Chiara Marsoner
Antonio Talarico
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Si avvisano tutti i connazionali che dal 26 giugno 2012 tutti i bambini che viaggiano dovranno essere muniti del proprio passaporto.
Si invitano pertanto tutti i genitori che hanno i minori iscritti sul proprio passaporto di contattare il Consolato (passaporti.boston@esteri.it; 617 7229223).
Si informa che sul sito del Consolato e' disponibile il manuale pratico sulla doppia cittadinanza "To be or not to be an Italian citizen? That is the questionnaire!". Nel manuale sono disponibili tutte le informazioni utili per comprendere le modalita' di acquisto, riacquisto e la documentazione necessaria per ottenere la doppia cittadinanza.
Contatti utili:
617 722 9220
617 722 9205
617 722 9220
617 722 9303
STATO CIVILE: statocivile.boston@esteri.it
617 722 9225
617 722 9223
617 722 9225
GENERALE: consgen.boston@esteri.it
on the next Newsletter!
The newsletter aims to be a container of ideas which relies on your inputs and suggestion. We are open to publish and
communicate all events related to Italian artist, productions or themes.
If you are interested please contact consolatogenerale.boston@esteri.it; consgen.boston@esteri.it with details of the event by the 20th of each month.
La newsletter � un contenitore aperto al contributo di ognuno nel segnalarci eventi che includano artisti, opere o contenuti Italiani. Inviateci le informazioni relative all'evento entro il 20 di ogni mese a consolatogenerale.boston@esteri.it;
Useful information and news
Piccola Italia Preschool
Piccola Italia Preschool (PIP) � un asilo nido di famiglia situato a Newton, MA. PIP � speciale grazie all'enfasi sulla cultura e lingua italiana. Gli insegnanti utilizzano l'approccio di "immersione" dove l'italiano � il metodo d'istruzione. PIP accetta iscrizioni per bambini da 2.9 a 5 anni con opzioni di due, tre, e cinque giorni alla settimana. Clicca qui per ulteriori informazioni
Cari Amici dell'Italia, dopo un bellissimo avvio anche a Boston dell'ANNO DELLA CULTURA ITALIANA NEGLI STATI UNITI, con tre prestigiosi eventi, prosegue a febbraio la nostra programmazione, con una particolare attenzione alla musica e al cinema. Vi sottolineo infatti le performances del CANZONIERE GRECANICO SALENTINO e del gruppo WOMEN OF THE WORLD, nonche' la programmazione del film SENSO alla Dante Alighieri. Non mancate poi l'appuntamento di DEGUSTAZIONE DELL'OLIO D'OLIVA che questo Consolato organizza con i Consolati greco ed israeliano. La prenotazione e' obbligatoria.
Vi anticipo anche le date di due eventi importanti che si terranno nell'ambito dell'Anno della Cultura: la rappresentazione di PINOCCHIO da parte di Finazzer Flory l'11 marzo ed il concerto di ENRICO RAVA al Berklee College of Music l'11 giugno.
Permettetemi di segnalarvi nuovamente la nascita della Onlus "AMICI DEL CENTRO ITALIANO DI CULTURA DI BOSTON", che ha l'obiettivo di creare un Centro italiano di Cultura a Boston per promuovere la nostra lingua e cultura e contribuire alla preservazione del retaggio italiano della citta'. Per maggiori informazioni visitate il sito www.ficcb.it.
Un avviso infine riguardo alle prossime ELEZIONI POLITICHE. A ciascun elettore residente nella circoscrizione di Boston il Consolato inviera' per posta, entro il 6 febbraio,un plico elettorale con le schede e le istruzioni. Chi non ricevesse il plico elettorale entro il 10 febbraio potr� recarsi di persona presso il Consolato per verificare la sua posizione elettorale e richiedere eventualmente un duplicato. Seguiteci su FACEBOOK e su TWITTER e buona lettura a Tutti! Giuseppe Pastorelli * * * * * Dear Friends of Italy: After a great start in Boston of the "YEAR OF ITALIAN CULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES" with three prestigious events, we continue our program with a special emphasis on music and cinema. I would like to higlight the performances of CANZONIERE GRECANICO SALENTINO and the group WOMEN OF THE WORLD as well as the screening of SENSO at Dante Alighieri Society. Do not miss the OLIVE OIL TASTING that our Consulate is organizing along with the Greek and Israeli Consulates. Registration is required. Please save the date for two great events that are part of the Year of Italian Culture: the theater play of PINOCCHIO by Finazzer Flory on March 11 and ENRICO RAVA's concert at the Berklee College of Music on June 11. Let me remind you again that the Public Charity "FRIENDS OF THE ITALIAN CULTURAL CENTER OF BOSTON" has been recently formed. It has the objective of promoting Italian language and culture as well as preserving Italian heritage in Boston. For more info please visit www.ficcb.it. Lastly a notice in regards to the upcoming GENERAL ELECTIONS. Eligible Italian citizens residing in the jurisdiction of the Italian Consulate in Boston will be sent a voting package in the mail by February 6, which contains the ballot forms and the instructions on how to vote. In case that you do not receive the above package by February 10, you should contact the Consulate in order to verify your electoral status and, if necessary, request a duplicate. Follow us on FACEBOOK and TWITTER, happy reading to all!
Giuseppe Pastorelli
Check out here pictures and
videos of the Year of Italian Culture's Celebrations:
Verdi's Requiem Boston Symphony Orchestra, Daniele Gatti, Conductor
Verdi's Rigoletto
Boston Youth Symphony Orchestras, Federico Cortese, Conductor
December 21, 2012 - July 14 2013 - RISD Museum | 224 Benefit Street, Providence, RI
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Click image for more info
PROVIDENCE, RI - The Museum of Art Rhode Island School of Design announces an exhibition of beautiful and rarely seen prints and books that provide a glimpse into the extravagant and awe-inspiring festivals of early modern Europe. The Festive City, drawn from the collections of the RISD Museum, the John Hay Library at Brown University, and collector Vincent J. Buonanno, opens on Friday, December 21, 2012 and is on view through Sunday, July 14, 2013.
January 18 - May 1, 2013 - Museum of Fine Arts Boston Gallery 213 | 465 Huntington Avenue Boston
 | Image from Musei Capitolini |
Capitoline Brutus at the MFA
Don't miss your chance to see one of the icons of Roman
art on view in the MFA's Roman Art Gallery only through May 1. The Capitoline "Brutus," a world-famous bronze portrait of a Roman statesman is on loan from the Palazzo dei Conservatori/Capitoline Museum, Rome, for just a short time. The loan of this extraordinary work of art is part of an ongoing partnership between the Museum of Fine Arts and Italy that started with the transfer of thirteen antiquities to Italy in 2006. The head is believed to be of L. Junius Brutus, founder of the Roman Republic, and possibly ancestor to the Brutus who assassinated Caesar. Long associated with liberty-and one of the earliest examples of Western portraiture-this image has been an icon of Roman art since its discovery in the 16th century.
January 29th - February 10th, 2013 at the Paramount Center | 559 Washington St., Boston
Arts Emerson presents
Goldoni's "The Servant of Two Masters"
Identities are mistaken, engagements are broken and lovers are reunited in Carlo Goldoni's commedia dell'arte masterpiece. Mayhem erupts when the wily-and chronically hungry-servant Truffaldino (played by acclaimed actor Steven Epp) hatches a zany scheme to double his wages (and his meals) by serving two masters at once. The virtuosic physical comedy of The Servant of Two Masters is directed by Christopher Bayes, whose hilarious choreography is featured in the hit stage production of Alfred Hitchcock's The 39 Steps.
Tuesday, January 29, 12am - Sunday, February 3, 12am at the Panopticon Gallery | 502c Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA
A View From The Top: Bradford Washburn and Vittorio Sella
Panopticon Gallery in conjunction with the Decaneas Archive are excited to be exhibiting photographs by Bradford Washburn and Vittorio Sella. As climbers and photographers, Washburn and Sella had a love for the land, but there were a few things that were visibly different in many of the images that they captured.
First, Sella's photographs were taken from a stable position on the ground, while Washburn was high above, photographing snow covered peeks through the vantage point of an open aircraft door. Second, besides capturing the majestic images of the Alps, Sella often times included people, whether they were fellow climbers or porters who carried his photography equipment up the mountainsides - Washburn rarely included people in his visas. Vittorio Sella began his photographic career in 1879 walking out his front door to climb and photograph the nearby Alps.
His home was in Biella, Italy, and his camera was an 11x14 large-format field camera through which he captured his earliest images onto wet plate collodion glass negatives. Anchored to the inside of an airplane, Bradford Washburn was equipped with an 8x10 Fairchild aerial camera. He captured majestic landscapes with the resolution and tonality equalling, if not exceeding those of the great masters.
Friday, February 1, 7:30pm at the Dante Alighieri Society | 41 Hampshire Street Cambridge, MA
Dante Alighieri Society presents Visconti's Masterful Film. Venezia, spring of 1866, in the last days of the Austrian occupation. A performance of Il Trovatore ends up in confusion due to an anti-Austrian demonstration, organised by Count Ussoni. His cousin Countess Serpieri falls in love with vile Austrian Lieutenant Franz Mahler, but the times are changing.
Free Admission - Free Parking. Refreshments will be served.
Tuesday, February 5, 7:30pm - 9:00pm at the Center for International Studies, Building E40-496 (Muckley Building), 4th Floor, MIT | 1 Amherst Street, Cambridge, MA
Giovani in Festa nell'Italia del Rinascimento
This event is sponsored and hosted by Il Circolo Italiano. Giovani in Festa nell'Italia del Rinascimento (This is the lecture planned for November 29, 2012 and kindly rescheduled because of a black out).
Matteo Casini ha completato il PhD presso l'universita' "Ca' Foscari" di Venezia e si e' occupato di storia veneziana ed italiana dal Rinascimento al Barocco. Ha lavorato a Venezia, Londra, Firenze, Padova, Washington, Los Angeles e Princeton. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e articoli in riviste e volumi collettanei, e il libro "I gesti del principe" (Venezia 1996). Insegna Storia Globale alla Suffolk University.
Click here for More information
Wednesday February 6, 2013 7:30pm | Dartmouth College Spaulding Auditorium Hopkins center for the Arts | 2 East Wheelock Street Hanover, NH
Thursday February 7, 2013 7:30pm | Johnny D's | 117 Holland Street, Davis Square Somerville, MA
From Italy
Thursday, February 7, 7:30pm
Johnny D's, 17 Holland St., Davis Sq., Somerville, 21+ with a valid ID
$28 $22.40!
From Salento, located in the heel of the Italian boot in Puglia, Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino is leading a new wave of young performers who are reinventing Southern Italy's pizzica taranta traditions. The ancient ritual of pizzica tarantata was said to cure a tarantula's bite with its frenzied trance-dances. Led by violinist and percussionist Mauro Durante, the seven-piece band and the exceptional dancer perform an electrifying, rhythm-driven show full of energy, passion and mystery.
World Music/CRASHarts is happy to offer friends of the Consulate General of Italy a 20% off discount to the performance! Use coupon code: ITALY20 to get $28 tickets for just $22.49!*
For tickets and information visit www.WorldMusic.org or call 617-876-4275
*Special offer details:
Use coupon code ITALY20 to get 20% off your next order. Offer expires Wednesday, February 6, 5pm. Discount is not valid for previously purchased tickets and cannot be combined with any other offer. Handling fees apply. Subject to availability.
To purchase discounted tickets:
ONLINE: www.WorldMusic.org. Select your tickets. Input ITALY20 at the bottom of your shopping cart and click Add Coupon. You instantly save 20% on your order!
BY PHONE: Call World Music/CRASHarts at 617-876-4275 Mon.-Fri. 10am-5pm. Mention ITALY20 to receive your discount.
Friday, February 8, 8pm - 10pm at Sanders Theatre at Harvard University |45 Quincy St, Cambridge, MA
Venice Baroque Orchestra
Andrea Marcon, conductor and harpsichord
F. Geminiani, N. Porpora, F.M.Veracini, A.Vivaldi
Founded in 1997 by Baroque scholar and harpsichordist Andrea Marcon, the Venice Baroque Orchestra is "one of the world's most adventurous and dramatic period instrument ensembles" (NPR). They have toured the globe, thrilling audiences with an electrifying sound full of lively energy and impeccable musicianship. The Venice Baroque Orchestra makes a triumphant return to Boston in a program showcasing Vivaldi concertos that feature dynamic interplay between soloist and ensemble, with additional works by Italian master composers Albinoni, Geminiani, and Veracini.
Free pre-concert talk at 7pm
Click here for more information and tickets
Saturday, February 16, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. M. Steinert & Sons | 162 Boylston Street, Boston, MA
Improvisation workshop for classical pianists
Saturday, February 16, I will be hosting an exclusive piano workshop at M. Steinert & Sons! This workshop is a special opportunity for classical pianists to explore the elements of improvisation. With an emphasis on rhythm, melody and harmony, my goal is to give students a toolkit of techniques for developing their own musical personalities.
Saturday February 23 at MIT | Cambridge, MA
17th European Career Fair
The European Career Fair @ MIT (ECF) is an annual recruiting event, organized by the MIT European Club, that connects employers from Europe with the most talented candidates in the US.
The Fair offers an opportunity to:
- connect European employers with some of the brightest candidates who are interested in a career in Europe
- increase awareness in the US about the opportunities that European research offers
The European Commission has been partnering with ECF since 2007 to promote Europe as a great place to pursue a career in science and technology, be it in industrial research, research organizations, academia or science policy. EU Member States will promote participation by their national research organizations and companies engaged in research. In 2012 EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, M�ire Geoghegan-Quinn visited in person our event. Through the joined effort, the European Career Fair presents the best that Europe has to offer, in all its diversity: public, private, national and international.
Sunday, February 24, 3:00pm Maliotis Cultural Center | 50 Goddard Avenue, Brookline MA 02445
As Smooth As...Olive Oil
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Monday, February 25, 2013 - 8:15pm Berklee Performance Center | 136 Massachusetts AvenueBoston, MA, 02115
Women of the World Present Koloro
Women of the World was born from a dream to bring women musicians from across the globe onto a common creative platform, women who not only work and perform together, but who learn from each other, exploring each other's culture, language, food, and traditions by interacting closely on a daily basis.
Currently a ten-piece all-female ensemble, Women of the World performs a vast and varied repertoire of folk and traditional music in more than 17 of the world's languages. Since their beginnings in 2008, the ensemble has received accolades and collaborated with many industry bigwigs, including Grammy Award-winning vocalist Bobby McFerrin and African vocal icon Angelique Kidjo. With performances at the Blue Note Jazz Club, Carnegie Hall, the Boston Symphony Hall, the Berklee BeanTown Jazz Festival, TEDxBoston, and United Nations events, Women of the World continues to spread the message of peace and unity through music.
For their spring concert, Women of the World will present Koloro, a multi-art production paying tribute to the myriad colors in nature, culture, and life. The word "koloro" (meaning color) was specifically chosen from the language Esperanto, which was created in the late 1800s to foster international peace and understanding as a common language for all. The concert will also showcase a World Peace Choir consisting of more than 50 women musicians from different countries. From lush choral arrangements, to body and mouth percussion, to experimental a cappella works, Koloro promises to be an evening of celebration!
Admission: $8 in advance (discount applied at checkout), $12 day of show, general admission
Buy tickets
November 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013, Contemporary Gallery, Worcester Art Museum | 55 Salisbury Street, Worcester, MA
Jill Slosburg-Ackerman - In Rome:
The Pine Grove And Natura naturans; natura
 | Click for more info |
Jill Slosburg-Ackerman's drawing project, In Rome, was initiated while she was a visiting artist at the American Academy in Rome in 2009. Roman pine cones inspired her initial observational drawings and led her to draw other forms, in particular, the patterned stone floors she encountered in medieval Roman churches. As she explored connections between these two representative forms of nature and civilization, Slosburg-Ackerman's project evolved in ways that expose the fluidity of boundaries between two- and three-dimensional experience, organic and geometric structure, intimate and architectural scale, sculpture and furniture...
This exhibition is supported by the Don and Mary Melville Contemporary Art Fund.
Website Launch
The Public Charity "Friends of the Italian Cultural Center of Boston/FICCB" was founded in December 2012 with the aim of creating a Center of Italian Culture in Boston and, further, to ensure its management and operation. The non-profit organization is registered in The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and has the objective of promoting Italian language and culture as well as preserving Italian heritage in Boston.
Memory Traces: A Collection of Italian Memories of Boston

To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy, the Consulate General of Italy in Boston and the MIT Mobile Experience Lab, in partnership with COMITES (Committee of Italians Abroad) of Boston, has developed Memory Traces: A Collection of Italian Memories of Boston. Boston's Italian community dates back to 1860, when the first immigrants came to the United States seeking better conditions than those of their homeland. For the past 150 years, Italian-Americans have played a prominent role in the city of Boston, having distinguished themselves in various disciplines including business, government, medicine, technology, humanities, and academia. Through geo-located video interviews, the Memory Traces project explores the Italian experience in Boston. These recollections from selected representatives of fi rst generation and American born Italians help preserve their heritage for future generations. The use of new media has enabled this interactive documentary. The Memory Traces project website features the stories overlaid on a map of the city. Stories can be fi ltered by person, time period, and a selection of themes that capture the
http://locast.mit.edu/memorytraces/ messages of the stories. A mobile application provides the opportunity for others to follow these memory trails through the city of Boston.
SAVE THE DATE: Monday March 11 | Strand Theatre, Dorchester Tuesday June 4 | Providence
"Pinocchio, Storia di un Burattino"
Performed by Massimiliano Finazzer Flory
SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday June 11 | Berklee College of Music, Boston
Concert by Enrico Rava and his quintet
Consulate General of Italy in Boston
Tel. 617-722-9201
Fax 617-722-9407