, 2015, the Expo will host over 130 participants. Running for 184 days, this giant exhibition site, covering one million square meters, is expected to welcome over 20 million visitors.

Discover Expo Milano 2015
Discover Expo Milano 2015

A journey of tastes

Visitors will experience a unique journey that looks at the complex theme of nutrition. They will have the possibility to take a trip around the world, sampling the food and traditions of people from all over the globe. Expo Milano 2015 will be the first Exposition in history to be remembered not only for its products but also for its contribution towards education on food and the planet's precious resources.

FOOD LIFE: Expo Milano 2015 Spot - English Version
FOOD LIFE: Expo Milano 2015 Spot - English Version

Until January 19, 2015 | Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum | 25 Evans Way, Boston MA

Donatello, Michelangelo, Cellini: Sculptors' Drawings from Renaissance Italy 
Click on image for more info and program

This groundbreaking exhibition examines the multifaceted relationship between drawing and sculpture in Renaissance Italy. Because sculptors worked primarily from preparatory models in wax or clay, drawing was not an essential part of their working practice. And yet, in his self-portrait now in the Gardner Museum's collection, the prominent Florentine sculptor Baccio Bandinelli points not to his most famous public monument, but rather to a drawing of it. The surprising gesture raises many questions about when, why, and how Renaissance sculptors drew, and provides clues about their training and their ambitions. Come and explore works by several Italian masters, many being exhibited for the first time in the United States. 




Premier Exhibition Sponsor: Bank of America. Additional support provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities. The Museum receives operating support from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Media sponsor: Boston Globe Media.


Monday, December 1 | 6:00-7:30PM | Boston College | Chestnut Hill Campus, Lyons Hall 202 | Chestnut Hill, MA

My Life in a Neofascist Cell - An illustrated lecture by Alessandro Orsini


Alessandro Orsini is Director of the Center for the Study of Terrorism at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and professor of sociology at LUISS University of Rome. A Research Affiliate of the Center for International Studies at MIT since 2011, he also serves on the faculty of the school responsible for training high-ranking officials working on the staff of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers. His book, Anatomy of the Red Brigades: The Religious Mindset of Modern Terrorists (Cornell University Press, 2011) was designated one of the "Best Books of the Year" by the journal, Foreign Affairs. 

His latest research focuses on the neo-fascist movement in Europe, which he has studied by embedding himself within one such group active in Italy today. His Boston College lecture will focus on his most recent publication,  "One Day Among Diehard Terrorists: The Psychological Costs of Doing Ethnographic Research" (in Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, March 2013) in which he describes his experiences making direct contact with "violent groups" of political activists as an embedded researcher.

Event Sponsored by:
Boston College Dept. of Romance Languages & Literatures, The Nicholas J. Sottile '41 Fund for Italian Studies

Admission: FREE
Contact Person: Prof. Franco Mormando
Contact phone: 617-552-6346 
Contact email: [email protected]


Friday, December 5 |6:30PM | Sacred Heart Church | North End, Boston
Concerto di Natale - Third Annual Christmas Concert

Click here or image to register!

Saturday, December 13 | 9:30am - 11:00pm | 35 Bennington Street, East Boston
Italia Unita will host the annual Open House Toy Drive for the Italian Home for Children

Items to be collected are: Brand new toys, clothing, socks, toiletries such as toothbrushes, soap, deodorant, gift cards to places such as Target, Walmart, Stop and Shop, etc. 

For more information e-mail 
[email protected] or visit the

Tuesday December 16 |7:30pm | MiniBar | 51 Huntington Avenue, Boston
PIB Christmas Party - 

Dance, sing and enjoy Italian revival music & more

Harvard Art Museums' renovation and expansion project by architect Renzo Piano
Now Open! - 32 Quincy Street, Cambridge 
Renzo Piano Design | Harvard Museum
Museums reopen, reimagined 

Sitting on the third-floor of the Harvard Art Museums' arcade last spring, as sunshine spilled in from the new giant skylight above, architect Renzo Piano discussed a quality near to his heart: beauty. 

"The frontier between beauty and civic life ... is not strong," said the Italian "master of light and lightness" during a break from touring the renovated Harvard Art Museums, an inspired reimagining of the University's home for its imposing collection. Musing further, Piano said that museums can help to bridge that divide. "Beauty," he proposed, "may save the world."

SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, January 18, 2015 | 3:00PM| Sanders Theatre at Harvard University | 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge





"The performance of a full opera by a youth orchestra is an absolutely remarkable and rare accomplishment of which I am very proud. Opera is a fantastic tool for the musical and personal growth of our students because of the rich and intricate musical and psychological story lines that weave in and out of the music in ways that are not seen in a standard symphony." Federico Cortese, Music Director



This performance is a full opera, over 3 hours in length. It therefore is not designed for young children and recommended for audiences 10 years of age and older.  


Performance Detail: There will be NO Late Seating. Patrons arriving late will be seated at intermission.  

Tickets $30-$45
Discounted tickets available for Students, BYSO Alumni and Senior Citizens


Order your tickets online or call 617.496.2222

Sanders Theatre at Harvard University is located at 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge
Free Parking is available at the Broadway Garage, 7 Felton Street


Click to obtain more information about the event

L'Italia Chiamò - Supporta il Programma
L'Italia Chiamo'- Supporta il Programma

Register Now 

Impariamo l'italiano

IMPARIAMO L'ITALIANO ! C.A.S.IT., Inc. (Centro Attivit� Scolastiche Italiane), the education committee under the auspices of the Italian Consulate of Boston, is pleased to invite those who wish to learn the beautiful Italian language, for travelers, heritage speakers and all who want to celebrate the innumerable contributions of Italy to world civilization, to enroll in our new adult education program of Italian courses.

Course I: Travel and Conversation

This course prepares you for travel to Italy and focuses on situations that you may encounter while abroad. Among the topics included are greetings, ordering in restaurants and caf�s, shopping, banking, making hotel accommodations and many aspects of everyday life in Italy. Classes will be taught by experienced teachers using a communicative approach. Students will be encouraged to speak and develop proficiency in Italian from the onset of the course.

Course II: Level 2 Italian

This course is offered for those who wish to perfect listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The approach is communicative but will also include a thorough study of the grammatical structures of Italian. A contemporary text shall be used and homework assignments will be given.


Classes are usually conducted in the evening from 6:30- 8:00PM PM but day classes and private tutoring can be arranged. The cost of 10 small group sessions is $250. For additional information call (781) 640-3637
or e-mail [email protected]

Register Now - Registration is open and will end February 2015

Musica Vesuviana Festival

A place where young American vocalist and instrumentalists can make music and immerse themselves in Italy's rich artistic culture. Musica Vesuviana offers an international summer music program for student instrumentalists and vocalists of high school age. The camp takes place at the Fondazione Passarelli in San Marco di Castellabate, Salerno, Italy. Musica Vesuviana's curriculum includes an eclectic mix of American and Italian music and musical styles, taught by American and native master teachers.


Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201 - Fax 617-722-9407

[email protected] 


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