Consolato Generale d'Italia


The newsletter for the lovers of Italian Culture




Chiara Marsoner

Antonio Talarico

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Events in New England
Dante Alighieri Society' Lecture
"Heavenly Imperfections: Galileo's Discovery of Sunspots"
Women of the World
The Regions of Italy: A Culinary Tour
BYSO 56th Season Opening Concert
Second Annual Salvemini Colloquium
Math for industrial innovation, life sciences & environment
Cluster A Cappella
Moira Lo Bianco Trio - Jazz Concert
Italian Film Night with networking reception
Young Women and Men in Renaissance Italy - Matteo Casini
PIB Seminar Series: "Policies on Biomedical Research - Italian and American models"
Piero della Francesca - MFA
New England Contemporary Italian Film Festival
Year of Italian Culture
Join Our Mailing List




Si avvisano tutti i connazionali che dal 26 giugno 2012 tutti i bambini che viaggiano dovranno essere muniti del proprio passaporto.


Si invitano pertanto tutti i genitori che hanno i minori iscritti sul proprio passaporto di contattare il Consolato
[email protected];



Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.


Contatti utili: 


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on the next Newsletter!


The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and

communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.

If you are interested please contact [email protected];  [email protected] with details of the event by the 20th of each month.


La newsletter � un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a [email protected]t;

[email protected]  


Useful information and news


The Italian Home is a residential and day treatment facility for emotionally and behaviorally challenged children between the ages of 4 and 13. With state of the art therapies and around the clock nurturing, we help them to rebuilt their lives. Our goal is to reintegrate the children back into their schools, families, and comunities by giving them the tools to cope with their emotional scars. To learn more about Italian Home for Children visit or contact Dee Mullen at [email protected]


Piccola Italia Preschool

Piccola Italia Preschool (PIP) � un asilo nido di famiglia situato a Newton, MA. PIP � speciale grazie all'enfasi sulla cultura e lingua italiana. Gli insegnanti utilizzano l'approccio di "immersione" dove l'italiano � il metodo d'istruzione. PIP accetta iscrizioni per bambini da 2.9 a 5 anni con opzioni di due, tre, e cinque giorni alla settimana.  

Clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni

Cari Amici dell'Italia,

ottobre e' il mese del retaggio italiano. Celebriamo insieme l'inizio dell'
ITALIAN HERITAGE MONTH, il 1 ottobre alle 10:30 presso la Massachusetts State House. Vi aspetto numerosi.


Su tre eventi di un ricco calendario desidero in particolare attirare la vostra attenzione. Il 4 ottobre vi sara' la  

CONFERENZA INTERNAZIONALE SU GALILEO E LE MACCHIE SOLARI, organizzata insieme all'Universita' di Harvard e al Museo Galileo di Firenze.



Il 16 ottobre si terra' IL SECONDO COLLOQUIO DEDICATO A GAETANO SALVEMINI, che avra' come relatore il prof. Massimo Salvadori, emerito dell'Universita' di Torino. Si tratta di un appuntamento importante per parlare di storia italiana ad Harvard, che si inserisce anche nella Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo.



Infine, il 28 ottobre, insieme i Professionisti Italiani a Boston (PIB) organizziamo l' ANNUALE CONVEGNO SCIENTIFICO, che sara' incentrato sulla ricerca biomedica in Italia e negli Stati Uniti. Da non perdere.


Per un aggiornamento sul CALENDARIO DELL'ANNO DELLA CULTURA, vi allego l'ultima versione.    

Seguiteci su FACEBOOK e su TWITTER e buona lettura a Tutti!


Giuseppe Pastorelli

 *       *       *


Dear Friends of Italy, 


October is the ITALIAN-AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH; Let's celebrate the kick off together on October 1st at the Massachusetts State House at 10:30am.

Out of a rich calendar, I would like to bring to your attention three events in particular. On October 4th there will be the International Conference on "GALILEO AND SUNSPOTS" organized by Harvard University and Museo Galileo in Florence.    

THE SECOND GAETANO SALVEMINI COLLOQUIUM will be held on October 16th, featuring guest speaker Massimo Salvadori, emeritus at the University of Turin. It is an important event to discuss Italian history at Harvard; the Colloquium is also part of the Week of Italian Language in the World.


Lastly, on October 28th, along with the Professional Italians in Boston (PIB) we will organize the ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, focused on biomedical research in Italy and United States. Don't miss it!

Please find attached the updated version of THE YEAR OF ITALIAN CULTURE's CALENDAR.

Follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER and happy reading to all!

Giuseppe Pastorelli



September 13 - 30 | Harvard Film Archive | Carpenter Center | 24 Quincy Street, Cambridge Ma

About the series: 
In the wake of the celebrations of the beginning of cinema's second century and a new millennium, the Harvard Film Archive presents a synoptic look at Italian filmmaking over the last decade. The eleven films in this program reve

This program is presented in partnership with the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and Professionisti Italiani a Boston. Special thanks: Giuseppe Pastorelli, Ubaldo Panitti, Antonio Talarico, Cinzia Del Zoppo - Consulate General of Italy in Boston; Giovanni Abbadessa, Valentina Cecchi - Professionisti Italiani a Boston; Carla Cattani - Cinecitta; Giuliana Bruno - Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Harvard. 
al an important national cinema that continues to renew itself even as it absorbs and honors its past. Throughout the history of cinema, the films of Italy have ranked among the most important and influential, from the groundbreaking epics of the 1910s through postwar neorealism, to the contributions decades later of Bertolucci, Wertmuller and the Taviani Brothers. Today new generations of directors are surveying a country marked by the rise of visual and social technologies, waves of immigration, deep-rooted regional differences, recent political scandals and a sputtering economy. These filmmakers do not make up one school but rather exemplify a number of traditions and styles, from realism to social melodrama to Fellinian grotesquerie, finding inspiration in a resilient culture constantly in dialogue with its own history and traditions while remaining open to the future.
  • Friday September 27 at at 7pm - La Doppia Ora (The double hour)
  • Saturday September 28 at 7pm - Il DIvo 2013AnnoCulturaItaliana
  • Sunday September 29 at 4pm - I Am Love (Io sono l'amore)
  • Monday September 30 at 7pm - Il Divo   
Click the link for more information.
Tuesday, October 1 | 10:30am -12:00pm | Grand Staircase, State House, Boston
click image for more information
Thursday, October 3 | 5:30pm - 7:30pm | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street Cambridge, Ma
Lecture: "The Vatican's Role in the Promulgation of Italy's 1938 Racial Laws"


David Kertzer, the world's foremost historian of Italian Fascism and anti-Semitism, will be delivering his lecture titled "The Vatican's Role in the Promulgation of Italy's 1938 Racial Laws." This lecture relates to Kertzer's much anticipated forthcoming book entitled "The Relationship of Benito Mussolini and Pope Pius XI (1922-1939)."  



Friday, October 4 | 8:30am-4:00pmHarvard University | Riesman Center for Harvard Hillel/Rosovsky Hall Belen Hall | 52 Mount Auburn St. Cambridge, Ma
"Heavenly Imperfections: Galileo's Discovery of Sunspots"

click image to open file

Performance: "The Greatest  Witness" - Theatrical Reflections on the Solar Spots

Featuring students of the American Repertory Theater,  Institute for Advanced Theater Training


Musical Performance: "Galileo's Muse" by Listening to History

5:00 pm at the Science Center, Lecture Hall A, 1 Oxford Street

Seating is limited:


Mario Biagioli - UC Davis School of Law 
Peter Galison - Harvard University 
Paolo Galluzzi - Museo Galileo - Institute and Museum of the History of Science 
Franco Giudice - University of Bergamo
Eileen Reeves - Princeton University
Albert Van Helden - Rice University and University of Utrecht 
Eileen Reeves - Princeton University

Nick Wilding - Georgia State University


Consulate General  of Italy in Boston, Mahindra Humanities Center at Harvard, The Museo Galileo of Florence, Office of the Dean  of Arts and Humanities at Harvard, Mahindra Humanities  Center at Harvard,  Trevi Icos


Friday, October 4 | 7:30pm| Cochran Chapel | 
One Chapel Ave, Andover, Ma



For more information visit:  
October 3-24 | Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street Cambridge, Ma 
The Regions of Italy: A Culinary Tour


This series of classes will be a memorable culinary journey through 6 of the most characteristic and spectacular regions of Italy without the expense of flying there!

Full-length series (6 classes):
October 3 - November 22, 2013  

Thursdays (Th) or Fridays (F): 5:30pm - 9:30pm 

Food is one of Italy's most wonderful cultural contributions to the world, on a par with its unsurpassed art, architecture and other famous innovations. There is no single, monolithic Italian cuisine. Italian food culture is very regional. With a varied geography, and an even more diverse history, Italian cuisine changes, depending on where you are.


Learn how to use common, easy-to-find ingredients to create your own 3-course masterpiece! Six classes introduce the distinct and exciting cuisines of 6 Italian regions. You will cook in a newly equipped kitchen at the Dante Alighieri Society in Kendall Square, Cambridge, and enjoy your meal in intimate and beautiful surroundings. Chef Instructor Angelo Guida, a native of Naples, who previously worked at award-winning restaurants Gusto in Rome and Bocca di Lupoin London, will teach the courses. Chef Guida co-teaches a Food and Culture course in Siena for University of Massachusetts Boston.  Offered in collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts. 


1-day ClassMenuDate
- Suppl� 
- Spaghetti alla carbonara 
- Straccetti alla romana
Oct 3 (Th) or Oct 4 (F)
- Pizzette fritte 
- Spaghetti con i frutti di mare 
- Chiacchere con Sanguinaccio
Oct 10 (Th) or Oct 11 (F)
- Trofie 
- Pesto genovese 
- Caciucco
Oct 24 (Th) or Oct 25 (F)


Sunday, October 13 | 3:00pm | Boston Symphony Hall | Boston, Ma
Federico Cortese conducting Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras
BYSO 56th Season Opening Concert
Boston Youth Symphony, BYSO's premier orchestra

Federico Cortese, Conductor and Music Director  

BRAHMS Symphony No. 3
STRAVINSKY Symphony in Three Movements

Repertory Orchestra
Mark Miller, Conductor
WAGNER Prelude to Die Meistersinger von N�rnberg

Junior Repertory Orchestra
John Holland, Conductor MENDELSSOHN from Symphony No. 5, "Reformation"


Tickets: $20-$30. 

Call Symphony Hall Box Office at 617.266.1200 or online

Wednesday, October 16 | 5:30pm - 7:00pm| Lower Level Conference Room, Center for European Studies - Harvard University | 27 Kirkland Street, Cambridge, Ma
Second Annual Salvemini Colloquium on Italian History and Culture -"Italy 1943-1948: From Catastrophe to Reconstruction" with Prof. Massimo Salvadori


Professor Massimo Salvadori, University of Turin
Discussant: Professor Charles Maier, Leverett Saltonstall Professor of History, Harvard University

Discussant: Professor Silvana Patriarca, Professor of History, Fordham University

Sponsors: Consulate General of Italy in Boston; Cantine Ferrari

This is the 2nd Annual Gaetano Salvemini Colloquium in Italian History and Culture 

This event is part of "La Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo." Celebrate Italian language with swissnex & the Consulate General of Italy:  


Contact: Sarah Delude, [email protected]

Reception to follow in the Atrium




Friday, October 18 | 6:00pm - 9:00pm| Swissnex Boston | 420 Broadway, Cambridge, Ma
Math for industrial innovation, life sciences & environment
Guest Speaker:  Dr. Alfio Quarteroni, Prof. of Mathematics, EPFL
In this presentation we will discuss the role of mathematical modeling in applied sciences, and show several results obtained by using mathematical models in different fields such as medicine, urban planning, industrial innovation, and sports.

Lecture in English

Friday, October 18 |9:00pm| Emmanuel College | 400 Fenway, Boston, Ma
Cluster presents elevated original arrangements and compositions, all a cappella. Covering upbeat 80's remixes and presenting beautifully crafted and complex new songs, Cluster will bring their award-winning sound to locations up and down the east coast.

This fall, X Factor Italy stars, CLUSTER, return to the U.S. for a 2nd tour. One year ago, CLUSTER amazed discerning American audiences at Strathmore in North Bethesda, MD, with inventive vocal jazz and complex harmonic textures combined with a polished, exciting stage show. Headlining the VoCALnation a cappella festival, the show brought a European legend to their U.S. fans live for the first time, and the show left fans begging for more.


Cluster is an all-vocal group founded in Genoa in 2004 by five young students of the Paganini Conservatory. Since then, they have performed concerts in Italy and throughout Europe showcasing their unique style, which combines elements of pop and jazz fusion. Their first album, Cement (2007), is the first disc in Italian history to be awarded 3 CARA nominations (Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards) and it reached the number one spot on iTunes Italia in April 2008. In 2008, they released an EP of tracks performed on the TV show X-Factor. In 2009 they released ''Steps'', a natural evolution from ''Cement'', which demonstrated their artistic  growth. Later in 2009, they released ''Christmas Present'', an ambitious, popular, and innovative project that  received several CARAs in 2010, including the award for Best Christmas Album.


Their latest video, Ti Sento, has already captured serious attention worldwide. Meanwhile, they let audiences in on their sense of humor with their growing series of YouTube's greatest hits which continue to amuse, amaze and entertain. 

Tickets ($10-$15): 


Friday, October 18 | 5:00pm - 9:00pm | Dante Alighieri Society of MA, 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, Ma
Moira Lo Bianco Trio - Jazz Concert 
Dante Alighieri Society of Massachusetts Presents Moira Lo Bianco Trio, featuring Sweden's Bruno Raberg on double bass and Italy's Giuseppe Paradiso on drums, will perform Moira's newly-released album Lunaria. 
Light Refreshments To Follow The Performance. 
Click Here for Details 

For more information, contact[email protected], call 617-876-5160 or visit 
Saturday, October 19 | 5:00pm - 9:00pm | Dante Alighieri Society of MA | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, Ma
Italian Film Night with networking reception 
Organized by the Consulates of Italy and Switzerland together with Dante Alighieri Society 
Films are screened in original version with English subtitles. Free and open to the public. 
5.00 - 6:45: Le conseguenze dell' amore, by Paolo Sorrentino
6: 45 - 7:15: Networking reception with Swiss and Italian delicacies 
7:15 - 8:45: Tutti Giu', by Niccol� Castelli 
For more information, contact[email protected], call 617-876-5160 or visit 
Sunday, October 20 | 5:00pm - 9:00pm | Dante Alighieri Society of MA | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge, Ma
Young Women and Men in Renaissance Italy - Matteo Casini 
Join Matteo Casini at the Dante Alighieri Society in Cambridge to find out what historians have discovered on youth in Italy during one of the most fascinating periods in history.

A lecture on society, culture and art.


For more information, contact[email protected], call 617-876-5160 or visit

Click Here for Details
Monday, October 28 | 6:00pm-9:00pm |
American Academy of Arts and Sciences |
136 Irving St, Cambridge, Ma 
PIB Seminar Series: "Policies on Biomedical Research - Italian and American models"
Following the tradition of an annual event on biotech, the biomedical conference organized by the Italian Consulate and PIB will showcase and discuss analogies and differences between Italian and US models for sustaining and conducting biomedical research.


The panel discussion will draw a parallel between the policies of these two countries and will also cover technical aspects such as regulations, public and private investment models, and potential opportunities for collaborations.

The event aims to provide a unique platform for opinion leaders, government policies makers, academic researchers, industries, and financial institutions. 


Keynote speakers include renowned personalities in the biomedical research such as Ruggero De Maria, Director of 

the Hematology, Oncology and Molecular Medicine Department at the Istituto Superiore di Sanit� in Rome, Silvio Garattini, Founder and Director of the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research and Gary Pisano, Harry E. Figgie Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School.

The conference will feature a presentation by each expert, a panel discussion, followed by an interactive Q&A forum session open to the audience. It will be streamed on line at





  Register here



September 13 - January 6, 2014 | Museum of Fine Arts Boston | 465 Huntington Ave, Boston

One of Piero della Francesca's most remarkable masterpieces is brought to the U.S. thanks to the collaboration with the Comando Carabinieri Tutela Patrimonio Culturale, which works relentlessly to retrieve Italian masterpieces stolen or illicitly removed from the country.
For more information visit 


Fall 2013 - To be held in various colleges and universities within New England


For more information in regards to specific details please contact: 



click to open file

Consulate General of Italy in Boston

Tel. 617-722-9201

Fax 617-722-9407

[email protected] 


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