Resources and Advisory Services
If you're an investor that wants to turn around an underperforming portfolio company, then TAI is for you.
Management listens to The Activist Investor.

Proxy Access Bylaw Amendment 

or Shareholder Resolution?


This subject may seem a little arcane. It actually concerns a critical decision that an investor wishing to achieve proxy access must make. 


Very simply, should a shareholder propose a specific bylaw amendment, or a resolution? 


We think a bylaw amendment makes more sense in many situations, even though all of the action so far this year has revolved around resolutions. It depends, though, on a number of company-specific factors, including the voting rule for approving bylaw amendments.


We compare and contrast amendments and resolutions, and explain why amendments make sense, in our current blog post.

You can find other useful resources at the TAI website, including our research on "Effective Activism, on the Cheap", the new guide to executive compensation, bibliography of academic research on the returns to activist investing, and our white paper with the basics on activism.
For further information, or to discuss a specific turnaround situation, please contact:
Michael R. Levin