FIRST PRESS an online newsletter April, 2016
From the Associate Pastor
First Presbyterian, St. Andrew's UMC and Oxford-University UMC will partner together for a weekend of service, worship and fellowship April 16-17. Saturday will be a Day of Service. Sign-up today and BE ONE of the many serving as Christ's hands and feet in the Oxford/Lafayette County area. Opportunities include construction projects at Camp Hopewell and Camp Lake Stephens, recreation with the clients at the North Mississippi Regional Center, painting and cleanup at the Boys & Girls Club. There are also opportunities to donate food for the Pantry and Lovepacks or items for Doors of Hope and More than a Meal, as well as opportunities to help set up and serve the fellowship meal on Sunday evening.
Sunday afternoon will offer a time of worship and music at 4:00 pm in the sanctuary of First Presbyterian, followed by a potluck fellowship meal and video of the weekend in the activities center at OUUMC. Volunteers will meet in O-U's activity center at 8:30 Saturday morning for prayer and coffee before going out into the community to serve.
There are many ways to participate in this ecumenical event no matter your age, skill level or physical ability. Even if you plan to be out of town for the weekend, you can still participate. Sign up sheets are available on the bulletin board inside the Education Building, in the UKirk building and the church office OR you can sign up online.
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps: 1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot, 2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on VolunteerSpot) 3. Sign up! Choose your spots - VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Don't miss out on the fun and fellowship or the opportunity to serve and worship with our neighbors.
A Message from the Pastor
Whoa, the mail bag is FULL this month:
Dear John: So there's a new Associate Pastor Nominating Committee in place again. Why is Ann Kelly leaving? Signed, Wondering Wanda
Dear Wanda: Ann is NOT leaving, thanks be to God! Our church has grown so much that, statistically, we are understaffed in the area of ordained clergy and need to add a second associate pastor. The new minister will share general responsibilities with Ann and me (preaching, baptisms, etc.), but will focus upon our large population of young couples and their children. In addition to overseeing children's education (K-6), this individual will coordinate fellowship, education and mission efforts for young adults. A national search, which began in earnest last month, ordinarily takes about a year. But stranger things have happened when the Holy Spirit is in control! While their work is confidential, the APNC will update the congregation on its progress at regular intervals. Please pray for them, and for the individual God has already ordained to become our next associate pastor. Members of the team are Trey Byars (chair), Kathy Neff, Carmille Hovious, Scott Manley, Shae Orrell, Amy Lewis and Tyler Lovelace.
Dear John: And what about a new youth director? How's that going? Wanda's weird sister, Winona
Dear Winona: The Youth Director search team continues to seek a qualified individual to lead our awesome PYF group. They're hoping to have someone is place prior to Howie's departure on May 31 so he can work with him/her to make things more seamless. This will again become a part-time position (20 hours/week) dedicated solely to our kids grades 7th-12th. As for Daniel, he and Katie have found a place to live in Calgary and are looking forward to their Canadian journey. We'll celebrate them both at the FPC Spring Picnic on Saturday, May 21at the farm of Sharron and Harry Alexander.
Dear John: When is the Fellowship Hall going to be finished? We need to be fellowshipin' again. Signed, Patrick Partyman
Dear Patrick: Don't lace your dancing shoes just yet, but things are on schedule. John Abernathy and his crew are working hard to keep the project on schedule. The roof is in the process of being put on (we're putting a new roof on the rest of Fellowship Hall as well...the original is nearly 30 years old). Our target date is on or about June 1, so keep the faith and be looking forward to a beautiful new space for all of us to enjoy.
Dear John: Every time I turn the corner and start down the condiment aisle at Kroger, there stands Ben Pettis, poised to kindly inquire of me why I haven't been in church lately? What gives? Larry Lapsed
Dear Larry: Don't make the mayor of FPC mad...he has a direct pipeline to the Boss. See you Sunday, I'm certain!
May you all know the grace and mercy of our risen Lord this Eastertide.
A friendly reminder from your Finance Ministry Team: Our church needs the payments on your pledges for church operating needs. Dividing the total 2016 budgeted pledges over 12 monthly installments, FPC should have collected $124,570 in pledged income for the first two months of 2016 versus the $107,644 we did collect. This leaves a shortfall of approximately $17,000. While the finance ministry team does recognize and appreciate that circumstances change and also that some members do fulfill their pledges with a one-time gift at year-end, the church still had a total shortfall of pledged income in 2015 of $48,000, which accounts for the 2015 deficit. Expenses for 2015 were well under budget. We, therefore, ask all members to understand the church is relying on each of us to give as we pledged. Thank you!
Summary of Stated Session Meeting
The Session of First Presbyterian Church held its stated monthly meeting on Monday, March 7, 2016, at 5:30 pm in the Session Room. Nine Elders were present. Elders Dorothy Lou Aldridge, Bill Bowlin, Tom Meredith, Walter Nance, Christina Torbert and Mary Glynn Wright were excused.
Ministry Team Check-In:
Children's Christian Education:
Membership and Hospitality:
As of February 29, 2016, year to date revenue was $117,892.57 and expenses were $157,902.43. Expected pledges have not been received, making us approximately $40,000 short at this time.
In preparing the new budget, ministry teams were given the amount they requested, with the exception of the Personnel Ministry Team. They asked for a raise for each member of the staff, but considering we are not meeting our operating budget, it could not be done.
New Business:
1. Melissa Hall and David Shaw were named commissioners to Presbytery and will represent our church at the next two meetings on May 10 and October 11.
General Announcements:
The next Stated Session meeting will be April 11, 2016 at 5:30 pm in the Session Room.
The Lord's Prayer: The Session recited The Lord's Prayer and adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Securing Our Future - Capital Campaign
February, 2016
Total Pledges $ 198,478
Total Contributions Received $ 17,173
Regular Worship Services
8:30 am - Worship with weekly communion
11:00 am - Worship with communion each first Sunday
Nursery Weekly
Lectionary Texts for April
April 3 - Acts 5:27-32; Psalm 118:14-29 or Psalm 150; Revelation 1:4-8; John 20:19-31
April 10 - Acts 9:1-6 (7-20); Psalm 30, Revelation 5:11-14; John 21:1-19 April 17 - Acts 9:36-43; Psalm 23; Revelation 7:9-17; John 10:22-30 April 24 - Acts 11:1-18; Psalm 148; Revelation 21:1-6; John 13:31-35
Sanctuary flower dates...
...are now available April 10, 24, May 1, 8, 29, June 5, 19 and 26.
If you would like to provide flowers in honor or memory of a loved one,
Director of Music/Organist
Lovepacks is an Easy Way to Reach Out!
Children's, PYF & UKirk News
2016 UKirk Haiti Mission Trip Reflections
UKirk's 2016 Haiti mission trip was an overwhelming success. We spent two nights in the capitol city of Port-Au-Prince and four nights in the village of Bongnotte, where we painted FPC's water building, repainted the preschool, taught the preschoolers about our water system, worshipped with the local Christian church and hosted a 3-day soccer tournament with local soccer teams. Here are some brief reflections from some of our student missionaries:
"Going to Haiti was by far one of the best experiences of my life. Who knew that children, who don't even speak the same language as I do, could mean so much to me or could have changed my life the way they have? Haiti opened my eyes to a completely different lifestyle. No matter who you are, whether they've known you forever or never met you before, they embrace and love you like they've known you their entire life. Yes, we might physically have more than Haitians do, but I can honestly say I've never felt more blessed, loved or understood than during my trip to Haiti." - Miranda Bowling, Sophomore, Senatobia, MS
"I look forward to the mission trip to Haiti each year. For me, The trip is more than just a week away from school. It is a time for me to get away from distractions and become closer my friends at Ukirk, my friends I have met in Haiti and God. Haiti is such a special place to me and I hope I am able to return to make a lasting impact. " - Rob Hatcher, Senior, Hernando, MS
"This trip to Haiti meant the world to me. I had never been to a third world country, so it completely gave me a new perspective on life. It taught me not only so many things about myself but also about so many others. It taught me to not take anything for granted and to always put myself in someone else's shoes. I will never forget this life-changing experience." - Ann Turner Troutt, Sophomore, Senatobia, MS
Rev. Howard Dudley Campus Minister UKirk at Ole Miss ukirk.olemiss@gmail.com www.ukirkolemiss.org
PYF Updates the "Lodge"
Thanks to the hard work of the youth pictured above, we have opened up our new youth room to be able to accommodate the size and activities of our youth group. It was sad to see the "bar" go away, but we are excited to have the extra space! With the new space, we will have room to host upcoming meals to honor our confirmands and graduating seniors.
VBS dates have been set for July 18-22, so please mark your calendars and be on the lookout for Sarah McLellan and Taylor Wilkinson, our co-directors, as they seek to find teachers, volunteers and more. Come learn about Joseph's journey from prison to palace with us this summer at First!
Adult Sunday School Offerings
The following classes are available:
The Wired Word -- Discussion revolves around a current news event and its implications for the life of faith. The class meets in the UKirk building with Rev. John Semmes.
Young Adult Class -- Young adults meet in the library of the Education Building to discuss the lives and stories of familiar and not-so-familiar characters in the Bible and how their stories are relevant in our lives. Matthew and Melissa Hall, along with Rev. Ann Kelly, facilitate the discussion. Men's Bible Class I -- Led by Ed Croom, the class meets in the Session Room (upstairs in the Sanctuary building). It is currently studying the Wisdom Literature of Ecclesiastes and Song of Songs using the Westminster Bible Companion Series. Men's Bible Class II -- Members of the class rotate leadership of this Bible study class, which meets in Room 102 of the Sanctuary building. They are currently studying the Book of Matthew. Women of Faith -- Women of various ages share in leading a discussion of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Lamentations each week in the annex building. The Alton Bryant Sunday School Class -- This co-ed Bible study class, under the leadership of Nolan Waller, uses The Present Word curriculum and meets in Conference Room 101 in the church office building.
Hopewell's Annual Open House will be held Sunday, April 3rd from 1-5 pm. This is a great opportunity for new or prospective campers to meet some of the summer staff members, take a tour of camp, ask questions, enjoy some delicious snacks and spend an afternoon at beautiful Camp Hopewell. All are welcome!
Circle Dates
Alma Shaw Circle will meet at 9:45 am, Tuesday, April 19, Fannie Elliott, 919 Old Taylor Road.
Barbara Conlee Mize Circle will meet at 6:00 pm, Wednesday, April 13, Room 101.
Carroll Barr Circle will meet at 6:30 pm, Tuesday, April 19, Nancy Rogers, 1410 South Lamar.
Esther Ethridge Circle will meet at 4:00 pm, Sunday, April 17, Cindy Semmes, 402 Woodland Hills Drive.
Gerry Duvall Circle will meet at 12:00 pm, Tuesday, April 19, Session Room.
Lula Gregory Circle will meet at 9:45 am, Tuesday, April 19, Rosie Cooper, 12 County Road 3070.
PW's Birthday Tea on FPC's April Calendar
All PW members, mark your calendars for our annual Birthday Tea!
This year, we are pleased to announce the tea
will take place on Sunday April 24 at 2:00 pm at Cedar Oaks off
Manor Drive. We will install our new officers, announce our life memberships
and participate in our denomination-wide birthday offering... and cake
will be had by all! Please plan to attend this lovely event.
Thank you all for a great year in the life of our Presbyterian Women fellowship!
Ann DeVoe - PW Moderator
Becki Felts - PW Vice-Moderator
The Prayer Shawl Ministry...
...will meet Monday, April 4 at 1:00 pm in Room 101.
FPC's 4th annual Jerry Warner Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on Saturday, June 4 at the Ole Miss Golf Course with check-in at 7:30 am and a shotgun start at 8:00. The cost is $60 per player with a 2-man scramble format requiring one FPC member in the group. As part of the tournament, donations of canned goods will be made to the Food Pantry. The deadline to sign up is May 9.
Sign Up for Men's Softball
and register today. Paul Hester will notify you of any practices and you'll receive a schedule of games as soon as they are posted by the Oxford Park Commission. Softball games are lots of fun for the whole family! Don't miss the fun! |
News Arrives from Haiti
In a community where people are unaccustomed to buying water, one of the big questions FPC's water team had about the water system was whether or not anyone would actually buy water from the Living Waters for the World system. Dr. Gladys Memnon and our UKirk students both report that people in the community are indeed buying water. In the first two weeks of production, fifty-seven bottles were produced - forty-seven were sold to customers and ten were given away to the preschool or families within the community who could not pay. A flood that occurred shortly after the water building opened for business threatened, but did not harm, the batteries for the system and additional work was needed to protect the batteries from future rainstorms. Continue to pray for our friends and partners in Haiti because this will always be a work in progress.
We extend sympathy to:
Erin Alexander, whose grandmother, Sue Spears, died March 2 in Kentwood, LA.
Doug Sullivan-Gonzalez, whose mother, Frances Elizabeth McClure Sullivan, died March 11, 2016 in Chattanooga, TN.
We extend congratulations to:
Erin and Hayden Alexander on the birth of their daughter, Spears Faulkner Alexander, who was born March 29 in New Albany, MS.
Dr. Keith Mansel, who was selected Teacher of the Year by the Mayo Fellows' Association in the Department of Internal Medicine at Mayo Clinic.
Birthdays and Anniversaries
1 - Ron Wilson, Mary Yurkow, Gavin Eifling
2 - Tony Mize, Mary Cates Williams, Rebecca Morgan
3 - Ben Smith, Brandall Atkinson
4 - Helen Scruggs, Ann Marie Edlin, Susan Meredith
5 - Tommy Cribbs, Sadie Shannon
7 - Matthew Graves, Ron Campbell, Jeffrey Stricklin
8 - Janet Barnes
9 - Clara Hartwell Flautt
10 - Tony Montgomery, Emily Eads, Dunbar Jenkins
11 - Nila Williams, Dee Hobbs, Karen Elliott, John Abernathy, Lucy Thompson
12 - Bob Henson
14 - Emily Stevens, Amanda Hyneman, Michael Goodwiller
15 - Larry Tyler
17 - Diane Lindley, Melissa Logan, Marc Showalter, Mary Helen Carr
19 - Bobbie Shaw, Yung Chow, Robin Geurin, Emily Burton
21 - Spencer Patton
22 - Don Giles, Stanton Spencer, Todd Abbott
23 - Sarah Brooke Bishop
24 - Jay Eads, Graham Sherman, Michael McLellan
25 - Southerlin Rosson
26 - Monte Ochs, Ed Croom
28 - Laura Lovelady
29 - Harry Alexander, Price Walden
30 - Kay Tyler, Shands Orrell, Robert Kennedy, Chadwick Redditt
21 - Haley & Justin Eifling
23 - Cheryl & Keith Hayward
30 - Kathleen & Bradley Mayo
Memorials and Honoraria
~ with gratitude for contributions to First Presbyterian Church ~
In Honor Of:
Mary Edith & George Walker
Betty & George Abdo
First Dates
The Men of the Church meet on Tuesdays at 6:45 am at the Beacon Restaurant. The Worship Ministry Team will meet Monday, April 4 at 5:00 pm in Conference Room 101. The Membership & Hospitality Ministry Team will meet Monday, April 4 at 5:45 pm in the Session Room. The Diaconate will meet Tuesday, April 5 at 5:30 pm in the Session Room. The Property Ministry Team will meet Tuesday, April 5 at 5:30 pm in Conference Room 101. The Mission Ministry Team will meet Thursday, April 7 at 5:30 pm in Conference Room 101. Piecemakers meet each Wednesday at 9:00 am in Conference Room 101 and Saturday, April 9 at 10:30 am at St. Andrew's Methodist Church, 431 N. 16th Street. The Session will meet Monday, April 11 at 5:30 pm in the Session Room. The Book Club will meet Tuesday, April 12 at 1:30 pm in Conference Room 101. This month's book is "Dispatches from Pluto," by Richard Grant. The Adult Education Ministry Team will meet Tuesday, April 12 at 5:15 pm in Conference Room 101.
The Children's Christian Education Ministry Team will meet Thursday, April 21 at 6:00 pm in the Youth Room.
The Dewey Hickman Grief Support Group will meet Tuesday, April 26 at 10:00 am at the home of Fannie Elliott.
Reminder: The April deadline for submissions to First Press is
Tuesday, April 15.
The Session
CLASS of 2016
Maggie Abernathy, Bill Bowlin,
Bette Butler, Melissa Hall, Ernie Williams
CLASS of 2017
Tom Meredith, Walter Nance, David Shaw,
Christina Torbert, Mary Glynn Wright (Clerk)
CLASS of 2018
Darren Ashmore, Dorothy Lou Aldridge,
Jane Lyle Byars, Paul Chiniche, Kathryn Hill
The Diaconate
CLASS of 2016 Betty Abdo, Sarah Brooke Bishop, Anna Ruth Kesler, Tony Mize, Gale Gurner
CLASS OF 2017 Kevin Christian, Catie Hester, Laura Montgomery, Diane Scruggs, Cliff Smith
CLASS OF 2015 Whitney Bolen, Julie Chadwick, James Day Teresa Flautt, Gale Gurner (Class of 2016) JoAnne Oliver