Focus on International Missions!

Focus on Life International Missions  
Girl Weeps
Tears Of Joy & Gratitude

Pastor David James of Nepal is being used of the Lord to shake the nation of Nepal for the glory of God.  Pastor David and his lovely wife Kiran and his family lay down their lives for Christ by winning souls, ministering the miracle healing power of Jesus, planting churches,

overseeing pastors and conducting pastors conferences.  Many of their campaigns have been to untouched cities and regions.  Fearlessly they face danger and persecution in the mighty name of Jesus!  Pray for their deliverance from religious demons, political parties, and all their persecutors.  Speak divine protection over them, their pastors and their churches.


girl healed
Girl Healed - Can Walk Now
Large Crowd
Hungry Crowd Gathers To Hear About Jesus

More than 20% of all the tithes and offerings received by Life International go straight to world missions and helping the poor! Your church "tithes from the tithe, and then some more!"


If we will concentrate on adding Souls to His Kingdom, He will concentrate on adding Saints to our church.

...Dan Cheatham


We continue our LIVING IN THE LAST OF THE LAST DAYS series this coming Sunday.
Beginning July 18th on Monday evenings we will have a brief Bible study and fellowship time at my home, 2932 Eastern Shore Dr SE, Hampton Cove, AL  35763.
From 6:30 to 7:00 PM we will have intense corporate prayer for those who wish to participate.  Then at 7:00 we begin a very brief Bible study (discussion format).  At 7:20 or 7:30 we will break for refreshments and fellowship.  We will dismiss at 8:00 sharp.
Thoughts For The Day:
To survive and thrive in the last of the last days every believer must possess 3 PC's.
Do you own three PC's?
1st PC:  P.astor C.over
2nd PC:  P.rayer C.over
3rd PC:  P.raise C.over
Psalm 100 MSG:
1 On your feet now - applaud God! 2 Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence. 3 Know this: God is God, and God, God. He made us; we didn't make him. We're his people, his well-tended sheep. 4 Enter with the password: "Thank you!" Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank him. Worship him. 5 For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever.
At first we make our decisions, then our decisions make us.  (Author Unknown)
Don't let everyone into the inner sanctum of your heart.  (Don't throw your pearls before the swine.)
Not everyone is qualified to have access to you.
The happiest place in the universe is being in the center of God's will.
The safest place in the universe is being in the center of God's will.
Where God carries you, there he cares for you.
The most prosperous place in the universe for me is in the center of God's Will.
Much Love & Respect,  Dan Cheatham, Lead Pastor 

Copyright 2011, Dr. Dan Cheatham, Life International Church, DCMI, www.LifeInternationalChurch.Com,