Chiara Marsoner
Antonio Talarico
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Si avvisano tutti i connazionali che dal 26 giugno 2012 tutti i bambini che viaggiano dovranno essere muniti del proprio passaporto.
Si invitano pertanto tutti i genitori che hanno i minori iscritti sul proprio passaporto di contattare il Consolato ([email protected]; 617.722.9223).
Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.
Contatti utili:
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on the next Newsletter!
The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and
communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.
If you are interested please contact [email protected]; [email protected] with details of the event by the 20th of each month.
La newsletter � un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a [email protected]t;
[email protected]
Useful information and news
The Italian Home is a residential and day treatment facility for emotionally and behaviorally challenged children between the ages of 4 and 13. With state of the art therapies and around the clock nurturing, we help them to rebuilt their lives. Our goal is to reintegrate the children back into their schools, families, and comunities by giving them the tools to cope with their emotional scars. To learn more about Italian Home for Children visit www.italianhome.org or contact Dee Mullen at [email protected]
Piccola Italia Preschool
Piccola Italia Preschool (PIP) � un asilo nido di famiglia situato a Newton, MA. PIP � speciale grazie all'enfasi sulla cultura e lingua italiana. Gli insegnanti utilizzano l'approccio di "immersione" dove l'italiano � il metodo d'istruzione. PIP accetta iscrizioni per bambini da 2.9 a 5 anni con opzioni di due, tre, e cinque giorni alla settimana.
Clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni
Cari Amici dell'Italia,
maggio e' un mese speciale e tanti sono gli eventi legati all'Anno della Cultura Italiana.
Iniziamo con la MOSTRA DEI DISEGNI DI MICHELANGELO provenienti da Casa Buonarroti, che si tiene al Museum of Fine Arts sino al 30 giugno. E' la prima volta di Michelangelo a Boston!
Proseguiamo con la speciale esibizione di elementi di arredo dal nome BARRIQUE - LA TERZA VIA DEL LEGNO, che sara' in esposizione per soli due giorni - 7 e 8 maggio - presso il Comune di Boston. I pezzi sono disegnati da famosi designer e realizzati dai ragazzi della Comunita' di San Patrignano con il legno delle botti di vino.
Attiro poi la vostra attenzione su ITALIANISSIMO! SERATA DI GALA, evento di beneficenza a favore della lingua e della cultura italiana che si svolgera' il 7 giugno alla Boston Public Library. ACQUISTATE SUBITO IL VOSTRO BIGLIETTO: sara' entusiasmante e chi partecipa contribuira' ad una buona causa!
Un'altra data da segnare sul calendario e' l'11 giugno, quando ENRICO RAVA suonera' per la prima volta al Berklee Performance Center. Accorrete numerosi!!!
Seguiteci su facebook e su twitter e buona lettura a Tutti!
Giuseppe Pastorelli
* * *
Dear Friends of Italy:
May is a special month that will feature many events linked to the Year of Italian Culture. We start off with the exhibition dedicated to MICHELANGELO'S MASTER DRAWINGS from the Casa Buonarroti, on show at the Museum of Fine Arts until June 30th. It's Michelangelo's first time in Boston! Following, the exhibition "BARRIQUE - THE THIRD LIFE OF WOOD" will be held, for two days only, May 7th and 8th, at the Boston City Hall. All pieces are conceived by famous designers and then crafted by members of the San Patrignano community using wood derived from used wine barrels.
I would like to highlight ITALIANISSIMO! SERATA DI GALA, the annual fundraiser dedicated to Italian language and culture which will take place at the Boston Public Library on June 7th. BUY YOUR TICKET TODAY: it will be a fascinating event and all participants will contribute to a good cause!
Save the date for ENRICO RAVA's concert on June 11th, performing for the very first time at the Berklee Performance Center. Don't' miss it!!!
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and happy reading to all!
Giuseppe Pastorelli
APR 21 - JUN 30 | Museum of Fine Arts | 465 Huntington Avenue Boston
Exhibition "Michelangelo: Sacred and Profane. Master Drawings from the Casa Buonarroti"
"Michelangelo: Sacred and Profane, Master Drawings from the Casa Buonarroti" features a rich and varied selection of 26 works from the master's collection, preserved in the artist's family home, the Casa Buonarroti, in Florence. The exhibition includes many of Michelangelo's (1475-1564) great renowned drawings, which illustrate how he alternated between interpretations of the divine and the worldly, or profane, throughout his career.
Tuesday May 7 and Wednesday May 8 from 9am to 5pm| Boston City Hall | 1 City Hall Square, Boston
Exhibition Barrique "The Third Life of Wood"
"Barrique - The Third Life of Wood" is collaboration between San Patrignano, an Italian non-profit, and over thirty of the world's leading designers and architects to create high-end furniture and decor using aged European wine barrels. The mission is to teach young adults structure and skills that can be applied to both design and life, while educating them on the importance of sustainability.
Thursday May 9 at 7:00pm|Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
The Dante Alighieri Society will be pleased to enrich the exhibit by organizing an exhibition stand with information of the FAI sites and of the Italian Touring Club. In fact the two scenarios contribute in divulging and preserving some of the most beautiful and wonderful areas of our country Associations of Italian American citizens living in Boston will be involved in this initiative.
The exhibit and all the pertinent material will be donated to the Dante committee of Boston. The material will be lent out to itinerant exhibits in the USA, both in other Dante committees and in Italian Culture Institutes locations.
Saturday, May 11 from 6pm to 9pm | St. Peter's Episcopal Church | 838 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge
Celebrating Giuseppe Verdi's 200th Birthday, the MIT Women's Chorale will also be celebrating its 80th Anniversary Concert on May 11, at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Cambridge.
The event is free and open to the public. A reception will follow the concert.
Sunday May 19 at 5pm|Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street, Cambridge
In Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Giuseppe Verdi, the Coro-Dante Presents an All-Verdi Concert: Nabucco * La Traviata * I due Foscari * The Scottish Play * La Forza del Destino * I Lombardi alla Prima Crociata * Il Trovatore.
The Coro-Dante is directed by Kevin Gali�, JD, MM. It is the Coro of the Dante Alighieri Society. Free and Open to the Public -Validated Parking at Kendall Sq. Cinema
May 20th - June 28th |Scollay Square Gallery and the Mayor's Gallery | Boston City Hall | 1 City Hall Square, Boston, MA
Scollay Square Gallery and the Mayor's Gallery inside Boston City Hall will host Italian artist Franco Azzinari's exhibit, Looking for Hemingway, for more than a month. This exhibit will include ten paintings and drawings along with two video presentations.
The project Looking for Hemingway was born in 2000 during a visit to Cojimar (Cuba) where Azzinari met Gregorio Fuentes, a friend and travel companion of the celebrated writer. Through Fuentes' stories, the artist falls in love with Hemingway's life and during the course of his travels to Cuba, Franco Azzinari creates a series of drawings and paintings, depicting in large part Cojimar, and friends Gregorio Fuentes, Carnero Osvaldo and Pedro, the landscapes and fishermen of the village. These experiences inspired Hemingway to write his novel, The Old Man and the Sea, for which he won the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in literature in 1954.
Among the diverse works on display are paintings and drawings reflecting the writer's trips to Kenya, during which the Masai populations were depicted - including women, children and warriors - Debba, the African woman Hemingway loved, and the African savannah environment with its own fauna.
Two videos show Azzinari's intent to record the fishermen of Cojimar as he talks to them about Hemingway and the typical dance of the Masai people, and the animals native to the area.
For more information on the artistic life and the works of Azzinari, visit the web site, www.francoazzinari.it
Friday June 7 at 7pm, italianissimo! Serata di Gala | Boston Public Library | 700 Boylston St, Boston
italianissimo! Serata di gala
Click to open FULL EVITE
To purchase tickets please visit
SAVE THE DATE:Tuesday June 11 | Berklee College of Music | 1140 Boylston St, Boston
TOP ITALIAN JAZZ - Enrico Rava Tribe feat. Gianluca Petrella
| click image to open file |
Consulate General of Italy in Boston
Tel. 617-722-9201
Fax 617-722-9407
[email protected]