Resources and Advisory Services

An investor that wants to give a BoD a piece of their mind has only a few choices: write a letter, ask to meet, or vote against them at the next annual meeting. All sorts of new ideas for engaging shareholders have emerged recently, none of them compelling. A new company now gives shareholders another option. 


Called iiWisdom, it began its work this month after a couple of years' of planning. In a current blog post, we summarize the idea, suggests some improvements, and encourage investors to participate.

Recent TAI blog posts

You can find other useful resources at the TAI website, including our research on "Effective Activism, on the Cheap", our white paper with the basics on activist investing, and our new guides on exempt solicitationconsent solicitation, and special shareholder meetings. 
For further information, or to discuss a specific turnaround situation, please contact:
Michael R. Levin