Join us for this year's Bike to Work Day Open House 
Thank you again for being part of Bike to Work Day 2015. Whether you organized a station, coordinated a company team or were a sponsor, you played a vital role in the day's tremendous success. More than 32,000 people participated in last year's event, reinforcing its status as the second-largest event of its kind in the United States.
We hope you're planning to return for Bike to Work Day 2016, on Wednesday, June 22. To kick off this year's event, we'd like to invite you to our Bike to Work Day Open House.
Tuesday, April 5
7 - 11 a.m. and 3 - 6 p.m.
1290 Broadway, Denver, 80203
First Floor
(west side)
Not only will we have refreshments and thank-you gifts, we'll also provide you with materials and hands-on expert assistance so that you leave ready and excited for this year's event. We'll have company coordinator and station organizer toolkits, event posters, station banners and more. You can even swap stories with other station organizers and company coordinators. 

Come by at any time in the morning or afternoon that works best for you, but please RSVP (with session you're attending and the names of anyone else you'll be bringing) so we know how many to plan for.

(If you've already RSVPed, thank you! We look forward to seeing you at the Open House.)

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think may be interested in attending.  
Way to Go Champion Awards
Is there a super commuter in your office? Someone who carpools, bikes or takes transit every day? Or, does your company go above and beyond to make it easy for its employees to commute sustainably?

Let us know by nominating an individual or company for a Way to Go Champion Award.

Hurry! Nominations close on March 18.
Key dates for Bike to Work Day:
April 1
- Business Challenge registration opens for company coordinators
April 1 - Station registration opens for station organizers
May 1 - Participant registration opens