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Inside Eckerd: The Latest News
May 31, 2013 



While there may be fewer bodies on campus this summer, Eckerd's people and programs are finding numerous ways to stay busy. Several students, faculty and alumni will be fulfilling scholarships and fellowships, conducting research, presenting at conferences, volunteering or traveling abroad. Stay tuned for our summer issues which will highlight some of their individual projects.

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Congratulations, 2013 Graduates!


Eckerd College marked a milestone as it celebrated its 50th Commencement held May 19, 2013, on the South Beach field of campus. Under a tent that overflowed with more than 5,000 people, the 394 graduates from the Residential Program and the 130 graduates from the Program for Experienced Learners (PEL) - totaling 524 graduates in all - received their bachelor's degrees in arts and sciences.



The graduates hailed from 36 states and nine countries. The top five majors of this year's graduating class were environmental studies, marine science, biology, psychology and communication. Click here for a complete recap to relive the moments during Commencement weekend.  


Interested in advice and reflections from the day? Read selected remarks by clicking on the speakers' names: 

  • Bill McKibben, environmental activist and main Commencement speaker
  • John Lasseter, creative genius for Pixar and Walt Disney Imagineering and parent of Paul Lasseter '13  
  • Dr. Donald R. Eastman III, president of Eckerd College and main speaker at the Baccalaureate service
  • Elizabeth Tomaselli '13, editor of Eckerd's student newspaper, The Current, and Commencement speaker from the Residential program
  • Daniel Quattlebaum '13, a valued staff member of Raymond James Financial for nearly 20 years, and Commencement speaker from the Program for Experienced Learners
Browse the Eckerd in the News section for media coverage of Commencement



The Pope, Two Presidents and a Prime Minister . . .

What does Eckerd President Dr. Donald Eastman have in common with President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, four members of Congress, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Benedict XVI? Recent remarks penned by each one of them for various occasions are published in the April 2013 issue of Vital Speeches of the Day. Dr. Eastman's remarks, On Science and Shakespeare , were delivered in February at one of the opening events of the James Center for Molecular and Life Sciences. 



Faculty Focus

The quality of intellect and spirit that has made colleges and universities our most cherished institutions is selflessness. The goal of teaching, research, and service, the traditional triad of collegiate missions, is not riches or profit, but enlightenment. Nowhere is this goal more clearly evident at Eckerd College, and nowhere is the life of the mind made more manifest, than in the scholarship and artistic productivity of its faculty.

- President Donald R. Eastman III, President  


Peruse the publication, A Celebration of Scholarship - Eckerd Faculty in Word, Image, & Performance, to learn more about the accomplishments of the Eckerd College faculty during the 2012-2013 year.


Professor of Marine Science and Chemistry David Hastings, Ph.D., is a guest blogger with Climate Solutions, a non-profit based in Seattle, Washington. As a marine geochemist, his research interests focus on marine indicators of past climate change and climate change education. Read his recent entries:

May 16: Why oyster farmers believe in climate change 

May 21: Where has all the warming gone? 


Yolanda Molina-Gavilan, Ph.D., Professor of Spanish, was a featured "Blast from the Past" in the Spring 2012 English Department Newsletter of her first alma mater, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Read her profile (pg. 9) to learn how she developed a greater appreciation for the transformative and transcending nature of literature and language.  



Campus News

2013 Senior Award Recipients Announced 

50th Commencement of Eckerd College - Congratulations, 2013 Graduates!
Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri '00 Credits Eckerd for Professional Success

Eckerd College Featured in The Princeton Review's 2013 Guide to 322 Green Colleges
Environmental Activist Bill McKibben, Pixar Executive John Lasseter Honored at Eckerd College Commencement
Eckerd's Leadership Development Institute Debuts New Assessment Tool to Promote Entrepreneurial Skills
Eckerd Senior Allie Sartori '13 Wins First in Division at St. Anthony's Triathlon
Eckerd in the News


U.S. News & World Report

- Comments by one of Eckerd's 2013 Commencement honorary degree recipients, Pixar executive John Lasseter


Avoiding 'squishers' and other sage advice to the Class of 2013
Tampa Bay Times

- Comments by Eckerd's 2013 Commencement speakers: environmental activist Bill McKibben and Pixar executive John Lasseter


Eckerd College researchers define 'entrepreneurial mindset'
Tampa Bay Business Journal

- Leadership Development Institute debuts its new assessment tool Entrepreneurial Dimensions Profile; comments by LDI Director of Coaching and Feedback Jennifer Hall, Ph.D.


Top of the line in college sailing (Photo feature)
Tampa Bay Times

- Eckerd Sailing co-hosts 2013 College Sailing Spring National Championship


Environmental Activist Bill McKibben speaks at Eckerd College's 2013 Graduation
Creative Loafing Tampa Bay
- Feature story on 2013 Commencement speaker Bill McKibben


At Eckerd College commencement environmentalist Bill McKibben warns of climate catastrophe
WMNF 88.5 FM
- Feature story on 2013 Commencement speaker Bill McKibben


Tampa Bay Times

- Photo of 2013 graduates Lindsey Applebee '13 and Kiva Alvarez '13


Tampa Bay Times
- Eckerd Sailing co-hosts 2013 College Sailing Spring National Championship   


Estes leaving East Lake for Eckerd College softball position
Tampa Tribune, The Suncoast News
- Mike Estes is named assistant softball coach for EC Women Tritons team


Mike Estes leaving East Lake softball, volleyball
Bay News 9
- Mike Estes is named assistant softball coach for EC Women Tritons team


Could Ben Affleck make his next movie in Tampa?
Tampa Bay Times
- Comments by Dennis Lehane '88, author of Live by Night, which is set in Ybor City, Fla.


What's Right with Tampa Bay: Edible Peace Patch
Fox 13 Tampa Bay
- Comments by Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Kent "Kip" Curtis, Ph.D., Paul Amsel '15 and Kelsey Pomerleau '14


Catching fish 'bonus' on special excursion
Bradenton Herald

- Feature on Eric Plage '07


Serving Sarasota's Poor
Sarasota Patch

- Blog post written by PEL student Forest Balderson


How a President Can Rescue, or Ruin, a College's Reputation
The Chronicle of Higher Education


Donald Eastman: On Science and Shakespeare
Vital Speeches of the Day

- Speech by Eckerd President Dr. Donald Eastman that was delivered at the Celebration of Science Fellowship event for the opening of the James Center for Molecular and Life Sciences


Plants take center stage (Photo feature)
Tampa Bay Times

- Photo of EC Garden Club members Eli Kichler '15, Sam Haskell '15, Julia Calder '14, Deb Hilbert '13 and Emily Bornhop '14 at the Green Thumb Festival

Read more 



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Only at Eckerd

Summer Read: Katherine Boo's Behind the Beautiful Forevers


Looking for a good summer read? Pick up Katherine Boo's New York Times bestseller and National Book Award winner Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity, the Human Experience summer reading assignment for first-year students and a Quest for Meaning reading for seniors. This work of narrative nonfiction details life in Annawadi, a makeshift settlement in the shadow of luxury hotels near the Mumbai, India, airport and its residents, who are electric with hope of a prosperous future. 

Katherine Boo
has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 2003, focusing on issues of poverty, opportunity, social and economic policy, and education. She has received a Pulitzer Prize for Public Service, a National Magazine Award for Feature Writing, and a MacArthur "Genius" Award. Behind the Beautiful Forevers is her first book.

As the Class of 1968 Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Ms. Boo will deliver a public lecture the evening of September 12, 2013. 



2013 Pet Graduation: Diplomas and Doggie Treats!

On May 8, Jim Annarelli, Ph.D., Vice-President and Dean for Student Life, held a pet graduation for the furry, fuzzy, scaly and tweety creatures that loved and supported our graduating seniors during their time at Eckerd. Considering Eckerd's Pet Life program is one of the oldest and most respected pets-in-residence programs in the nation, what better way to pay tribute to student's best friend? View photos here  

Where Are They Now?

Jodee Buckley '12

Jamie Eng '99

Ariana Feldberg '99

Ivelin Georgiev '04

Kristen Mitchell '05

James Moore '00

Eric Siegel '10

Amy Stoken '93 



Jodee Buckley '12 announces her second publication, Walking in a Dead Girl's Shoes, a compilation of poetry, ranging from dark to whimsical. Her goal in writing the compilation is to "help others learn to walk in another's shoes; to understand what other people's perspectives are and to be less judgmental as a result." Buckley graduated from PEL in December 2012 and majored in creative writing.


Jamie Eng '99
, a resident at the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine, will be featured in the upcoming medical documentary Code Black. (Watch the trailer!) The film, set to premiere at the Los Angeles International Film Festival June 18, 21 and 22, "follows a group of bright, energetic young doctors as they grapple with the divide between their idealistic expectations and the realities of practicing medicine amidst a complex and overburdened system." Eng was a Ford Scholar at Eckerd and majored in marine science.


Ariana Feldberg '99
, founding laboratory technician at Ideal Dental Laboratory in Aquinnah, Mass., was recently named one of the Top 25 Women in Dentistry by the Dental Products Report. "This is my second career, but I love making a mess," she said. "I love working with my hands, I love being able to create things and help people smile and eat correctly." Feldberg majored in marine biology at Eckerd and spent 12 years working in the field before entering dentistry.


Ivelin Georgiev '04 was the lead author of "Delineating Antibody Recognition in Polyclonal Sera from Patterns of HIV-1 Isolate Neutralization," which was recently published in Science, one of the world's top scientific journals. A graduate of the Donald Laboratory at Duke University before he became a researcher with the National Institutes of Health, Georgiev double majored in mathematics and computer science at Eckerd.


Kristen Mitchell '05 was just announced as the 2013-2014 American Geosciences Institute (AGI) William L. Fisher Congressional Geoscience Fellow. This fellowship offers geoscientists the unique opportunity to spend 12 months in Washington, D.C. working as a staff member in the office of a member of Congress or on a congressional committee. Mitchell was a Fulbright Scholar at Eckerd, majoring in marine science. She recently completed her Ph.D. at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada.


James Moore '00
is currently an Explorer with NOAA's Deepwater Canyons 2013: Pathways to the Abyss expedition. Moore, and the other scientists on the month-long cruise out of Charleston, S.C., will study the biology of Norfolk Canyon, with some sampling in Baltimore Canyon, and explore archaeological targets in and around the Norfolk Canyon area. A marine archaeologist in the Division of Environmental Sciences at the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's national headquarters, he serves as the discipline contact for the agency's studies pertaining to cultural resources. After graduating from Eckerd with a B.S. in marine science, he earned an M.A. in history from East Carolina University and a Ph.D. in oceanography from the University of Rhode Island.



Eric Siegel '10 has received a Rotary Foundation Global Grant Scholarship valued at $30,000. Currently in Barranquilla, Colombia, as a member of the U.S. Peace Corps, he will use his scholarship to pursue a postgraduate college degree in Development Studies at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji, where he will continue his focus on water and sanitation and economic and community development. Eric, who majored in human development and minored in Spanish, has also traveled to Ghana, Mexico, Peru, Honduras and India for various service-learning projects.


The Chicago Regional Office of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) has hired Amy Stoken '93 as Regional Director. "There is a tremendous, pressing need for advocacy on behalf of Israel, the worldwide Jewish community, and universal democratic values," said Stoken. An attorney and active member of Chicago's Jewish and non-profit communities, she majored in American Studies while at Eckerd. Stoken went on to earn a Master's degree in Public Policy from George Washington University and a J.D. from Georgetown University, the latter while working as an aide in the U.S. Supreme Court. After graduating with honors, she clerked for a Federal District Court Judge in Southern California and then worked for two large international law firms.
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