October 2014  



Antonio Talarico

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COM.IT.ES. Election

Voter Registration Information
Click here for more information 


L'Ufficio Passaporti, l'Ufficio AIRE e l'Ufficio Stato Civile sono aperti il Luned�, il Mercoled� ed il Venerd� dalle 9 alle 12:30.

L'Ufficio Notarile e l'Ufficio Cittadinanza sono aperti il Marted� ed il Gioved� e ricevono esclusivamente per appuntamento (prego scrivere a: [email protected] per il notarile; [email protected] per la cittadinanza)



The Passport Office, the Registry Office and the Vital Records Office are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00am to 12:30pm. 

The Notary Office and the Citizenship Office are open Tuesday and Thursday by appointment only (please write to: [email protected] for notary; [email protected] for citizenship)




[email protected]  

617 722 9220



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 PIB presenta: corsi "avanzati" di lingua italiana per i bambini di et� dai 3 ai 10 anni che parlano bene l'italiano

Italian language for adults offered by CASIT

Classes in First Level and Second Level Italian will be offered on Wednesdays beginning on October 8. For additional information contact
Steve Maio 
(781) 640-3637.

Cari italiani e cari amici dell'Italia,

E' con grande piacere che vi trasmetto l'edizione di ottobre della nostra Newsletter. Quello di ottobre e' un mese particolarmente ricco di eventi in cui festeggiamo l'Italian Heritage Month, tradizionale motivo di rinnovato orgoglio per tutti noi. La cerimonia ufficiale di inaugurazione dell'Italian Heritage Month avverra' il 1 ottobre alle 6 pm alla State House.

Anche quest'anno molteplici sono le iniziative che contribuiranno a diffondere i valori della nostra cultura e la conoscenza del fondamentale contributo che la collettivita' italiana e italoamericana ha dato alla crescita degli Stati Uniti d'America.  Spero che questa speciale ricorrenza serva anche a rafforzare il legame con il nostro Paese e in particolare con la nostra lingua, fattore portante della nostra identita' e fondamentale strumento per assicurare la conoscenza delle nostre radici alle nuove generazioni.

Colgo l'occasione per ricordare che sono state indette per il 19 dicembre p.v. le elezioni per il rinnovo dei COM.IT.ES. (Comitati degli italiani residenti all'estero), organi elettivi che rappresentano le esigenze dei cittadini italiani residenti all'estero nei rapporti con gli Uffici consolari. Le votazioni avveranno per corrispondenza ma - a differenza delle passate elezioni - il plico elettorale verr� inviato ai soli elettori, in possesso dei requisiti di legge, che ne facciano espressa richiesta. Per maggiori informazioni invito tutti i connazionali a leggere l'avviso pubblicato qui sotto.

Buona Lettura a tutti e spero di vedervi partecipare numerosi ai vari eventi!


Nicola De Santis


* * *

Dearest Italians and friends of Italy,

It is with great pleasure that I present you the October edition of our Newsletter. October is Italian Heritage Month and thus will inevitably be a month full of great events and renewed cause to be proud of our heritage. The official ceremony inaugurating the opening of Italian Heritage Month will be held at the State House on October 1st at 6:00 PM.

This year, as years past, there will be many initiatives that will serve to help spread the values of our culture and remember the fundamental contributions Italian and Italian-American communities have made to the growth of this great nation. My wish is for Italian Heritage Month to also serve to reinforce the strong bond we all share with our country and in particular our language, an important facet of our national identity, that is a fundamental tool necessary to insure our Italian roots are passed on to future generations.

I will also take this opportunity to remind you of the approaching elections, slated for this upcoming December 19th, for the renewal of the COM.IT.ES (Committees of Italians Living Abroad) the elected bodies that represent the needs of Italian citizens living abroad in respect to their corresponding Consular Offices. Voting will be by correspondence but the electoral ballot, unlike previous elections, will only be sent to voters whom, meeting all the requirements of the law, expressly request it. For more information I invite all fellow citizens to see the notice below.

Happy reading, I hope to see you at some of our numerous events!

Nicola De Santis



Si informa che nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 179 del 4 agosto 2014 � stato pubblicato il decreto-legge 1 agosto 2014, n. 109 che, all'art. 10, contiene disposizioni urgenti per il rinnovo dei Comitati degli Italiani all'estero (COM.IT.ES.). Le votazioni si svolgeranno il 19 dicembre 2014. 


La norma in questione prevede che, in occasione delle prossime elezioni per il rinnovo dei COM.IT.ES. indette per il 19 dicembre p.v., il diritto di voto venga esercitato per corrispondenza, come previsto dalla Legge 286/2003. Il plico elettorale verr� inviato AI SOLI ELETTORI, in possesso dei requisiti di legge, CHE NE FACCIANO ESPRESSA RICHIESTA all'Ufficio consolare di riferimento entro il 30 ottobre p.v., compilando un apposito modulo. 


I cittadini italiani residenti in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island e Vermont che intendono partecipare all'elezione del COM.IT.ES. della circoscrizione consolare di Boston sono pertanto invitati a manifestare tempestivamente tale volont�. Le richieste per l'esercizio del diritto di voto dovranno essere corredate di copia di un documento di identit� in corso di validit� (con foto e firma) e potranno essere inoltrate con le seguenti modalit�:

per posta ordinaria:  Consolato Generale d'Italia, 600 Atlantic Avenue Fl.17, Boston MA, 02110;
per posta elettronica: [email protected];

per fax : +1 (617) 722-9407;


* * * 

Please note that in the Official Gazette n. 179, released August 4th 2014, Decree-Law n.109 was published and included, in article 10, provisions regarding the renewal of the COMITES (Committees of Italians Living Abroad). Voting will take place on December 19, 2014

As provided by Law 286/2003, the right to vote in the upcoming COM.IT.ES will be exercised by correspondence. Electoral ballots will be sent ONLY to voters who meet the requirements of the law and which express the request to be registered by their Consulate's district, having filled out the registration form on or before October 30th.

Italian citizens residing in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont wishing to participate in the election of the COM.IT.ES. for the Boston Consular's district are invited to EXPRESS THIS REQUEST in a timely manner. Requests for exercising the right to vote must be accompanied by a copy of a valid signed picture I.D. which can be forwarded by the following:

Regular mail:  Consolato Generale d'Italia, 600 Atlantic Avenue Fl.17, Boston MA, 02110;
Electronic mail: [email protected];

Fax : +1 (617) 722-9407


Starting September 29 | Organized by the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and the Institutions below

New England Contemporary Italian Film Festival 2014

click on image to open PDF


Starting September 29  - Until November 8 2014

Under The Auspicies of The President of The Italian Republic - XIV Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo - 2014
Click om image to open PDF


Wednesday, October 1 | 6:00-10:00pm | House of Chamber 3rd Floor, State House | Boston
Annual Kick-Off Event - October Italian Heritage Month

Click on image to open PDF for full calendar of events and other important information about the Italian Heritage Month


Wednesday, October 1 | 7:30 - 9:30 pm | Center for International Studies, Building E40-496 (Muckley Building), 4th Floor, MIT |1 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Violenza contro le Donne nei Programmi RAI

In Italia muoiono circa 130 donne l'anno uccise dagli uomini che 'le amano'. La conferenziera esaminer� come la RAI si rivolge ai fattori culturali e sociologici che causano violenza sessuale, psicologica, fisica, e domestica contro le donne in Italia e poi analizzara' e discutera' le narrazioni visivamente drammatiche di Cavani, Pontecorvo e von Trotta.

Si esamineranno i contenuti dei programmi RAI, e le statistiche del feminicidio in Italia.

Speaker: Flavia Laviosa --Senior Lecturer in Italian Studies at Wellesley College

 Parking (free after 5 pm): parking lot on Hayward Street, to the right, coming from Main Street and going to Amherst Street. MBTA Red Line Kendall Square.


Saturday, October 4 | 7:00-8:30pm | The West End Museum | 150 Staniford Street,
Suite 7, Boston
Music Performance: The Pillars


The Pillars: Boston's latest Italy-inspired musical project will kick off the West End Museum's fifth annual celebration of Italian Heritage Month. Headed by Milan-native singer-songwriter Cristina Vaira along with guitarist Alejandro Ramirez Cisneros, the Pillars blend their Italian and Mexican heritages with the American culture and incredible international environment they've encountered as students at Berklee College of Music. The project's mission is to create musical and filmic content that uplift people's lives, based on the proverb: "If you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go together." 


Please click here for more information

Sunday, October 5 | 3:00 pm |Symphony Hall | 301 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston
Celebrity Series of Boston Presents Maurizio Pollini

A paragon of virtuosity and musical excellence, Maurizio Pollini's position among the top instrumental soloists in the world has been secure for nearly a generation. 

"Pianist Maurizio Pollini's mastery is beyond reproach..." -The Washington Post

"...his playing is powerful and precise, driven by a probing intellect and executed with steely, virtually infallible fingers." -The New York 

Monday, October 6 | 7:30 - 9:30 pm | Center for International Studies, Building E40-496 (Muckley Building), 4th Floor, MIT |1 Amherst Street, Cambridge

Io Ho Visto
Un libro; una mostra; un progetto. Per non dimenticare le vittime delle stragi nazifasciste. Alcuni brani saranno letti di fronte al pubblico da diverse persone e contestualizzate dal conferenziere.

Speaker: Pier Vittorio Buffa - Giornalista

Parking (free after 5 pm): parking lot on Hayward Street, to the right, coming from Main Street and going to Amherst Street. MBTA Red Line Kendall Square.


Tuesday, October 7 | 7:30 pm | Stephen's Church |Off Hanover Street, North End, Boston
"From Russia to Italy"Please join us as we open our NEMPAC Winter Concert Series Season with a special Italian Heritage Month Concert

Welcoming our Guest Musicians: 

Dr. Francesco Mastromatteo, Cellist

Dr. Christina Wright-Ivanova, Pianist

Click here to see flyer 

NEMPAC welcomes musicians, Italian Cellist Dr. Francesco Mastromatteo and Boston University Pianist, Dr. Christina Wright-Ivanova, to the North End of Boston for this special performance in celebration of Italian Heritage Month. 



Dr. Mastromatteo joins us from Lucera, Italy where he is the artistic director of The Concert Society "Amici della Musica G. Paisiello" of Lucera (Foggia) which was founded in 1984 to divulgate classical music, to promote young musical talents, particularly from Puglia, and to open the city of Lucera to an international artistic landscape. http://www.amicimusicapaisiello.com/ 


The Concert  will take place on Tuesday, October 7th at 7:30 p.m. at St. Stephen's Church off Hanover Street in the North End of Boston.


The Concert is Free and Open to the Public. 

Suggested Donation is $10 - 15.  

October 10-19 | Shubert Theater | 265 Tremont Street, Boston

Boston Lyric Opera's Verdi's La Traviata
Click on image for more information

La Traviata, the most popular opera by the great Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, opens the season in a glorious new production. It's sung in Italian with projected English titles. The tale of Violetta, the worldly 19th century courtesan with the gentlemen of Paris at her feet, takes a wrenching turn when she risks all for a chance of enduring love. The captivating young international opera star Anya Matanovic makes her BLO debut as Violetta. Her dashing lover Alfredo is sung by Michael Wade Lee, whose performances of leading tenor roles on the major opera stages of Europe continue to be highlighted by the international press. La Traviata is an excellent and accessible first opera to try and a great opportunity for opera aficionados to hear beloved arias performed by some of the best singers of today.  


La Traviata di Giuseppe Verdi aprira' la stagione della Boston Lyric Opera con una nuova produzione cantata in italiano e sottotitoli in inglese. Anya Matanovic debutta alla BLO come Violetta mentre Alfredo e' interpretato da Michael Wade Lee.

Friday, October 17| 8:30 pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, MA

Click for image for more information
 Tickets: $22 at the door (cash only) - $20 (adults) and $15 (children and students) in advance online (credit card only)

To purchase tickets in advance at discounted prices, please go to: http://newpoli-fall-2014.eventbrite.com

Tuesday, October 21| 5:30pm| Lower Level Conference Room, Center for European Studies - Harvard University | 27 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Ma

Third Annual Salvemini Colloquium on Italian History and Culture: "Italy's 'Great War': A Centennial Perspective"


 One hundred years ago next spring Italy entered World War I after a long and bitter debate whose divisions prefigured those that led to the advent of a fascist regime seven years later. The country lost as many solders as the British Empire; it suffered a catastrophic defeat in 1917. Yet paradoxically it fought a far more effective war than it would in World War II, and it preserved for the duration a liberal regime at home. As for results, its long-term adversary disappeared from the map and it was rewarded with great strategic territorial gains -- none of which assuaged, however, a growing illiberal nationalism. How should we judge this vastly paradoxical and transformative experience -- how should a nation remember so mingled a legacy?

Tuesday, October 23- 25| 5:30pm - 7:00pm| Sturbridge Hotel | 366 Main St, Sturbridge
MaFLA Convention - Massachusetts Foreign Language Association

The Italian program is particularly interesting and appealing offering sessions and workshops which explore teaching methodologies and new materials.
Please click here for more information.

The 47th annual MaFLA Conference will take place October 23-25, 2014 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel. 

Keynote Address given by former MaFLA President Rita A. Olekesak on Friday at noon. 

Enjoy more than 85 Concurrent Sessions - many new presenters and all of your old favorites! Download the session schedule at the start of summer and the full conference program at the end of summer!

Take advantage of or Super Saver Discount from NOW until July 18. Get $10.00 off of pre-Conference and Friday/Saturday registration by entering SUPER14 in the discount code box at the bottom of the registration page. 
NB: Discounts are only valid for full price registration and cannot be used with any other type of registration. New Teachers, Retirees, Students and Presenters are ineligible as they are already receiving a discounted rate. 

Check out the conference pages on our website for the full listing of 3-hour Friday AM and PM, and Saturday AM workshop offerings. All the titles, abstracts and presenter bios are listed for you.

Be sure to check out MaFLA Hotel rates and plan on staying over! Special promotional prices are available for MaFLA members! To get the special MaFLA Rate be sure to enter this ONLINE CODE: 1410MAFLAC.

Visit here for more information: http://www.sturbridgehosthotel.com/
Get more details at www.mafla.org

Wednesday, October 29 | 7:00pm | Spinelli's Function Facility | Lynnfield
"Casino Night" Fundraiser
Click to open PDF 


On Wednesday, October 29, 2014, Centro Attivita' Scolastiche Italiane

 C.A.S.IT., Inc. will host its very first "Casino Night" Fundraiser. It will be held at Spinelli's Function Facility in Lynnfield, Massachusetts and the fun will begin at 7:00 p.m.

During the Casino Night you will be able to enjoy a real casino experience with tables of Roulette, Blackjack, Craps and Texas Hold'em Poker. While tasting Spinelli's signature food creations and enjoying live jazz by special guests Spajazzy, you will help us achieve our mission to assist communities that wish to introduce, preserve, rejuvenate or broaden the study of the Italian language in their schools.


Wednesday, October 29 | 8:00pm | NEC's Jordan Hall | 290 Huntington Ave, Boston
Gian-Carlo Menotti's first full-length opera, "The Consul" (1950)


Gian-Carlo Menotti's first full-length opera, "The Consul" (1950), is a Cold War-era, No-Exit thriller that won the Pulitzer Prize for Music in 1950, the New York Drama Critics' Circle Award for Best Musical Play and ran for more than 280 performances on Broadway. With echoes of Beckett and Kafka, it depicts a woman in an unnamed totalitarian country trying desperately to secure a visa so she, her child, and her mother can join her dissident husband across the border. Audiences may find contemporary resonance with some of today's international tensions. Guest conductor Gil Rose, Artistic Director of the Boston Modern Orchestra Project (NEC's Affiliate Orchestra for New Music), leads this concert performance.

For more information please click here


Until Thursday, November 6 | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Italian Cuisine Master Classes


click image for more info
Discover your inner chef and Italy's incredibly diverse culinary landscape to create your own three course masterpiece! Six classes introduce the distinct and exciting cuisines of six Italian regions. Each class lasts 4 hours. You will cook in a newly equipped kitchen at the Dante Alighieri Society in Kendall Square, Cambridge, and enjoy your meal in intimate and beautiful surroundings. 

SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday, November 4 | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
Centennial of the 'Great War':  Screening of "Torneranno i prati"


World premiere of Maestro Ermanno Olmi's movie
For information visit www.dantemass.org

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201 - Fax 617-722-9407

[email protected] 


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