Dan Cheatham 3-11-2014

Psalm 119:3 NLT - They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths.

Proverbs 25:26 NLT - If the godly compromise with the wicked, it is like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring....

2 Corinthians 6:17 MSG - So leave the corruption and compromise; leave it for good," says God. "Don't link up with those who will pollute you. I want you all for myself.

Revelation 14:4 MSG - lived without compromise, virgin-fresh before God. Wherever the Lamb went, they followed. They were bought...


IN THE SPIRIT is where I can receive something I've never had before.

IN THE SPIRIT John the Apostle received the Book of Revelation.

It was when Ezekiel got caught up IN THE SPIRIT that he saw awesome things.

When Daniel slipped over IN THE SPIRIT he received incredible visions, messages, and nuggets from The Lord... some things from God that would only take place millenniums in the future!

When Jesus got IN THE SPIRIT he shined on the mount of transfiguration.  Again when Jesus stepped over IN THE SPIRIT he stepped on top of the water and stayed on top of the water and glowed with an aura as he approached the disciples' boat.

When Isaiah was suddenly swept away into the spirit realm, IN THE SPIRIT he saw the activities of spirit-beings and The Lord in heaven.

Philip was caught away IN THE SPIRIT and found preaching in another city immediately after preaching in another region altogether.

In Kingdom affairs, EVERYTHING important occurs IN THE SPIRIT.  A goal of every church service and every time of personal prayer is to avail ourselves to slip over IN THE SPIRIT as much as possible, at least to some degree of heaven and earth touching one another!

Things must first happen IN THE SPIRIT before they can occur on earth,

Jesus' teaching us to pray THY KINGDOM COME, THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN is an appeal for men to get IN THE SPIRIT where Kingdom realities become real in our hearts and real on this earth.  I love it when I get LOST IN PRAYER.  This doesn't happen always, but I love it when it does!

At any time, especially when you are worshipping, praying, or reading your Bible - but really at ANY TIME - God can sweep you off your feet with a vision or visitation or a revelation.  So be OPEN, READY, and YIELDED!  EMBRACE the supernatural... don't be afraid of His power and glory!  If you ask for bread, He is not going to give you a serpent (something false or harmful).

The Bible teaches that when we pray in tongues, IN THE SPIRIT we are speaking secrets with God.  (See 1 Co 14)

We need to pray in tongues MORE not LESS!  The Apostle Paul said so!  I think God is much smarter than many intellectual theologians who've been hoodwinked by cessation theology.  If they don't want to get over into the Spirit realm where they are praying the perfect will of God, that's their choice.  As for me, I want to obey God in this area of my prayer life too.  (See 1 Co 14)

For the life of me I cannot understand why men don't want EVERYTHING God has for them, but only SOME of what
God offers!  This is SO STRANGE to me!  I hate how RELIGION ROBS people of so much God has for them.  I guess I'm just not religious; I just love The Lord and am desperate for ALL HE OFFERS me!