Atlantic Coast Conference 
Bulletin Announcements
November 2, 2014

























Thank you! Church Administrators, Church Secretaries, Bulletin Editors and Pastors for the link you provide keeping our members informed and involved in God's Mission near and far.


God bless you!











Conference Related Publications:


 June Kansas City 2015 Convention Newsletter



November Mennonite Education Agency Prayer Publication   



Pastors, Church Administrators and Secretaries, Bulletin Editors:


These bulletin announcements are meant to be a helpful resource for those of you who put your congregations' bulletins together on a weekly basis. If there are ways we could present this information more effectively please don't hesitate to pass on your ideas or give feedback.

Some churches forward the following information and community life announcements to their attenders using email while others post various events in their weekly bulletin, on their church website, or Facebook page. 
Please let us know if there are additional ways we can assist you as we serve together. 

Peace and Laughter,
Brook Musselman
Atlantic Coast Conference Coordinator
(717) 394-8107 

 New Conference Announcements
Thank You! and notes from the weekend's Assembly


A huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped put together this weekend's events and made them run smoothly. Those at Neffsville, Blossom Hill, and Ridgeview Mennonite Churches put in many hours and much energy to make the Annual Assembly Celebration, Leadership Resource Day and Annual Multi-Generational Women's Banquet a success!

After two years of prayer, discussion and discernment, we officially welcomed Frazer Mennonite Church as a full member of Atlantic Coast Conference. Welcome Pastor Brenda Martin Hurst and the Frazer Congregation!

We also said goodbye to Sandy Hill Community Church, as we accepted with regret their request to transfer from ACC to the Alliance of Mennonite Evangelical Churches. Many blessings to Pastors Dale Weaver and David Klingensmith Jr. and the Congregation as you form new relationships and continue serving the Lord in your community.

Mike Farris Concert at Frazer


On November 1 at 7pm,  Frazer is hosting Mike Farris in a concert for our broader community. Mike has a powerful message for all people and especially for the AA community.  Share this invitation with your congregations, as you see fit.  A free will offering will be accepted to deter expenses.

To learn more about Mike and his music, check out his website at  His music is soulful, genuine and filled with grace for all who hear him.  He has a personal testimony of experiencing release from addictions.  He captures the gospel--good news--in a moving and
heart-felt way. 



Weekly Prayer Item


This week, we invite your church to join the conference in praying for 
Hiwet Legeta Church pastor and ACC Executive Committee member Redeat Abebe as she recovers from emergency knee surgery while visiting family in Ethiopia. The surgery was successful and she expects to return home as planned.

Have a prayer request to share with the conference? Email to share.



 Previously Published Conference Announcements
Wanted: help with ACC website 


The ACC office is looking for a few volunteers to help update the conference's website. If you are familiar with WordPress and would enjoy teaching and helping staff to make a few changes or providing occasional support for website issues, please contact Brook Musselman at the ACC office. 



MC USA  and MWC Announcements
MC USA Convention: Kansas City 2015

To help your congregation choose delegates for next summer's MC USA convention in Kansas City, the denomination is distributing this helpful flyer to explain the choosing and responsibilities of congregational delegates. 

Biblical and Theological Resources on Same-Gender Sexuality


The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board and Staff have compiled a list of resources focused on same-gender sexuality for study in small groups and congregations. The list was developed with input from Mennonite church members with diverse perspectives, and seeks to tell stories of the ways people have come to their theological understandings. The list is available online:



MWC Assembly Call for Workshops and Seminars


For our Mennonite World Conference Assembly 2015 we are seeking workshops and seminars that challenge, inspire and unite the church as a global peace church for mission and faithful witness. 


The theme for the Assembly is Walking with God. We are looking for tobics and workshop leaders that reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of our global communion and are interactive, dynamic, and interesting to a broader audience. In addition to the theological and historical workshops, we are particularly interested in including cultural or creative workshops and stories of lived experience.   


Workshop info and application



International Guest House Hosts Needed


The International Guest House in Washington, D.C. needs hosts beginning July 2015 for a one year term.  This ministry of Christian hospitality is operated by Allegheny Mennonite Conference to provide a "home away from home" for DC visitors.  Other volunteers (one month or longer) are also needed.  Volunteers receive room and board; full year volunteers receive stipend and health insurance.  Responsibilities:  welcoming guests, serving breakfast & tea, baking, cleaning, laundry, maintenance. Enjoy sightseeing during free time. Contact: International Guest House (202) 726-5808



Conference Related Ministries
Giving Tuesday


Giving Tuesday: Follow the shopping of Black Friday and Cyber Monday with giving to EMM on Tuesday December 2. Give to make Jesus known. Give early. Give together. Help make a big dent in EMM's end-of-year giving goal, all in one day! Give at


Marriage Encounter for pastors and their spouse


An interdenominational Marriage Encounter "weekend" for just pastors and their spouse will be happening January 22-24, 2015 in Havre de Grace, Maryland.  Starting on Thursday evening and ending Saturdayevening, this is perfect for pastors who need to be with their own congregation on Sunday morning.  The weekend will be hosted by Mennonite & Brethren, Presbyterian, and United Methodist faiths. Visit or call 717-569-5676 for more information or to apply.    



Creating Congregational Cultures of Generosity


Please save the date for a  1 Day Creating Congregational Cultures of Generosity  (CCCG) workshop for 2015 here in the Lancaster market.  It will be Saturday, May 16, 2015.  It will be held at the Lancaster Mennonite Conference meeting rooms at 2160, Lincoln Highway East, right beside the Everence office.  Beryl Jantzi, Everence Director of Stewardship, will be the presenter for this workshop.


Attached is the CCCG overview PDF that you can begin to use to share more about this with your pastors and let them know this is in the works.  We will have room for 10 teams. Any pastor that is interested in having their church participate in this 1 day CCCG should contact me to get on the list. 




Stewardship University 2015: Save the Date!


Saturday, March 7, 2015 at Lancaster Mennonite School


Registration begins at 8 am


You can expect a wide variety of workshops that offer practical, relevant, useful information from a biblical, Christ-centered, Anabaptist approach.


Contact Kevin Nofziger, Everence Church and Member Relations Representative at


Save the Date Flyer 


Lancaster Mennonite Schools



Lancaster Mennonite High School is presenting Arthur Miller's drama, "The Crucible" November 6, 7, and 8 at 7:30 pm each night, with a Saturday matinee at1 pm. Tickets are $5 for students and $8 for adults, and may be reserved by calling the box office at 299-0436, ext. 340.  

Lancaster Mennonite School is hosting a variety of activities on the Lancaster Campus as part of its Fall Festival. On Friday November 14, Hess's Pork Roast is available from 2:30 - 8 pm, and a free music event is planned for 7 pm. Saturday November 15, features an FFA Country Breakfast, 3v3 Basketball Tournament, Iron Bridge 5K Run/Walk, and Benefit Dinner and Auction. Registration is now open for the basketball tournament, 5K Run/Walk and dinner auction. Check  for more information about all these events.



Landis Communities


The November meeting of the Lancaster County Parkinson's Support Group will feature a panel of family members of persons who have the disorder.  The panel will have questions and participate in discussion on the topic, "Dealing with Parkinson's Disease in a Parent." The public meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 17 at 1:45pm. in the Westview Community Room at Landis Homes, 1001 East Oregon Road, Lititz.  Following the meeting will be a time of refreshments and informal discussion. The monthly meetings are designed for education and support for persons diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and their families.  The Lancaster County Parkinson's Support Group meets at Landis Homes the third Monday of each month from March through November. For more information or to receive a brochure about the Lancaster County Parkinson's Support Group persons may make requests to P.O. Box 251, East Petersburg, PA 17520, or call 717-509-5494. 



Eastern Mennonite Seminary:Lancaster Events


Aging in Supportive Community

Instructors: Gerald and Marlene Kaufman
Location:  EMU Lancaster
Dates: Mondays, 7:00pm-9:00pm,  Nov. 3, 10, 17 


Rise of the Nones: Conversations with the Spiritual, but not Religious

Instructor: J. Brian Miller
Location:  Garden Spot Village, New Holland, Pa.
Dates: Wednesdays, 7:00pm-9:30pm,  November 5, 12
Information and to register:  Call Garden Spot Village, (717) 355-6000


The Spirituality of Aging

Instructor: Marcus Smucker
Location:  Souderton Mennonite Homes, Souderton, Pa.
Dates: Tuesday, 8:00am-10:30am, November 11
Information and to register: or (215) 368-4438


Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Relations in Israel and Palestine 

Instructors: Elias George and David Miron
Location:  Parish Resource Center, 633 Community Way, Lancaster, Pa.
Dates: Tuesdays, 7:00pm - 8:45pm, January 13, 20, 27; 

Feb. 3, 10, 17
Information and to register: Call Parish Resource Center,

 (717) 299-1113 



No Longer Alone Ministries

Paths to Discovery Support Group meets the first Thursday of each month, 11am - 12:30 pm, 630 Janet Ave,  Room B103, Lancaster. Paths also has 3 other meeting places and dates in Lancaster. FMI please call 390-4891. 


Nov 6 topic - Practicing good self-care during the holidays

Family Support Group

 meets the 4th Sunday of each month,  3-5pm, at Rossmere Mennonite Church, 741 Janet Ave, Lancaster.  FMI please call 390-4891.


Nov 23 topic: Practicing goof self-care through

the holidays, presented by Bob Musser, NLAM Program Director. Care and Share Groups follow presentation.



Eastern Mennontite Missions Events


EMM's CALLED Retreat

Take two days away to discern your missional call. Jimm and Kaylene Derksen will lead conversations on direction, preparedness, and timing. November 7-8 at MCC's Welcoming Place in Akron, Pa. Learn more and register at or contact Jessica Mueller at 717 898-2251.


Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society:  Events




Opening reception for the Pennsylvania German Folk Art Sale

The annual Pennsylvania German Folk Art Sale kicks off on Friday, November 7 with an opening reception from 6:0-8:30 p.m. Come for craft demonstrations, music and refreshments while browsing the handwork of over twenty-five local artists. The sale continues through December 31 and is held at the Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society headquarters, 2215 Millstream Rd, Lancaster, Pa.



Camp Hebron

 Weekend Getaway at Camp Hebron

Camp Hebron offers a variety of programming in the Fall and Winter months allowing you and your church group to benefit from a weekend to connect with God, nature and each other. Enjoy great speakers, outdoor/indoor activities and much needed rest and relaxation. Register online for: Young Adults Retreat - 12/12-14/14; Jr. High Retreat - 1/30-2/1/15; Women's Retreat - 2/20-22/15. For more information visit, call (717)-896-3441 or email

Atlantic Coast Conference
2257 Old Philadelphia Pike
Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602
717-394-8107 or 800-238-0126