Consolato Generale d'Italia


The newsletter for the lovers of Italian Culture




Chiara Marsoner

Antonio Talarico

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook
Events in New England
La Grande Bellezza
Italian Trade Commission seminar
Concerto di Natale
Andrea Bocelli Foundation
Made in the Shade
Musica di Natale
Concerto PIB
Christmas Happy Hour
Coro Dante Christmas Concert
Senigallia Madonna
SAVE THE DATE: Puccini Tosca
REGISTER NOW: Italy Music Camp 2014
Join Our Mailing List




Si avvisano tutti i connazionali che dal 26 giugno 2012 tutti i bambini che viaggiano dovranno essere muniti del proprio passaporto.


Si invitano pertanto tutti i genitori che hanno i minori iscritti sul proprio passaporto di contattare il Consolato



Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.


Contatti utili: 


617 722 9220



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617 722 9303


617 722 9303



617 722 9223



617 722 9225





on the next Newsletter!


The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and

communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.

If you are interested please contact; with details of the event by the 20th of each month.


La newsletter � un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a;  



The Public Charity "Friends of the Italian Cultural Center of Boston/FICCB" was founded in December 2012 with the aim of creating a Center of Italian Culture in Boston and, further, to ensure its management and operation. The non-profit organization is registered 
in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has the objective of promoting Italian language and culture as well as preserving Italian heritage in Boston. 

for more information please visit:


The Italian Home is a residential and day treatment facility for emotionally and behaviorally challenged children between the ages of 4 and 13. With state of the art therapies and around the clock nurturing, we help them to rebuilt their lives. Our goal is to reintegrate the children back into their schools, families, and comunities by giving them the tools to cope with their emotional scars. To learn more about Italian Home for Children visit or contact Dee Mullen at


Piccola Italia Preschool

Piccola Italia Preschool (PIP) � un asilo nido di famiglia situato a Newton, MA. PIP � speciale grazie all'enfasi sulla cultura e lingua italiana. Gli insegnanti utilizzano l'approccio di "immersione" dove l'italiano � il metodo d'istruzione. PIP accetta iscrizioni per bambini da 2.9 a 5 anni con opzioni di due, tre, e cinque giorni alla settimana.  

Clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni

Useful information and news


Cari Amici dell'Italia,


con l'approssimarsi della fine dell'anno, io e mia moglie desideriamo innanzitutto fare a Voi e alle Vostre famiglie i migliori auguri di Buone Feste.


Con dicembre giunge a termine la bellissima esperienza dell'Anno della Cultura Italiana negli Stati Uniti e l'Ambasciatore a Washington, Claudio Bisogniero, sara' presente per l'ultimo evento dell'Anno a Boston: IL SEMINARIO CHE LA FONDAZIONE BOCELLI ED IL MIT organizzano il 6 dicembre. Per chi fosse interessato, Vi prego di visitare il sito della conferenza e registrarVi:


Desidero poi attirare la Vostra attenzione sul CONCERTO DI NATALE che il Consolato, gli Amici del Centro Italiano di Cultura ed il Boston Conservatory organizzano il 5 dicembre alle 18:30 alla Chiesa del Sacro Cuore. E' una tradizione che abbiamo avviato lo scorso anno e che spero accolga il Vostro favore. Accorrete numerosi!!!


Per chi e' interessato al SEMINARIO FORMATIVO SULL'IMPRENDITORIA che l'ICE tiene il 5 dicembre presso il Cambridge Innovation Center, potete registrarVi a: 


Quanti di Voi non hanno ancora visto la MADONNA DI SENIGALLIA DI PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA al Museum of Fine Arts, avete tempo sino al 6 gennaio 2014. Vale veramente la pena...


Vi anticipo che il 19 gennaio 2014 la Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras presentera' la TOSCA DI PUCCINI al Sanders Theatre ad Harvard. Proseguendo una collaborazione nata nel 2011, il Consolato contribuira' all'evento.


Seguiteci su FACEBOOK e su TWITTER.

Tanti Auguri a tutti e buona lettura! 

Giuseppe Pastorelli 

 *       *       *


Dear Friends of Italy,

with the holidays fast approaching, my wife and I would like to wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

December brings to a close the Year of Italian Culture in the United States and the Ambassador of Italy in Washington, Claudio Bisogniero, will be attending the last event of the year in Boston:  THE SEMINAR ORGANIZED BY MIT AND THE BOCELLI FOUNDATION  on December 6th.  All those interested are invited to visit the web site to register.


I also draw your attention to the CHRISTMAS CONCERT that has been organized by Consulate, the Friends of the Italian Cultural Center of Boston and the Boston Conservatory on December 5 at 6:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Church. It is a tradition that began last year and we hope that it continues to be a favorite. All are invited!!!


For those who are interested in the SEMINAR ON BUSINESS TRAINING that ICE has organized on December 5th at the Cambridge Innovation Center you may register at:

If you have not had a chance to see the  PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA MADONNA DI SENIGALLIA at the Museum of Fine Arts, it will be there until January 6, 2014. It is truly worth the visit.  

On January 19, 2014, at the Sanders Theatre at Harvard, Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras will present PUCCINI'S TOSCA.  Continuing a collaboration  that began in 2011, the Consulate will partner once again with BYSO.

Follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER.  


Best wishes for Happy Holidays and happy reading!

Giuseppe Pastorelli


Until Thursday December 5 | Kendall Square Cinema | One Kendall Square (at 355 Binney Street) Cambridge, MA 

Gorgeously photographed in Rome and Tuscany, The Great Beauty (La Grande Bellezza) is a dazzling, lyrical and at times surreal dramatic comedy, like a modern day La Dolce Vita. The magnetic Toni Servillo (Il Divo, Gomorrah) plays dapper journalist Jep Gambardella, slick and soulful, who has been a permanent fixture in Rome's literary and social circles since the legendary success of his one and only novel. Armed with a roguish charm, he has seduced his way through the city's lavish night life for decades, but when his 65th birthday coincides with a shock from the past, Jep finds himself unexpectedly taking stock of his life. Turning his cutting wit on himself and his contemporaries, and looking past the extravagant nightclubs, parties and caf�s, Jep discovers Rome in all its glory: a timeless landscape of absurd, exquisite beauty. Directed and co-written by Paolo Sorrentino (This Must Be The Place, Il Divo).  


 For more info please visit 

Until December 5th
Thursday, December 5| 2:30pm-7:45pm | Cambridge Innovation Center, 14th Floor | One Broadway, Cambridge Ma
Discovering Italy's Science & Technology Excellence: Opportunities for Cooperation
click image to open pdf
Italian Trade Commission Seminar Series on Fostering International Entrepreneurship & Innovation

"Discovering Italy's Science & Technology Excellence:

Opportunities for Cooperation"

Please join us for

Panel Discussion - Italian Company Pitches - Italian Food & Networking

This seminar aims to catalyze potential US-Italian partnerships in research and entrepreneurial business development through an educational speaker session and networking event.

  • 2:30 - 3:00pm    Welcome & Registration @ CIC 14th Floor
  • 3:00 - 5:00pm    Seminar: Panel discussion on Italy-USA cooperation, start-ups & internationalization
  • 5:00 - 6:00pm    Discovering Italian Excellence with pitches from 6 visiting Italian hi-tech Companies
  • 6:00 - 7:45pm    Networking session with Venture Cafe on 5th Floor



Speakers will discuss Italian technology transfer, funding mechanisms, Italian-USA cooperation models, Italian research trends and excellence, ways that Italians create start-ups in Boston and Italy, and how Italian companies aim to internationalize. It will finish with pitches from visiting Italian companies.

The seminar is directed towards a target group of active Boston-based researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors with the potential or interest in learning more about Italian research and technology excellence and/or creating an international collaboration with an Italian partner.

For more information on the program, speakers, agenda and timing please see our informational flyer here.  

 * Part of this event occurs at the Venture Cafe located at the Cambridge Innovation Center, One Broadway, 5th Floor. Visitors must comply with Venture Cafe attendance policies (see for more details.)


This event is free and registration is required!
Thursday, December 5 | 6:30 - 7:30pm| Sacred Heart Church, North Square | North End, Boston
click image to see PDF



Friday, December 6 | 8:30am - 5:15pm | Auditorium Kresge at MIT| 48 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge

With the intention of opening dialogue and sharing the results of their work ABF and MIT in Boston have co-organized a 1-day workshop in which names of international excellence in the fields of scientific and technological research and social impact will take part.

The day is to be divided into two parallel workshops devoted to the intervention programs of Andrea Bocelli Foundation: 
Challenges and Break the Barriers; both related to research activity at MIT. 


In the Challenges program, Andrea Bocelli Foundation funds the work of a multi-disciplinary research group at MIT for the creation of a device that allows blind or visually impaired people to achieve greater autonomy especially outdoors and when socialising.

In the Break the Barriers program, the Foundation identifies interventions in the fight against absolute poverty that can be measured by impact and number of lives saved and thus has chosen to collaborate with J-Pal (Jameel Poverty Action Lab) at the MIT, network of researchers who use randomized evaluations to answer critical policy questions in the fight against poverty.




Challenges Workshop: "How neuroscientists and computer scientists seek to understand the functional uses of vision and develop innovative technologies enabling visually impaired people to increase their independence and social inclusion.''

Break the Barriers Workshop: "Empowering Social Programs: the strength of insights and scientific evidence."

The Andrea Bocelli Foundation believes it is important to support both the actions of those who work directly in the field as well as the work of those, such as the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab, who use a scientific approach to assess, measure and direct the impact of the aforementioned actions.


More info:

 Andrea Bocelli Foundation - Via Volterrana 49 - 56030 Lajatico (PI) -



Sunday, December 8 | 2pm | Museum of Fine Arts Boston | 465 Huntington Ave, Boston, Ma
Made In The Shade: Sargent's Watercolors Of Italian Villa Gardens
Join Teresa Carbone, co-curator of "John Singer Sargent Watercolors," and follow Sargent's footsteps through some of Italy's most beautiful and renowned Renaissance and Baroque gardens. See how the artist selected his subjects, where he stood when painting them, and what he surprisingly chose to edit out. 
To order tickets by phone, call 1-800-440-6975; to order in person, visit any MFA ticket desk. 
Ticket Purchase Required 
Sunday, December 8 | 7:30pm | YMCA Theatre |820 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge
Musica di Natale: A Traditional Italian Christmas
Newpoli presents the Christmas Story as told through the folk music of Southern Italy, from shepherd songs of the Appenini Mountains to music from the courts and piazzas of Naples.


Surprise: The first 30 people who after purchasing the concert ticket RSVPs at will be offered a free dance workshop on the traditional tarantellas. 


The workshop will run from 2:30-4 pm at the YMCA Theatre.


Advanced tickets:

Tickets $18

Tuesday, December 10 | 7:00pm | Ryles Jazz Club | 212 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
PIB Winter Concert 2013
click image to open file

Kevin Harris & Steve Langone Duo

Stefano Marchese

Andrea Pejrolo Quintet
Andrea Pejrolo, Bass & Composition
Joe Mulholland, Piano
Rick Dimuzio, Saxophones
Tim Miler, Guitar
Bertram Lehmann, Drum

Saturday, December 14 | 6:00pm - 11:00pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, Ma
Christmas Happy Hour & "Team-Chef" Competition - 2013 Edition
So, what's the best way of enjoying several varieties of the Italian Christmas food? Simple, a potluck event ! 
We provide the venue and you cook your Christmas dish. To make it more challenging, participants will have the opportunity to vote his/her preferred dish and by the end of the night a winner will be crowned as the Best "Team Chef" of the Christmas Happy Hour !

Although this is an Italian dish competition, we encourage internationals to contact one of the organizers below to check whether or not you can fit in one of the existing teams and help the team leader to prepare his chosen dish! However, if you cannot be part of the competition you can still enjoy the Christmas Happy Hour with us buying our $5.00 ticket + $1.27 service fee, which will be used to buy the extra food.
click to open full PDF

Sunday December 15 | 5:00pm - 6:30pm |Dante Alighieri Society| 41 Hampshire street, Cambridge Ma
click on image to open pdf
Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts Invites you to the Coro-Dante Christmas Concert All-Italian Repertoire Chorus of the Dante Alighieri Society Kevin Gali�, M.M., J.D., Director American Premiere of Stanislao Giacomantonio's La Leggenda del Ponte The Legend of the Bridge An Operetta in One Act With the Youth Schola of Our Lady's Parish, Waltham and the Pirandello School Children's Chorus, Boston Plus Traditional Songs and Madrigals Validated parking at Kendall Sq. Cinema Free admission... donations gratefully accepted New members always welcome.

Until January 6, 2014, Lee Gallery (Gallery 154), Museum of Fine Arts Boston

Visiting Masterpiece: Piero della Francesca's Senigallia Madonna - 
An Italian Treasure, Stolen and Recovered


Another visiting masterpiece has arrived as part of the 2013 Year of Italian Culture. Piero della Francesca's 15th-century tempera and oil on panel, the Senigallia Madonna (1470s) is normally on view in the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, in the Ducal Palace of Urbino. This exceptional work by one of the masters of the Renaissance was one of three stolen paintings recovered in 1975 by Italy's famed Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Command (CCHPC), specializing in protection of Italy's cultural heritage on a national and international level. Don't miss this magnificent loan by a fascinating artist.


Above: Piero della Francesca, Senigallia Madonna, about 1474. Oil and tempera on panel. Galleria Nazionale delle Marche / Soprintendenza per i Beni Storici, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici delle Marche / Ministero per I Beni e le Attivit� Culturali. 


Our Visiting Masterpiece was recovered from thieves in 1976 by Italy's famed Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Command. This 18-minute video gives an in-depth view of how this international force protects cultural heritage around the globe.

SAVE THE DATE Sunday, January 19 | 3pm |Sanders Theatre | Harvard University

Puccini Tosca




 Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras' 7th Annual Semi-Staged Opera


Boston Youth Symphony

Federico Cortese, Conductor - Edward Berkeley, Stage Director  


Elizabeth Baldwin, Floria Tosca

Yeghishe Manucharyan, Mario Cavaradossi

Kristopher Irmiter, Baron Scarpia

Gregory Gerbrandt, Cesare Angelotti

Neal Ferreira, Spoletta

Ian Bowling, Sciarrone/ Jailer

Liv Redpath, Shepherd


Handel and Haydn Society Chorus - Boston Children's Chorus - Convivium Musicum

In collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Boston 



Discounted tickets available for Students, BYSO Alumni and Senior Citizens

Click here to order your tickets online or call 617.496.2222

Sanders Theatre at Harvard University is located at 45 Quincy Street, Cambridge


"The performance of a full opera by a youth orchestra is an absolutely remarkable and rare accomplishment of which I am very proud. Opera is a fantastic tool for the musical and personal growth of our students because of the rich and intricate musical and psychological story lines that weave in and out of the music in ways that are not seen in a standard symphony." Federico Cortese, Music Director


Register Now: Summer 2014  (June 24- July 28)
Musica Vesuviana - Italian Music Camp 
Click on image to open brochure
for more information

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201

Fax 617-722-9407 


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