Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Hello Station Organizers!
This week, I'd like to review some advice for lining up sponsors for your station.  The golden rule for securing donations and sponsorships is:  don't be afraid to ask!  If you never ask, you will never receive!

As far as sponsorship solicitation goes, I can boil this advice into three points:

1. Before you knock, know what you want.  Some businesses can easily donate food and beverage for your station (coffee shops, bakeries, restaurants, etc. are in this category).  Other businesses can donate products for prize-drawings, or even provide cash sponsorship.

2. Know what you are willing to offer to donors and sponsors.  Each station can recognize sponsors on its individual station page on the Bike to Work Day website - a good example of this is TheCyclist-Lawyer.com Station. If you are able to offer additional recognition, know what you have to interest a sponsor before you talk to them.  If you know your "metrics," like number of site visits, number of "Likes," number of subscribers, for example, you'll make your case even better. 
3. Leverage your location by targeting nearby businesses.  Do not be afraid to knock on doors over the lunch hour, or after work, and ask local businesses to donate products, or to partner.  Be sure to have a tangible leave-behind, like a flier, with information about your station.  A Bike to Work Day station is a very positive public relations opportunity for local businesses - they can interface with the local customer base, either through product sampling or brand exposure.  Your leave-behind should emphasize why a business would want to be a part of this event, and what they will receive if they donate to or sponsor your station.
Catherine Sanders
303 480-6757

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Missed an earlier email?  All Station Organizer emails are available on the Bike to Work Day website.